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Describe your last RPG session in more than 5 words.


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My players began a new campaign last night, in which they'll be going Wild Beyond the Witchlight....

But first, because a couple of them are really old-hand RPG players, but haven't played 5e, I gave them a "characters meeting on the road" prelude, in which they had to deal with a few goblins that had set up a "fortress" at the side of the road from which to extort money from travelers. The scenario came from Prepared, from Kobold Press, and was entitled "The Impregnable Fortress of Dib".

"I am Dib! This is my impregnable fortress! (pause)... Which you have... pregnated..."

The party made expectedly quick work of Dib's cohort, and captured Dib himself and one of his group. Since Dib was funny, I expect Dib is going to manage to escape and follow the party into the Feywild, for repeated comic impact.

Anyone here see the Dennis Quaid/Kathleen Turner movie, Undercover Blues? In it, Stanley Tucci plays an incompetent small time crook who calls himself Muerte who follows the heroes desperately trying to get his revenge on them, and failing comically. That's gonna be Dib. At least, if they don't kill him....
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After a huge 12 month campaign bringing his character from a mere nobody, and by ruthless scheming, murdering, fighting fey monsters, and also bargaining/manipulating with other players to become Emperor of the Wyrmkyn City State Empire, Rog declared, "I won! I won the game! I am Emperor!" (in Immortal Empires RPG for Mature Players, it is indeed the goal to become Emperor/Empress, as well as an Immortal).

After he relished in his own smugness, I did indeed congratulate him, then let the hammer drop: "Well, Rog, you are the Empress's husband, but you hold no real power; you don't have Imperium. You're really just the first in a 'harem' of lovers. The army and guards only do the Empress's bidding.

Rog didn't look deflated at all. He just told his servant to invite the Empress to his bedchambers that evening for a bit of wooing and desserts. When I as Storyteller was calculating in my mind how the Empress probably would not give in to such wooing (after all, she was 60% lesbian...), he said under his breath, "Time to kill the Empress!"

aramis erak

My players did the smart thing when half the party is down... leave the mission unfinished and flee ...
They're raiding a prisoner transport. Have been for three sessions, counting last night.
They've grabbed the important ones (Kanan, Hera) and some mob goons... but they run into a repeating blaster nest in the 4th bank of prisoners... The twi'lek sniper goes prone, the Survivor Padawan charges with the captured lightsaber... red one... and across a turn break, kills the squad of minion adversary goons, then the Sergeant on the repeater... they take the repeater. And skip the last two halls, as only 2 PCs are still conscious...

they bail out of the transport while it's in hyperspace, make the really rough roll to get out in one piece... and find their way back to Alderaan... payouts... shoppie store... new transponder, on the YT-2000 thanks to "Phoenix" (Prince Bail).
Then to tatooine... to turn over Jabba's spy, who Gardulla had hired the Twilek to kill... Gardulla is present, mostly unwillingly, when Jabba orders the guards away from her... turns to Gida, the Twi'lek sniper, and points to the infamous dropgate button... "You may choose..."
Gida declines to execute Gardula. Jabba laughs... And points out Gardula's debt...

The Wookie's shoppie store? tricking out her vibroaxes... Weighted heads for +2 damage, precision edges for better penetration and reduced crit threshold (down to one...). they guilt trip her into buying armor.

aramis erak

Wed Star Wars: due to a spectacularly bad calculation, they exit the galaxy, find a 300° K 1/2 AU diameter Sphere... they go just far enough in to meet the local Guardian... eventually the Padawan survivor gives up her uncut illum crystal for some Morality return. Lowhhrick stayed aboard ship, and Gardula (A Hutt passenger) tried to steal the ship and strand the crew... by using her lacky while she distracts Lowhhrick... It goes not well for the hutt's minion...
They head back to the galaxy...
... And offload at Jabba's... having informed him she acted against employees of his Kadjik... big embarrassment for Gardulla... not to mention the Cr50,000...


Anyone here see the Dennis Quaid/Kathleen Turner movie, Undercover Blues? In it, Stanley Tucci plays an incompetent small time crook who calls himself Muerte who follows the heroes desperately trying to get his revenge on them, and failing comically. That's gonna be Dib. At least, if they don't kill him....
I want to see it. Somehow missed it when it came out.


Catching up with the story, 5 words at a time.

