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House Millithor in the WOTC adventure City of the Spider Queen

The following characters are based on the Menzoberranzan boxed set:

Matron Mother Ki’Willis Millithor, Priestess of Lloth (filled)
Narcelia Millithor, Elder Daughter, Priestess of Lloth (filled)
Carcelen Millithor, Second Daughter, Priestess of Lloth (filled)
Krecil Treak, House Patron, Rogue/Wizard (filled)
Marckarius Millithor, Elderboy, Warrior (filled)
Torrellan Millithor, Secondboy, Warrior/Wizard (filled)
Dariel Kront’tane, Adopted Son, Warrior (filled)
Quertus Millithor, House Wizard (filled)

If you are interested in playing, post your character choice in the out of character discussion taking place in the Talking the Talk forum at:

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This is a play by post game, so this is the right forum for background information on the game that is about to start. There is also a Recruiting thread in the Talking the Talk/ Out of Character forum.


Rino said:
this is the wrong forum for this kind of thread.
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The Fall of House Millithor (background info)

The Fall of House Millithor (background info)

After the Spider Queen's silence became common knowledge, revolution and invasion conspired to destroy House Millithor and many other Drow Houses.

The matron and her immediate family fled through a portal into the Underdark, where the game will begin. Other members of the house that didn't flee through the portal are presumed dead, including the former house weaponmaster, Valence Kun.

Whether House Millithor survives its current travails will be up to the PCs (and the Spider Queen).

Family Tree
Valence Kun was the father of Narcelia and Marckarius. Krecil Treak is the father of Carcelen and Torrellan.

The PCs have lived a life of luxury, waited on by servants, and protected by guards. Now they are alone in the hostile underdark with only those belongings they grabbed at the last minute (at least until they recruit new servants and guards).
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Character Background Info Torrellan Millithor

Torrellan Millithor
Secondboy, Warrior/Wizard

Physical Description: Torrellan is a dashing, handsome young drow. He is larger than his older brother, which makes him about average in size. He wears his white hair long and unbound (except when combat might be expected). He spends a lot on his wardrobe and is usually encountered with a cloak outlined in faerie fire, often with some kind of exotic hat on his head. He is much sought after by drow females.

Personality: Torrellan is famed as a practical joker. He delights in situations that are embarrassing to others--but he has an ability, very rare in drow, to also appreciate jokes directed against himself. He is easygoing and talkative, though he sometimes stretches the bounds of good tase in order to make a point. However, the Milliithor Secondboy is also quite sensitive to the pain of those he cares for. He will not forgive any slight directed against his family, and he is more vocal about his desire for revenge than most drow are comfortable with.

Motivations: Torrellan is unusally devoted to his family -- perhaps because they have not treated him with the cruelty that is the norm among drow society. He is loyal to his older brother and will stick his neck out for anyone of his steady companions who might need his help. Torrellan wants to have some fun with his life, and he's not afraid to take a few risks.
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Character Background Info Krecil Treak

Krecil Treak
House Patron, Rogue/Wizard

Before joining House Millithor, Krecil Treak was a noted assassin and member of Bregan d'Aerthe, Jarlaxle's mercenary band.

Krecil was famous for using a rare poison that turned its victims to stone. His sigil was a black spider with the image of a red dagger thrust through its abdomen.

Though he will not hesitate to use ruthless violence to accomplish his goals, he can also show mercy or negotiate.

(The rest of the character info about Krecil is for the PC to fill in).
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I might be interested, though I don't know anything about Menzoberranzan boxed set and not much about the disappearance of Lloth. I'm mainly interested in Quertus.


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Character Background Info Matron Mother Ki'Willis Millithor

Matron Mother Ki'Willis Millithor
Matron of House Millithor, Priestess of Lloth

Physical Description: Matron Ki'Willis Millithor is a cruel drow female with a savage glint in her extra-large eyes. She is alluring and youthful in appearance, although she is more than 600 years old. She is capable of presenting an extremely attractive and pleasant impression to those in her presence-- she can turn this charm on and off at will, and it bears little relation to her actual feelings towards the target of her attentions. The matron carries a whip of fangs which she uses for amusement as much as combat.

Personality: Matron Millithor's personality suits the occassion, pleasant or domineering, conciliatory or cruel as the situation demands. She is a splendid actress, but in situations of great stress she has been known to lose her temper.

Motivations: The matriarch is devoted to the furtherance of her house's aims. She greatly enjoys her current patron, Krecil Treak, because she believes that he can benefit the house. Indeed, he became her patron after he assassinated his predecessor. Krecil did such an impressive job of the task that Ki'Willis took him as her new patron.

Although she is as evil as necessary to survive in the dark elf world, the matron mother of House Millithor possesses an unusual level of neutral attitudes. She deplores bullying and brutality against subordinates as a counterproductive tactic. She prefers to foster loyalty and even a remote sense of affection rather than fear in those who serve her.
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