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Dead Legends


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As the area ripples with magic, a pair of scintillating, black, curved, 8ft long blades materialize in Hanshu's hands as he rises to 15ft off the ground. The seemingly decorative silver hands on his bracers come alive, taking the second position on the hilt of each sword. The shield on his back swings around to his front without him touching it at all, floating within a couple feat of him.

His eyebrow is getting quite a workout as it raises yet again, since Kayla just knows who this woman is. So he flips out a thin hook on each side of his belt and sets a large katana into each one, where they glide elegantly out from under the bottom of his long cloak. "Well then, shall we retire to the comforts of the young lady's magical lodge and have some formal introductions then? This has been quite the eventful morning thus far. Ladies?" With a graceful bow and sweep of his hand, indicating the ladies should by all means go first, giving each in turn a gentle if pointed smile.

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"None of us admit to knowing those things," Omega droned. "Though we have not had time to speak freely. Come inside if you wish."

The construct turned and prowled into the Hidden Lodge, its body moving with fluidity that belied its metal construction.


First Post
Ishasha is not keen to proceed the vampire and demon. However, as the newcomer she realises that some compromises are necessary. Especially, as she needs to find out what is going on. So she accompanies the construct into the lodge.


"indeed, once we're inside, safe from any prying eyes that may wander this way, we can share what we know. For now, my name is Kayla Elzmyr"
[sblock=Knowledge Arcana or History DC 15+17=32]
Elzmyr is the name of a family of powerful magi and Dragons stretching back thousands of years. They are renowned for being good natured but unorthodox.
[sblock=Knowledge Arcana/History DC 30+20=50]
The Patron of the Elzmyr clan was a human mage who ascended into Dragonhood, becoming a Silver Wyrm and eventually attaining lesser divinity.
Kayla leads the way into the house, humming a short tune as she does.

The tune Kayla hums is actually the password to the alarm spell linked to the lodge, allowing them entry without setting it off.
Will wait for Neph/Albedo to post their presence/absence and responses before beginning the exposition/Introductions.

Also realized I could includ some knowledge checks about the Elzmyr line, which is 5000 years old, so anybody younger than that may have heard of them.
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First Post
Wonderful, Shahaza meets the gaze of the new arrvial, another one who looks ready to kill me. She greets the woman, smiling slightly while entering the lodge with the unconscious body of the officer "Ishasha, such a lovely name. Welcome back to the world of the living."

In the house.

"I am Shahaza, known under many names."*"After emerging from the primordial Abyss, living for aeon-long lifetimes in a dozen demonic forms I served for some millennia as the general of Lord Ozhâad before ascending to the status of Demon Queen of the 1351st for a few brief centuries. Betrayed, killed and resurrected, I now exist at the whim of our unknown benefactor." She settles back into her coils and smiles disarmingly. "So, now you know everything you need to know about me."

"Now, just give me a few minutes and I'll find out what we need to know from this little worm." She looks at her prisoner and reaches into her bag, producing a Cephalometer. Attaching it to the head of the officer she starts to probe his mind.

ooc: subdued, he is unable to resist her questions. No save no SR.

"Who are you?
What do you want?
Who is your King?
How does your government function?
How are the armed forces organized?
Who are the most powerful people in this country?
What else do you know about your country?
What do you know about the world?
How meddlesome are the Gods of this world?"

ooc: Anyone have suggestions for questions she could ask him?

[Sblock=knowledge the planes 30]
Shahaza of the Still Waters
Shahaza the Devilhearted
The Faithful One

[Sblock=knowledge the planes 40]

The Undamned
The Breaker of Anhad
Shahaza of the Gates
Shahaza the Betrayer

Cephalometer (Illithid)
This psionically empowered caliper measures a creature's head size via two inwardly curved, iron projections. These projections are connected at one end with a bolt that allows them to open or close. In addition, the caliper wielder can use dominate person and feeblemind (DC 17) each once per day on any willing or subdued creature whose head is between the projections. Fitting the calipers to a subject's head provokes an attack of opportunity.
In addition to the two powers noted above, a cephalometer applied to the head of a willing or subdued subject can conduct a mind probe once per day for up to 10 minutes. All the subject's memories and knowledge are accessible, from memories deep below the surface to those that are easily called to mind. The wielder can telepathically pose one question, and the caliper extracts the answer from the subject's brain and relays it directly to the wielder's mind. These answers are to the best of the subject's knowledge. The wielder and the subject do not need to speak the same language, though less intelligent creatures may yield only appropriate visual images in answer to questions. The cephalometer may be used to probe a sleeping subject, though the subject may attempt a DC 17 Will save to wake after each question. Creatures protected by mind blank or those that are not affected by mind-affecting effects are immune to this mind probing.
Moderate enchantment and divination; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item or Craft Universal Item, dominate person, feeblemind; Price 36,450 gp; Weight 1 lb.
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First Post
Dizzy waits at the corner of the lodge watching as the others go about trying to discover some information about what is going on. Its moments like these she sometimes laments that her only real skill set is hunting and destroying evil.

Dharuhk Svahre

First Post
Kayla's investigation of the scroll surprisingly tuns up no results. Meanwhile, Shahaza questions there prisoner.

"I am Dramon"
"I want to be king"
"The king is Roland Dalorn"
"The Scroll of Law"
"The Scroll of Law"
"Roland Dalorn and his kin"

As Shahaza asks the seventh question, Dramon begins going on an exacting tyraid of every little thing he knows about his country, every piece of gossip about people who live in the country, every mundane agriculteral report and so forth. The rant does not end anytime soon.

OOC: You may want to be a little more specific next time.


First Post
"I was not given a name by my makers," the construct reports placidly. "I am their vendetta. Their final act of vengeance upon those who slew them. Those who fled before me in battle to tell others of my coming called me Omega. The Ending."

It paused, then added, "I no longer know if that name suits me, but I have no other."


First Post
"Enough of that," she interrupts his rant, pinching the ends of the cerebromancer into his temples light enough not to draw blood. "Let's continue."
"What is the item that was recently taken from you?"
"How is it used?"
"What is the Scroll of Law, specifically?"
"What do you know of me?"
"What do you know of the other legendary beings who recently arrived on this world?"
"Did you know of our arrival beforehand?"
"Did you know something important would happen in the village we arrived in?"
"How did you know?"
"Which items on your body are of value?"
"What are they and how can their magical power be unlocked?"
"Who are the enemies of Rolan Dalorn?"
"How would you make yourself king?"
"Do the Gods meddle in the affairs of this world?"
"What do you fear?"
"Who do you love?"
"What reason do I have for keeping you alive?"
"What fate do you believe you deserve?"

ooc: and that's the ten minutes, I suppose.
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"How odd, I had thought this scroll had something to do with the protections he had upon him, but I can find no power in it."
Kayla frowns over at the Calipers, recognizing the wicked contraption.

[sblock=ooc]Don't forget he gets a DC17 will save to wake up after each question[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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