Adventure #1: The Job
Session #1: Canyon chase of Kobok pirates.
Session #2: Lurrians welcome predators for study.
Session #3: He's outside. Must rent Ton-Tons.
Session #4: The Mighty Ono goes down.
Session #5: Lurrian gene master transforms acquisition.
Session #6: Pirate attack! Plans go awry!
Session #7: Zero-G maneuvers; Rescue hostages.
Session #8: Passenger plants bomb. Dead Jawa.
Session #9: Everything falling apart. Sell snubfighter.
Session #10: Meet with snivvian information broker.
Session #11: Drag races and blaster ambushes.
Session #12: Planning assault on slave compound.
Session #13: Plan implemented. They rescue Varlo.
Session #14: Everyone gets boarded some time.
Session #15: Illegal bank deposit. Guildmaster angry!
Adventure #2: The Runaway
Session #16: COMPNOR job on glare world.
Session #17: Human intel. Booze brand matters.
Session #18: Biker assassin in foil jungle.
Session #19: Swamp people are tough people.
Session #20: We have to rescue kid.
Session #21: Tie Fighters are our friends.
Adventure #3: Labor Relations
Session #21: Inquisitor would like a word.
Session #22: Contracted to reacquire stolen freighter.
Session #23: Baron is a terrible person.
Session #24: Disgruntled employees and shady contractors.
Session #25: Search sectors of dust cloud
Session #26: Big fight in asteroid field.
Session #27: Nope, no way. We're leaving.
Mini Adventure: The Decker Job
Session #28: Illegal slicer at spice rave.
Session #29: Our Hunters shoot up everything.
Mini Adventure: Domestic Dispute
Session #30: Sort of like the Amish
Session #31: But also kung fu masters
Adventure #4: Cold Hearted
Session #32: Droid firefight at plasticrete factory
Session #33: Droid firefight on subway car
Session #34: Suicide drones on a houseboat
Session #35: Looking around for Dr. Fist
Session #36: Rented van sacrificed for mission.
Session #37: Gun down villain on rooftop.
Adventure #5: Plague of Lies
Session #38: Bounty hunting is complicated profession.
Session #39: Pretend investigation hides real one.
Session #40: Dragons scarier than Tie Fighters
Session #41: Don't dance with an AT-ST
Session #42: Huff the Fish goes down.
Adventure #6: Slaves of the Sith Lord
Session #43: Took work as local marshals
Session #44: Investigation proceeds slowly - skunk fern
Session #45: Meticulous investigation bears some fruit.
Session #46: Found the old wraith city.
Session #47: Collected Bounty on AWOL Scouts.
Adventure #7: A Corrupted Flesh
Session #48: Hunting a politically connected cyberneticist
Session #49: Investigating crimes finds everyone crooked.
Session #50: Hunters struggle searching vast ecumenopolis
Session #51: We talk about fight club
Session #52: Turbo lift weights provide breakthrough
Session #53: Found the corrupt truck driver
Session #54: Warehouse fight with corrupt gendarmes.
Session #55: Hunters invaded the cyberneticist's hideout.
Session #56: Dropped Dr. Raptis into sludge.
Adventure #8: Planets of the Smugglers
Session #57: Chasing Pirates in Galactic Fringe
Session #58: Bar hopping across the galaxy
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aramis erak

Wed SW:
Crashed, Endor. Repairs. Backup Hyperdrive.
They were trying to rescue a Black Sun Vigo from an Imperial interdiction event... they got him, and 33 other imperial prisoners... onto their YT-2000....
And then not one astrogation roll succeeded...
So, after a series of bad bad rolls, they're crashed, on Endor, 2.5 years of the Empire... Survival rolls from the crash land on Endor... stripping down one of their speeder bikes to get the ship flying again...

One of them gets kidnapped by Ewoks, the others rescue them in the nick of time, by using the Force and comms.

And they're finally meeting some people who want a rebellion....

Plus, they need to go back, once they get their hyperdrives (main and backup) fixed.... 14 weeks with 35 souls aboard a freighter with only LS for 18 people and 9 weeks...
Now, on Dantooine, they've found out that, in the three months out of touch, Gaedula renigged on a debt to them, Jabba wants repayment for expenses, and there is a Vigo waiting to ask why they skipped out on a debt....


The druid (surgeon) of the ship visited the fungitorium*, the autognome visited the construct builders club, the rogue secured some official school letterhead, and we wrapped up with a Silkball game.

* A fungi exhibit

Voidrunner's Codex

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