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DDO is dead!

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1) I hate Ebberon, it's dead, no "soul", so that was a bad start.
2) In built voice made a HUGE difference! faster, more fun, actually "meeting" folk in a more recognizable manner was superb.
3) Dungeons, basic gameplay deisgn is excellent.
4) Turbone made a TOTAL mess otherwise.
6) Grossly too much/powerful loot, ugh. I like high magic in Spelljammer etc, but "vorpal swords for everyone" is STUPID! :(
7) Mobs hit points and savesa re through the roof, skill DCS are crazy, forcing folk into munchkin builds to be able to do stuff, which is so very bad.
8) They added "Enhancements"..worst...idea...EVER. Adde dmore pwoer to players, so mobs were beefed up...you get the idea, nuclear arms race a 3rd year DM learns to avoid, for pity's sake!
9) Turbine need sshot for putting out so little content, it's beeyond a joke, 4-8 dungeons a MONTH. Hello, we go through that in 1 week!

All in all it's basically a very good game, but Tubine made a mess of it :(


First Post
I wanted to love DDO, but there were too many problems with it that i couldnt get to grips with.

1, Eberron. In and of itself not too bad, as much as I would have prefered a different setting.

2, Set confined in a city: When I play an MMO I want freedom to explore and adventure. Very restrictive.

3, The races: They didnt even finish the basic set before they came out with Drow for the Drizzt fanboys. And really.. there was nothing for all of us who like to play non human-like races. I wanted something like.. Kobolds. I would have adored Kobolds! And in Eberron it kinda works too.

4, I didnt feel like a Hero. I was on a Kobold Genocide (and i love Kobolds). I felt like a villain really.. in some of the quests you were walking into the private homes of law abiding Kobolds to either kill them to take back something they legally bought because the merchant wants to sell ir on or.. you heard about the home of some Kobolds who had something and you decided to go, murder them and their friends and steal it? Sorry. I would have lost my Paladinhood. Thats not heroic at all.

5, The deviation from the D&D system. I'm sorry but they advertised it as D&D, what we were given wasnt D&D. It just had a few.. D&Dish.. references and spell names.

6, Worst of all.. the party reliance on certain classes. I couldnt play most times. When I got a good group with a healer then all fine and dandy. Wasnt always the case.. after sitting there for two hours LFG for the second day running I just left. Cancelled my subscription, havent thought about it too much since.



So I'm guessing that there will be no changes to DDO with the release of 4E. With only 5 servers, groups are easier for the most part, but I'm wondering if content and other input will slacken.

Green Knight

First Post
I played DDO for a while, but I also got sick of it after a while. A couple of my complaints...

1) There's nothing wrong with Eberron as a setting, but if they're gonna make a D&D MMORPG, then it really should've been set in a setting which is more quintessentially D&D, like Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms. I don't know about anyone else, but when I think of D&D, Eberron isn't what my mind comes up with. It feels a bit to sci-fi, what with the Warforged and all.

2) Setting everything in just the one city. It felt claustrophobic. Like playing World of Warcraft in just Stormwind. Sure, it's bigger then Stormwind, but the game world is nowhere near as big as WoW. Not to mention that all the wildernesses were instances, which also made it feel lonely. You never ran across anyone else, there.

3) I didn't like the lack of mounts/pets/etc. A Druid's and Ranger's Animal Companions are pretty important things, as is the Wizard and Sorcerer's Familiar, and the Paladin's Special Mount, yet none of these were in the game. I wanted to see Druids padding around with a whole menagerie of animals behind them, but no such luck. And of course, thanks to the claustrophobic nature of the game world, there really wasn't much of a use for mounts, which would've been nice. Not to mention mounted combat. They could've done something which most other MMO's, as far as I know, don't have. Mounted combat. But they decided to pass the buck on that one (Fortunately Age of Conan will deliver in that regard).

4) It would've been nice if it allowed more solo play. When I first started playing, it was great for solo play. But as I started levelling, it was harder and harder finding a quest that I could successfully solo. I don't mind teaming, but I don't like feeling like I have to team in order to progress in the game. Because if I can't find a team, then I'm stuck, and unable to do anything else in the game until I do find a game. If a DM wanted to, he could run a one player campaign. I'd like the same in D&D Online. Have a real option for solo play in all levels.

5) The avatars weren't as detailed as I would've liked. I was looking forward to getting my first magic cloak, but you can imagine my disappointment when I finally got one only to find out that cloaks don't appear on the character. Neither do any magic boots, gloves, belts, or anything else your character wears. The only thing that appears is his armor, helmet, and weapons. That's it. While I like that the weapons look a lot more realistic and reasonable than the weapons in WoW, they could really do to take a page from WoW and model all those items so that they appear on the character, as they do on WoW characters, where even Bracers show up on the character, nevermind Boots, Gloves, etc. Oh yeah, and options for regular clothing would've been nice, too. Mundane cloaks, shirts, boots, etc, would've all been nice.

6) It also would've been nice if they'd found a use for Detect Evil. I want to see how that power would look like. How does the Paladin see people when he uses Detect Evil? That's a question that could've been answered had they done something with Detect Evil and similar Detect Alignment powers, but instead, they decided to just skip over that stuff (Even though they did include Alignment).

7) Where were the Prestige Classes?

