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Deity for quest for vengence.


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Hey all,

I just started a campaign with a few of my friends at my friend's house. It's going pretty well. However, there were some odd developments. One of the guys is kind of.... "that guy", and had a Neutral Cleric, and only did evil things.

Our group had to drive out some hobgoblins, and afterward we were going to get the loot... The Cleric un-anchored the boat (for no reason) and watched it float off then headed back to the other boat (where the hobgoblins were) after everyone but me was chasing it. I was looting the boat to collect the stuff for the group. So.......

He took his summon and his animated weapon and started attacking me. He got a really good round and almost knocked me out. I tried running and he got an attack of opp and got me neg hp. But finished with an non lethal blow.

So.... The other party members got back just in time to see him healing me. He told them that I was hoarding gold and tried to attack him. Because of some bad checks they believed him. I (in-char and out of char) was pretty pissed. So was the other guys, too XD lol. He got cursed and has a limp useless arm and an ogreish arm now.

Anyway. This is what I'm here for.. My guy is an Elf Warlock. He battles with his evil nature, and this event has set him off. My current Deity is Anjelic, who is the one with a quest to overcome the bad bloodline she has. And my DM says she can be spiteful. My character is now on a quest of vengeance, and will kill that Cleric. I was told that my mouth would be sealed forever if I killed him.

So I really need some help here. What Deity can I travel to and convert to to help me with my quest for vengeance? The DM said Lilith, but I looked at her here, and I'm a guy.... So it wouldn't work.

So what deity can I get to to aid me in my plans to murder the cleric for what he did?

Please help! I must kill this guy!


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Steeliest of the dragons
Sounds like a douchey guy (the character, at least, if not the player.) I'd kill him too.

"F" for your DM to not force his alignment to be changed to evil. You don't attack your comrade and lie about it to your other comrades and get away with it scott free. Those are evil actions...and PARTICULARLY in his case, as a cleric, a PRIEST of a certain deity, there must be a "higher standard" that he is held to in terms of his alignment. I would, at the very LEAST have his spells stop working for a time (assuming he worships a neutral deity).

As for "gods of vengence" to convert to, I don't know who you use or what your DM allows BUT there are a plethora of gods/goddesses of vengence (and just cuz you're "a dude" doesn't mean you can't worship a goddess ;) .
Nemisis (Greek. Goddess of divine justice and vengence)
Petbe (Egyptian. God of revenge)
Dionysus (Greek, or Bacchus is the Roman version) also had a "vengeful" streak. Actually most greek gods and goddesses did. I'd also recommend Hecate (goddess of crossroads and dark magic) from the grecian mythos.
Morrigan or The Morrigan (Celtic. Goddess of war, revenge, night and magic)
Ma'at (Egyptian, I think...goddess of justice, truth and harmony)

...note that most deities dealing in revenge are female?

Utu (Sumerian. a Sun god. God of justice)
Nike (Greek. Goddess of Victory)
Yeng-Wang-Yeh (Chinese. Lord of judgement and death)

Barring any of these...for the whole "revenge/getting back at someone" thing you could take your pick of "trickster" gods who I'm sure would be more than willing to "help"...with their own price of course...
Loki (Norse)
Seth (Egyptian)
Hermes (Greek or Mercury/Roman)
et al.

Good luck. Get him good. ;)
--Steel Dragons


First Post
Thanks for all of the help! :)

I think, after a lot of arguing from the other members he got changed to evil. Though the most negative thing he got was limited use of one arm.... Nothing adverse besides that.

Though those deities work, and I personally would definitely go for em, I think the DM is sticking with stuff in the D&D realm. I think it's Forgotten Realms. The town we started off in was "King's Keep". I play D&D, but I am not entirely versed on it, so I don't know if King's Keep is known or not.

But yeah, I'd probably have to stick to deities within the different D&D books. Any under that? He is big on also making you worship racial deities. Like since I'm an elf he probably would only make me worship other deities or elven deities.

Thanks again! I hope there is a Deity that will work with my specifications :/ lol


Steeliest of the dragons
Ok, well cursed with a disformity is certainly something. And glad to hear the alignment was changed. That, again presuming he worshipped a neutral deity, ought to get him off the "spells for him" list of that god and force him to find a darker one.

The thing for YOUR character, assuming you don't want to have an alignment change, is that you have a couple of ways to go. YOu can take the "revenge" road and go for the gusto with "vengence." These are most likely going to be "not so nice" deities, if not outright evil. Converting to worship them would entail...well, turning to the dark side for lack of a better phrase.

