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Defeating my powergamer Glave master


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1. Please stop saying a rule is "clear" when others in the thread disagree with your interpretation of that rule. If there is a dispute between relatively reasonable people regarding what a rule means, then it is not clear. .

But just because other people in the thread are arguing it doesn't mean it is unclear either. The plain text reading seems pretty clear to me. Maybe everyone should take a timeout and re-read the PHB.

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I don't think it's RAI that readied actions let you bypass opportunity attacks, and I'd like to find some way to say that the rules don't allow that, but it does seem pretty clear.

"A readied action is an immediate reaction." (p.291)

"Most of your actions take place on your turn. But you can take free actions on anyone's turn, and an event or another combatant's actions might provide an opportunity for you to take an immediate action or an opportunity action on someone else's turn." (p.269, emphasis added)

"You can't take an opportunity action on your own turn." (p.268)

So if a monster readies an action to charge a polearm fighter "as soon as he does anything", the immediate reaction will happen on the fighter's turn, and the fighter will be unable to take his opportunity attack from Polearm Gamble. Likewise, players could do the same thing to charge monsters with threatening reach.


You guys have started to argue AT one another instead of about the issue at hand. That's your clue to walk away from the thread for a while. Time to give it a rest, please.


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Make a NPC party that is going after your PC's for whatever reason that fits your campaign. Have at least a rough equal for each party member, and make sure that the opposite of your character who insists on being superman is roughly the same level and skills but give him a little better stats and magic items. Also give the NPC a few tricks to pull out of his has just in case you get a few bad rolls.

Sometimes putting a player who focuses on having a character with no weaknesses in their place (especially in from of everyone) gets them to settle down and get back to roleplaying. Don't get to mad at the person in real life though. That type of person usually has has a rough real life and they are trying to make up for it in the game.

My two honest cents.


Look, Goumindoggie is abrasive and get's on my nerves too. But I happen to agree with him in this instance.

Nowhere does it reference it being "considered it's own turn for the purpose of other effects". I think they would mention something like that if it was intended.

Agreed. The opposing POV sounds more like an attempt to somehow protect the Fighter's OAs. Who cares? If the foe tries this trick, the Fighter still gets an opportunity to attack the foe and then the foe effectively used a standard action to get away.

As far as I can tell, the foe can shift one square away (not provoking OA) and then move away anyway (again, not provoking OA because reach weapons only OA on the adjacent square). He would be one square further away, he would not lose his place in the init, and he would not be attacked by the Fighter unless the Fighter moves up to him. Granted, the Fighter could do that on his turn anyway, but in order to not be attacked on the Fighter's next turn by using the trick to run away on the next round, the foe has to give the Fighter an attack now.

The trick works. It allows someone to run away and not be caught by the Fighter (unless the Fighter has a higher speed). It just allows the Fighter to attack first before the foe runs away.

Unless I'm missing a feat or something that allows the Fighter to OA special.


First Post
Just shoot him.

Seriously. Toss a few brutes up to soak up damage and keep him busy, while ranged artillery pounds him from range with secondary effects like daze and immobilize. Immobilization can seriously suck if he's relying on Footwork Lure to trip them. Whoever suggested monsters with Reach also has a golden suggestion. Alternatively, throw a fightery elite monster at him that can mark him and give him hits if he tries to take OAs on other monsters.

I whoever said Trollhaunt Warrens is easy is probably right. I also suspect the typical terrain of WoTC adventures - dungeons with small rooms - makesit easy for reach Fighters to control a lot of space.

As a side note, one of the guys in my gaming group complains a lot about Battleragers being overpowered. I was complaining the other night, since I was in a LFR game where a 2nd level Battlerager did as much damage as my 10th level sword-and-board fighter. However, I suspect we would have had a few more TPKs early on if I was a Battlerager, because I remember a few fights where ranged monsters repeatedly targeted Will and Reflex, and had daze attacks.

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