There were some good things about it, like built-in voice chat, and more intelligent monsters who don't run at you in a straight line and just stand there. But overall, I thought it was a pretty disappointing experience. If it were up to me, they'd make a new DDO, and this time base it around Forgotten Realms. It'd include the following:

- Expansive game world which stretches from Waterdeep to the Vast. Zones would include: Waterdeep, Undermountain, The North, The Silver Marches, Silverymoon, The High Forest, Anauroch, The City of Shade, The Western Heartlands, Cormyr, Suzail, The Dalelands, Shadowdale, Myth Drannor, Sembia, The Ride, The Moonsea, Zhentil Keep, The Vast, Raven's Bluff. As they expanded, they'd add more areas like the Moonshaes and Evermeet, as well as adding in more cities, like Tantras, Mithral Hall, and so on.

- With an expansive and wide-open game world, they've have mounts so people can better get around the world. The mounts would range from horses, warponies, and riding dogs, to griffons, dire lions, pegasi, and unicorns. With horses and the like being relatively easy to procure, while the rarer animals are a bit harder to get, especially the flying mounts (With the exception of classes like the Paladin, which would simply be able to designate such mounts as their Special Mount). Mounted combat would also be included, from mounted melee to mounted archery, and we'd also have lances and the like. We'd be able to give our mounts barding and other protection, and they'd function as a pet and fight when mounted or dismounted (Not in all cases. Only with some mounts, like Warhorses. Riding Horses and Ponies wouldn't fight), but of course, you run the risk of them getting killed and having to get a new mount.

- There'd be roving monsters in all the zones, so not all encounters would be restricted to only instances.

- Avatars would be more indepth, like WoW, showing all the various articles of clothing you're wearing, from cloaks and tabards, to boots, gloves, bracers, belts, and so on. There'd also be an option for changing the physique of the player, to make them short or tall, skinny or fat, as well as a lot more options for modelling the face and hair then what WoW provides.

- Aside from mounts, there'd be other pets, like Familiars and Animal Companions.

- Prestige Classes would be included, including setting specific ones.

- Crafting would be included from the start. So Wizards/Sorcerers would be able to start making Potions and Scrolls pretty much from the word go.

- There would be in-game games, like going to a tavern and playing Three-Dragon Ante, or Dragon Dice with other bar patrons.

- Every instance would scale up or down depending on the strength of the players taking it on. So if there's a group of six, then it'd be a fair challenge for them. But against a group of three, it'd scale down to be a more appropriate challenge for them. And it'd scale down even further when it's just one player soloing it.

- Players would have the option of playing any alignment, from Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil, and PVP would be allowed, although there'd be an option for players to avoid PVPing if they don't like it. Either by making PVP servers or giving a player the option to turn PVP on or off at will. Players would also be able to join both good and evil organizations, like the Harpers or the Zhentarim (Possibly through Prestige Classes and the like).

Just a couple of ideas, of course. One can only hope, though, that they one day do release a good D&D MMO.


Well, I'm still plugging away on DDO. I gave WoW another spin, as well as a little of Guild Wars. I came back as I have already forged my way through Stormreach and environs and I know my way around without problems. I forgot that I like to steal some of the things out of the game for my own PnP game too.

I agree that Stormreach is pretty much a locked location. Even EQ2 knew that they should provide a second cool setting at the start, but I think with Stormreach the idea was to keep building upon what was already there as a city, and have separate sub-zone towns with zones of their own too. Some of the problem is I can't just walk across a wilderness zone to get to it, I just talk to someone and they take me there. Even with the one adventure where you have to fight to defend the caravan in order to get to the zone doesn't encompass the feel and commitment of traveling. Imagine... wandering monsters to stir up your little jaunt from Stormreach to Gianthold...

I agree that I would have gone with a different setting for DDO, but Eberron was the big push. Now that FR is going to be the first to go into 4E, I am glad that Eberron and the rest of Keith Bakers goofy ideas are staying in 3.5 for a while.

The problem not really solved by the server merge has been ease of gathering a party at low-mid level. Though I haven't kept track, it seems most postings are running in the 10+ levels again. I hope that Turbine decides to give accounts more characters more easily to keep players interested in starting new PCs to keep the population across levels a little more even.


First Post
DDO is dead? You mean... it was alive at one point?

I was in the beta, and I nearly cried. The only thing that was really D&D in it... was the name. I was so looking forward to it, but the ultimate result... ugh... *goes to dust off Baldur's Gate*


AKM said:
DDO is dead? You mean... it was alive at one point?

I was in the beta, and I nearly cried. The only thing that was really D&D in it... was the name. I was so looking forward to it, but the ultimate result... ugh... *goes to dust off Baldur's Gate*

Well, there was Baldur's gate that had nearly everything, but even then there was dissent because you couldn't do *anything*. DDO is live, real-time action, and translating that from a turn-based game can't be easy.

Perhaps Age of Conan will be an experience point buy system, allowing you to mingle sorcery with swords...

MarauderX said:
DDO is live, real-time action, and translating that from a turn-based game can't be easy.
...Nor is it even a GOOD IDEA.

D&D is a turn-based game. Making it into an MMO or RTS could result in a decent game - but NOT a decent D&D game. Not ever. JMO


First Post
I met one a former Turbine devloper at Gen Con a few weeks ago, here's what he said..."Turbine tried to self finance the project and ran into financial issues (didn't put enough money into the project). DDO was rushed along (the just got it out there before there was enough content) was too fast. They butchered the essence of D&D by having non-D&D er's make/develop the game." He also felt that D&D would make a come back at some point to the mmo arena with something different when DDO died.

For those of you that haven't played the game, it really is beautiful to look at (visually) and Eberron could be a excellent setting, but there were probably too many hurdles for this game to overcome.

Voidrunner's Codex

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