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in 3.0 Desecrate spell has a secondary function of cutting of the connection between other deities of another god to there cleric's.
Does this just cut off the ability to pray for spells back (in that area of desecrate) or do they lose all spells they have?
I assume the ability to gain back there spells so if a party went into a evil desecrated alter with a statue of Nerull the cleric of Kord could not wait 24 hours and gain spells he used back, correct?
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First Post
I have a similar questoin about the Spell how long dose it take to cast this spell?? it says 1 standard action but you have to sprinkel 5 lbs of Silver dust around the area how long dose that take??? I had a player say that they couse use concencrate (alternate verson of Desicarte) in one standared action... i knew this could not be correct... (I also don't think that she had the material caponents but that's a different issue)

Here's what the 3.5 SRD says about cutting a connection:

SRD said:
If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher power other than your patron, the desecrate spell instead curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and penalties relating to undead, as given above.

Basically, I'm not entirely certain what game-related effects this might have.

As for the casting time, it's certainly just a standard action. During the standard action, the caster sprinkles the silver and [un]holy water about them - the magic takes care of making sure the area is covered.


First Post
Venport said:
I have a similar questoin about the Spell how long dose it take to cast this spell?? it says 1 standard action but you have to sprinkel 5 lbs of Silver dust around the area how long dose that take??? I had a player say that they couse use concencrate (alternate verson of Desicarte) in one standared action... i knew this could not be correct... (I also don't think that she had the material caponents but that's a different issue)

You win the gold medal for "most spelling errors per post."

I think you're talking about the Consecrate spell, not something involving Concentrate. Assuming this is right . . . the question at hand is whether or not sprinkling dust over the area is part of casting the spell, or something that you have to do before you cast the spell.


First Post
Lichemaster said:
in 3.0 Desecrate spell has a secondary function of cutting of the connection between other deities of another god to there cleric's.
Does this just cut off the ability to pray for spells back (in that area of desecrate) or do they lose all spells they have?
I assume the ability to gain back there spells so if a party went into a evil desecrated alter with a statue of Nerull the cleric of Kord could not wait 24 hours and gain spells he used back, correct?
Unfortunately, I don't think the mystical connection between a cleric and his deity is ever expressed in rules terms anywhere in the books. This would leave it entirely up to DM descretion. I would personally rule that opposing clerics could cast spells in the area of the Desecrate but not be able to pray for new ones, being that the cleric isn't drawing upon their mystical connection to cast the spells - the mystical connection was active during the prayers, when his god granted his request for certain spells. But later, he can toss off the spells without the connection being active. But this is highly debatable.
Venport said:
I have a similar questoin about the Spell how long dose it take to cast this spell?? it says 1 standard action but you have to sprinkel 5 lbs of Silver dust around the area how long dose that take??? I had a player say that they couse use concencrate (alternate verson of Desicarte) in one standared action... i knew this could not be correct... (I also don't think that she had the material caponents but that's a different issue)
You can either rule that it takes a bit of time to set up the spell (the cleric has to move at his normal movement rate around the area first), after which activating the spell is a standard action, or you can rule that the spell really is just a standard action, and the cleric flings the silver dust into the air and it magically settles along the perimeter of the area. I'd probably go for the first option - it seems much more in the spirit of the spell.


First Post
MerakSpielman said:
Unfortunately, I don't think the mystical connection between a cleric and his deity is ever expressed in rules terms anywhere in the books. This would leave it entirely up to DM descretion. I would personally rule that opposing clerics could cast spells in the area of the Desecrate but not be able to pray for new ones, being that the cleric isn't drawing upon their mystical connection to cast the spells - the mystical connection was active during the prayers, when his god granted his request for certain spells. But later, he can toss off the spells without the connection being active. But this is highly debatable.

You can either rule that it takes a bit of time to set up the spell (the cleric has to move at his normal movement rate around the area first), after which activating the spell is a standard action, or you can rule that the spell really is just a standard action, and the cleric flings the silver dust into the air and it magically settles along the perimeter of the area. I'd probably go for the first option - it seems much more in the spirit of the spell.

Ah, and also, what about spontaneous divine casters? For example, would a Favored Soul be able to cast spells, since he doesn't pray for them and then later use them up - he prays for them when he casts them? If not, then would a regular cleric be able to spontaneously convert spells?

There's a large, ill-defined grey area there.


Everyone who answered Thanks!
I think I will play it as prepared spells would still be able to be used but spontaneously cast spells (like Favored soul) was unuseable.

But it does make you wonder? It would be to powerfull a spell at 2nd lvl to be able to nullify all clerical spells.


First Post
Lichemaster said:
Everyone who answered Thanks!
I think I will play it as prepared spells would still be able to be used but spontaneously cast spells (like Favored soul) was unuseable.

But it does make you wonder? It would be to powerfull a spell at 2nd lvl to be able to nullify all clerical spells.

No more than Silence is overpowerful.


How would you play the spell Desecrate?

Secondary Function of Desecrate states,
If the area contains an altar, shrine, or other permanent fixture of a deity, pantheon, or higher power other than your patron, the desecrate spell instead curses the area, cutting off its connection with the associated deity or power. This secondary function, if used, does not also grant the bonuses and penalties relating to undead, as given above.

Voidrunner's Codex

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