• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Define some genres

Nuclear Platypus

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beta-ray said:
What? How dare you leave out Marvel's "Team America" and Mr. T's cartoon in the 80s!


How about mixing the A-Team with the Jackie Chan Stunt Team?

"Sentenced to a federal penitentiary for a stunt they didn't commit..."

Basically the same but instead of being a commando squad, they're formerly members of one of the best (if not THE best) stuntmen / martial artists in the world. Heck, Jackie's used almost everything as a weapon (especially liked his use of a ladder) and the A-Team's done basically the same.

But I'd wonder about a Knight Rider + Jackie Chan blend. Ooo! What about a remake of Wild Wild West series with Owen Wilson and Jackie Chan as the new Jim West and Artemus Gordon? Or a new Green Hornet and Kato but switch it so Jackie is the Hornet and Owen is the sidekick. Drifting futher offtopic would be to remake Kung Fu but actually use an Asian like uh.... Jackie Chan?

Back ontopic, I vaguely remember a site that had a cross between Call of Cthulhu and Star Wars. Ooo! Steamtech + Oriental Adventures / Rokugan = early versions of mecha.

Star Wars or other sci fi game + Aaron Spelling = Bevery Hills 90210 (as in the year 90210). :p

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How about this mix? Steampunk set in the Wuxia style movies? Simialr to the one that someone that mention kung fu in the wild west but mine would be the revese.
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Pardon the thread necromancy...I just reread this, and I think it is my favorite thread in the history of the Interweb.

Take my love, take my land,
Take me where I cannot stand...

[Oh, and "Bravestar."]


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Chaldfont said:

I was thinking of running an adventure pitting wiseguys versus vampires. Wouldn't it be fun to play Anthony Soprano beating the heck out of pretentious angsty Anne Rice/WoD blood suckers? Or maybe the gangsters just mistook Vampire LARPers for real vampires. Ooops...

One day, I will run a Vampire game where the PCs spot a group of mortal teenagers, huddled together on a streetcorcer, dressed in black trenchcoats and mirrorshades playing rock-scissors-paper.



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One game I've fantasized about running I think I'd call Viva le Buffy. It would be a Buffy game set during World War II in occupied France. The Slayer and her friends would all be members of the French Resistance, trying to get aid and info to the allies and stop Hitler's elite Vampire SS from finding lost artifacts of occult treasure in war torn Europe.


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Dark Jezter said:
Wigpunk: Jane Austin meets William Gibson. In a dystopian Victorian England, fractious youths with spiky wigs and purple blush serve as countercultural antiheroes who seek to overthrow the aristocracy.

I give you The Difference Engine by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson.


Voidrunner's Codex

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