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Demon Song

*Corwin walks to the boards and tacks a note to the corkboard.*

Darkest Of days lie ahead,
Death is all around,
There are few who can see it,
But they fight the war.

Burning eyes glowing in darkness,
Bone white hands hold a weapon,
Black robes over a skeletal body,
Whilst he searches for the dieing.

Into the depths of darkness,
Amist the burning hells,
Tormented Screams and wails,
Trying to make themselves heard.

Intolerable heat and sulfur smell,
Scorched souls and painful lives,
All exist within this dimension,
Until the time of judgement comes.

And when judgement arrives,
Ones soul is questioned,
Black marks tallied and counted,
Then they are admitted into the light.

For the Gods and Goddesses are gracious,
Loving all their children,
Watching our deeds with interest,
And crying for our loss.

Lord Corwin Sha'Kar
Captain of the Bladesingers Guild of the Free World

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First Post
Breezes past and places there, amongst the notes, a simple reply:

Children with their hearts of fire
Lift eyes to the rain and speak;
"Sorrow of all sorrows," crying
A rainbow shed with wishes meek
And cascade as bardic song
To trenches set everlasting
Whilst on their lips is faithless prayer
For horrors it may yet bring.

They beat the tome with their hands
Chronicle their sinners and sins
And what they took in faith, betrays
In their heart of fire, a lie begins.
Still, yet, they supplicate Gods
Preach mighty words but lack meaning
And with the hammer fall of smiting
In the dust written, a heartless keening.

Dirge like on the lips of thousands
Wailing in the dreams of the dead;
The faith renounced that never existed
But a simple shadow in forgetful head
And lie down their heads, lie down
For the dusk that always comes too soon,
To sleep their sins away, and cry
Cry bitterly under the far away moon.

Whereupon in the stars and shades
They watch sadly those who still lie
To only themselves. Only their hearts of fire
That must waver, and wander, then die.
Turning back the page of the Night
They turn away and sigh for the fate
The day when the doors will close forever,
And so must the Eternal Gate.

Of men and Gods alike, they look
High to the skies beyond with tears
In their eyes, in their hearts of fire
Bound with cold iron straps of fears;
And lie still with their faithless prayers
Forever, into the unyearning years.

B xxx

Long Ago and Far Away

*A cloaked man walks to the boards and tacks a paper up.*

Long ago and far away
That is where my memories stay
Living in a world of violence and death
Living with a hope of life.

Long ago and far away
Is where my heart lies
Living without the woman I love
Living with a feeling of despair

Long ago and far away
Is where my true friends are
Living with a thought of loss
The loss of someone dear

My friends, my family, My Love
Living with the knowledge of death
Living with the fear of being next
The fear that we all have to die.

Ulraene Silvanosys

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