OR, you could go the "high road" and be spurred on by a search/demand for "justice" or "judgement" and/or victory against your foe. These would tend to be the more "good guy" divinities. Problem here is, if you are solely fueled/obsessed with vengence the god/goddess is likely going to notice sooner or later and you may find yourself bereft of their aid....just depends on how your DM plays his/her gods.

Anywho, here's who turns up on a Wikipedia search for Forgotten Realms deities:
Beshaba: Goddess of random mischief, misfortune, bad luck, accidents (sounds like this guy could have a *wink, wink* "accident." But I don't know that that's enough to warrant a conversion. A sacrifice to, certainly. But going into the religion? Probably not.)
Loviatar: Goddess of pain, hurt, agony, torment, suffering, torture (Who I believe I remember from the original Deities & Demigods. Finnish, I think she was. Of course, this would entail YOU having to get evil...which, I dunno, is that something you're willing to do?)
Tymora: Goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, adventurers (Focus on her "Victory" and "Adventurer" attributes and this might be your best bet. She is, however, listed as a human deity.)
Hoar (also called Assuran): God of revenge, retribution, poetic justice (Sounds perfect, but he's only a demi-god. Still....he's worshipable. You'd get spells...and with enough focus and devotion, perhaps his personal attention?)
Fa Kuan: God of justice (From Kara-Tur...but hey, it's FR.)

If you want to go the "full monty" on evil there's:
Eltab: Demon lord of hatred, retribution

Among the elves, you are severely limited. Amazing, there is a god for "war", a goddess for "defense", but no one specifically for "battle or victory" or "justice" or "judgement" of any kind. Pretty much everyone else has to do with nature (either specific elements of in general), woodlands, art , magic, beauty and love...and then, there's this guy:
Shevarash (D): God of hatred of the drow, loss, crusades, vengeance (No, I don't know what the "D" means. It was a notation in the listing. Fascinating that there's a whole elvin god just for "hating the drow." lol. BUT sounds like you can get your vengence and NOT have to be evil...and, again, elvin god.)

Again, good luck.


First Post
Thanks again for the help! :)

I don't want to go evil... Lol. Cuz then I'd forced to be constantly evil. I like chaotic: I want to do good, too :p I think Shevarash, Tymora, or Hoar.

So if I went to Shevarash, could I maybe tell him I would follow his quest of vengeance against the Drow if he helped me get justice on the guy who tried to kill me?

If Tymora is listed as human he probably won't let me :/ But how would I play on the adventurer part? I get the victory: I want victory against the guy who wanted to kill me or something. Could I mix both and say that I would honor her through my adventures and praise her when I am victorious and stuff?

I'm likin Hoar. The demi-god thing doesn't bother me too much. I could play the poetic justice part, and then promise (and keep the promise so I don't get screwed over lol) to give him praise with donations and crap :p

My character would probably do the conversion thing. With how much this has racked him, he would worship the God who helped him get justice. =p


Steeliest of the dragons
Well, how the gods act and what the deities expect of you is really entirely up to the DM. In my experience, a god is not going to give a damn if you "promise xyz if you help me." The demi-god, maaaaayyyybe. As I said earlier, he might give you some added attention...cuz he's a demi-god=has less worshippers, so he has that kinda time to give personally.

But what you would have to "do" for them (other than convert, be their cleric and uphold the tenets they espouse - which in Sherarash's case case would automatically include the hatred of the drow) is really up to your DM and how he plays his gods.

You may just have to "take it on faith" that your willful and devoted fervor to them will be rewarded...some day.

As for Tymora, yes. You got it. You're an adventurer, she's the goddess of adventurers. Praise be to Tymora that you succeed in your adventures. Dedicate your quest(s) to her. etc. But I agree, Shevarash or Hoar are probably your best bets (though not as powerful deities).

Again, a god is a god, for you to attempt to "trade" for the god's help with something (i.e. I'll praise you/make donations IF you help me with my vengence) is what they call "hubris." Human arrogance in the face of an immortal. YOU need them, not the other way around. It is likely, not only NOT to get you their help, but slapped with some kind of divine wrath/curse/life lesson of your own...remember Odysseus?

But, again (and last time) it is really all up to how your DM plays his deities and the personalities (if any) he gives them.

Again, good luck. Let me know what you decide n' how it goes. I'm a sucker for some justice-fueled smack down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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