DDM Starter sets?

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Wraith-Hunter said:
Do the DDM starter sets have enough for 2 people to play or would you need 2 starter sets?
They have the maps and the rules, and 12 figures. I think you're guarenteed a Commander also, but there's only 1 rare. You couldn't fill out a standard game, but could probably have enough figures to field a smaller match. Otherwise you can get away with extra boosters...


Even two starter sets may not be enough to play a constructed game, really. For a sealed game, two boosters are generally enough (per person), but you need the starter for the maps and such. Thus, the best combo (again, for a sealed and not constructed game) is one booster + one starter per player.


Sammael has the right of it. If you want to go as cheaply as possible for two players, You can do 1 Starter + 3 Boosters. It's not that much more expensive to do 1 Starter + 1 Booster per player... and will be a better experience overall.

In Sealed play, you don't worry about factions... just build the best 200 Point Warband you can with the available pieces.

Once you have the maps, you can continue playing sealed with 2 Boosters per player. If you have any deep questions about DDM, you might also try the Hordelings (my current favorite) or Maxminis forums.


What's the difference between a sealed and constructed game?

I've never played CCG's or the D&D Skirmish game (despite now having about 500 pieces of plasticrack) so I'm a little unfamiliar with the terms.

Is a sealed game where you get a couple of boosters and then play matches with a team based around what you got in the boosters while a constructed game is making a team out of all of the minis that you own (limited to x points of course)?

Olaf the Stout

Lalato, I've been on the maxminis boards a bit lately. Is there some sort of animosity between Hordelings and maxminis? Why are there 2 boards doing basically the same thing? Wouldn't 1 be better so that people can access as many traders as possible instead of having to post the same things to 2 thread?

Olaf the Stout


Olaf the Stout said:
What's the difference between a sealed and constructed game?

I've never played CCG's or the D&D Skirmish game (despite now having about 500 pieces of plasticrack) so I'm a little unfamiliar with the terms.

Is a sealed game where you get a couple of boosters and then play matches with a team based around what you got in the boosters while a constructed game is making a team out of all of the minis that you own (limited to x points of course)?

Olaf the Stout

Olaf, you've hit the nail on the head. Sealed and Constructed are exactly as you described. There are two types of Sealed play, Limited and Draft. Limited is when you build a warband based on the two boosters you opened. Draft, is a bit more complicated, each player opens a booster and then Picks the first piece, the other player(s) then pick a piece. This continues until all the pieces are picked.

Constructed also has two major formats. 200 Point is the standard format. 500 Point, or Epic, is the other format. As you can imagine, the points refer to the points noted for each individual figure. There is a limit of 8 figures per warband (though there are ways to get around this limit).

Lalato, I've been on the maxminis boards a bit lately. Is there some sort of animosity between Hordelings and maxminis? Why are there 2 boards doing basically the same thing? Wouldn't 1 be better so that people can access as many traders as possible instead of having to post the same things to 2 thread?

Good question. It's a long story, but here's my best attempt at a short version. In the beginning there was Maxminis. Merric, a fellow ENWorld member (and Aussie), was the moderator. All was right with the world. Maxminis grew and grew. Merric, however, was not the owner of Maxminis... just the moderator. The owner just set everything up... and let it ride.

Somewhere along the way, Hordelings popped up, mostly because the founder is a web programmer, and wanted to make his own site. Hordelings had some nice features, some better than Maxminis, some worse... but since there was competition between the two sites, it had the effect of causing improvements at both.

Fast forward a couple of years... The owner of Maxminis, comes back and starts to make changes... changes that caused a lot of upheaval on the site. This caused a large group of people to switch to Hordelings (myself included). I still check Maxminis, but I don't post there with any regularity, and I don't have any problems recommending the site to people. For me, however, Hordelings is a better community. Just as with ENWorld, things feel a bit more civil at Hordelings.

So... yes, there are still a few people that feel some resentment about the split up of the Maxminis community. I'm not one of them... though as you can see, I do have my preference. :)

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