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D&D General Describe your first character and your last character (and your weirdest)


First: (Human) cleric. Stung to death by giant bees in the dungeon (we were using a set of rules drafted from memory off original white box dnd by my 12 yr old brother).
Latest: dwarf fighter. Over 2 years ago. I’m our forever DM.
Weirdest: maybe my Gurps scifi cat-shifter rogue-type.

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Guide of Modos
Last: Iztinax, blue dragon (dragonborn). He was a dragonlord in centuries past, but time/age wore his skills down to about those of a 7th level wizard. Despite his frailty, he still demanded the respect that was formerly afforded to him, and just left the old folks' home to ensure his son took up the family legacy.
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First was a halfling who died in the basic Caves of Chaos or Keep on the Borderlands. It was short lived once a gate fell and divided the party and bugbears or hobgoblins chopped us up.

Last is a halfling rogue named Nails. He likes to run around and backstab monsters or pick locks. He is rather basic.

First game I was an add-on in an on-going game. 1st ed? I think?
DM said, "Play this character. He likes fire. He's a pyromancer."

We meet the end boss wizard in his Library. "I fireball!" I said.

I was so excited that I'd destroyed his entire library. That's when the DM explained to me how acquiring spells worked.

Last character: 5e Cleric in Descent into Avernus. He's become an angel or something after some plot stuff happened.


First: A human druid named Jon in a 1st Edition AD&D game. My cousins computer generated a dozen PCs and we got to choose; Jon had the least-sucky stats. (I later found out they generated the ability scores by having the computer randomly come up with a number between 3 and 18 instead of adding three numbers between 1 and 6, so it's no wonder the stats all had several lousy ability scores.) I played him once in a game designed to introduce my two brothers and me to AD&D, and we were hooked.

Most recent: A human sorcerer named Alistair Mandelberen Pastlethwaite, youngest son of a minor noble family who got kicked out when his sorcerous abilities started manifesting, as his father determined Alistair must have been trafficking with demons to learn to cast spells. Poor Alistair had no idea he was even casting spells; he just assumed his unseen servant was Ogilvy, the ghost of a butler the family employed when he was a little boy and who must have come back to see to Alistair's needs. All of his starting spells known were comfort related, but he had training with the rapier and thus made a living as an adventurer that way until he came to learn how sorcerers worked (and that he actually was one). He kept shooing away "that annoying grackle" until the other PCs explained the bird was his familiar.

Strangest: Probably the gestalt humanoid crow ranger/rogue named Sam Crow in a D&D 3.5 game my son retrofitted into a playable Skylanders campaign to introduce my 10-year-old nephew (a big Skylanders fan) to TTRPGs. Sam was a coward (his "battle cries" were "Let's get out of here!" and "Help me, Baabby, help me!" - Baabby was my nephew's PC, a gestalt humanoid sheep cleric/baabarian) and a member of the Sons of Archery. His proudest moment was when he "dropped trou" and took a dump on an Elder God's eye.


First character: a fighter named Warlock.

Latest: a teifling thief. She started out as a winged teifling who lost her wings, but has since gotten them back. Now I'm just in it for the money.

Weirdest: either my shadowblade-based warlock (mechanically weirdest) or a plasmoid artificer.


First: A 1E paladin (name forgotten) who faced The Ghost of Lion Castle and the Caves of Chaos. Was eventually killed at level 5 by my brother's illusionist who used Phantasmal Force to create a duplicate of me.

Last/Current: Adam, a 5th level fiend pact warlock (yes, I'm literally Adam Warlock). Was born to the underclass of the Mageocracy of Allein, until fled after a "misunderstanding" with a mage. Wandered the land under a feverdream until he met the Master of Demon Mountain, where he was bonded to one of his fiendish children. Now serves as his eyes and ears, but otherwise does whatever he wants. The bond provides both magic and wealth, so Adam lives life to the fullest. Is currently following the Clockwork Oracle's prophesy concerning the Empire of the Ghouls.

Weirdest: A 1E druid/rogue originally named Mad Dog. Started as male, but was permanently cursed with Femininity during the Exploration to the Barrier Peaks. Eventually became DMPC when I took over the campaign when she was about level 15/20. Helped save the world a few times with her PC husband, and eventually went back in time to stop a chronomancer from attempting to change the timeline (updating from 1E to 2E). Retired as an immortal at levels 23/36.


I was the eternal DM, but the first character I made to learn the game was a halfling, whose name I do not remember. He died ingloriously in the goblin cave at the Caves of Chaos, whomped by an ogre's club.

My latest character is Enormuus, a centaur cleric of life in a Theros game. He's loud, boisterous and loves to party.

Weirdest character? Probably Ynniboris, my Goliath Hexblade who is a hunter/bounty hunter/sheriff for his clan in a Rime of the Frostmaiden game. He forms his personal weapon directly from the snow of the ground and talks to animals constantly, not realizing others can't do the same. He'd left the tribe to hunt down a murderer of his kin, and his prefered form of meeting out justice was to use bonfire to execute law-breakers. He held an amulet that summoned an Orc Chief to do Ynniboris's bidding, but he traded that to a wandering group of orcs in order to spare the group's life.


First was Maygik Crystandilis, an elf sorcerer and a DL campaign. Didn't last long as he was quickly railroaded into pulling from a Deck of Many things and changed to Lawful Neutral. Paladine himself then bullied me to play him as LN. So I fed him to a dragon by standing my ground as a 2nd level e sorcerer instead of running.

Most recent D&D character was Vosko Elmekia, a teifling warlock that grew up in a village that just thought he was a weird red kid. His only non-adopted family was an athame that was is his pact weapon that he considered to be Grandma. Grandma was unabashedly evil and the party was cottoning on to it. Vosko only just started noticing and it was conflicting with his cinnamon roll nature to the point that he was trying to rehabilitate Grandma while treating her like this was the result of senility rather than being a daemonic horror from beyond the pale. It was working.

The most recent character I've made is a Shadowrun Rigger named Poppet who talks like a creepy Victorian child, calls everyone 'sausage' in a way that makes yon wonder if it's a term of endearment or a declaration of cannibalisms, and is more stringy white hair glues to a cybermummy than a person.

Edit: Weirdest was Hisit the Ever-Rumbling, a small awakened kitten who is a nercomancer riding a zombie he's dressed up like a lich. Made to test Savage Species.


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Staff member
First: Megaron the Bold - a pregen out of the back of U1 - The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. No background (or really personality) to speak of.

Last: Horgun (the Clanless) is an Dwarf Inquisitive Rogue I'm playing in a Rime of the Frostmaiden game that I'm playing in. I built a backstory for him that turns out to make not a bit of difference in Icewind Dale.

Weirdest: D&D is not typically where I make my weird characters.

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