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Designing a Social Power Source


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I am trying to design a social power source in 4E, but having problems with the "attack power" philosophy, where each power needs to do some damage.

I am thinking in make social encounters more like combats with skill challenges. Something like in a normal combat where you has to deal with a trap or a hazard. In a social case, the equivalent, for example, convincing the duke to agree with your position and, at same time, dealing with the evil baron who wants to ruin your reputation in the court.

To simplify, I pretend to keep the hit point system, instead of making a "reputation points" system. Going in the idea of hit points being more abstract than ever.

To acomplish this I am creating 3 new keywords which will be in social powers:

Morale: This will designates a type of damage. This damage does not "kill" but is centered in embarass and the lose of "face" in a social situation. In combat, a morale power will attacks the will to fight of a enemy, making easier to him to surrender or flee.

Face: It is the social equivalent of the stance, a social posture you assumes which gives you advantages against morale damage.

Language: Indicates the power is language based, so both you and your target needs to understand the same language.

That´s just some of my initial ideas, so let me know what do you think about.
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David Jose


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Interesting idea, but how would this apply to enemies like animals or monsters that don't really engage in socialization? How can you assault a crocodile's reputation or confidence?


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Interesting idea, but how would this apply to enemies like animals or monsters that don't really engage in socialization? How can you assault a crocodile's reputation or confidence?

It can´t!:)
Thats the reason of the language keyword. Some powers from this source will have the psychic keyword, that ones will work with voice tune and corporal language, this way affecting a crocodile, for example.
This power source will be more focused in social themed settings and campaigns. I am working in a courtier class and a bloodline multiclass right now, and will put something in here soon.


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Some powers I developed until now:

Bright Smile Courtier A1
"Sometimes all you need is a beautiful smile to get what you want"
At-Will ♦ Charm, Implement, Morale, Social
Standard Action Ranged 5
one creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+Charisma modifier morale damage, and the target cannot attack you or use a skill against you until the end of your next turn.
Increase damage to 2d6+Charisma modifier at 21st level.

Dark Whispers Courtier A1
"You whisper a threat to reveal the baron darkest secrets, and he starts to understand you point of view"
Daily ♦ Implement, Language, Morale, Social
dard Action Melee 1
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Intimidation
Target: one creature
Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d8+Charisma modifier morale damage, and you or a ally gains a +5 power bonus in the next Intimidation skill check.

Presentation is Everything Courtier A5
"You use your majestic presence to impress everyone."
Daily ♦ Charm, Implement, Morale
Standard Action Close
burst 5
Prerequisite: You must be trained in Diplomacy
Target: all creatures in the burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+Charisma modifier morale damage, and you gains a +1 bonus in all Diplomacy checks until the end of the encounter.

At this time, my "courtier" is a hybrid class, as I don´t know what role is better to him.


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Read Lips Courtier U2
Encounter ♦ Social
Standard Action :ranged:sight

Prerequisite: You must be trained in Perception.
Effect: While you have line of sight with the target, you can make Perception checks to hear what the target is saying as you were adjacent to him or her.


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I'll be watching this thread! A social class is somewhere on my own list of projects; if I get around to it anytime soon, I'll be sure to poke back in here.


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Are you aware of this product and is it similar to what you want?

Feudal Characters: Noble (Alea Publishing Group)


Yes, I am aware, but the way they approach to this idea is not the same as me. I liked the idea of social multiclass class, but I wanted a more direct aproach.

My first idea was to make 4 classes into this power source, one for each role. Right now, my idea is focused in one class, the courtier, a leader/striker with abilities which helps in skill challenges. Other idea is to make a series of multiclass only classes representating noble lineages:

- Great Hero: You descend from a valorous hero of the past.
- Divine Blood: You brings the blood of a deity in your veins.
- Guardian of the Old Pact: You are the protector of an ancient pact passed from master to disciple.

Just some brainstorm...


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Objection! Courtier U6
"Sometimes you have to intervene"
Encounter ♦ Language, Social
Immediate Reaction
:ranged: sight
Trigger: One ally you can see fails one Cha-based skill check or a Charisma ability check.
Effect: Make the same roll your ally just failed, in a success you nulify any effects due the ally fail. In a skill challenge, you erase the ally fail, but don´t get any success.

Hope you liked Nytmare! ;)

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