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Designing Deities - Please help my tortured brain!


The Slayer
Dear All!

I've decided to write out the deities in my campaign in full (a la Deities and Demigods). I know this isn't stictly speaking necessary (as my players will never physically meet the gods) but I want to do it any way.

However, the guidelines in D&DG make my head hurt - can any one who understands it properly map out an "idiot's guide" for me!

I do have the Epic Level Handbook which D&DG specifically mentions you need.


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First Post
I'd wait on this one. I have heard rumors about a d20 book that will really do this for you. It's supposed to be out in a few months.

If you want to work on it. I recommend a simple form for now, especially since your players will not be fughting them in the near future.

Deity Name/Alignment/ Power (Greater, lesser)

Granted Domains:

Holy Symbol:


Main Tenets of Faith:

Types of Worships:

Alignment of Worshippers:

Benefits/ Detriments to worshipping god:

Cleric's Dress:

Deity Artifacts:

Church History:


First Post
You don't *really* need the ELH to write up a deity, but it does help.

The first thing you have to do is decide what your deity's class, level, and race are going to be. If he has more than one, that's fine. Most of the deities in the book have 20 "outsider" levels and 40 class levels, for a grand total of 60 character levels.

Here's an example of one from my game. The deity Isar (a lesser power whose portfolio involves skill, dedication, and prowess) is a humanoid elf with 20 levels of Monk, 10 levels of Zerth Cenobite, 10 levels of Henshin Mystic, 5 levels of Dragon (from FFG's Path of the Sword), 5 levels of Great Teacher (from FFG's Path of the Sword) and 10 levels of Perfected One (from Dragon Magazine).

Now you build the character. In this case, I built Isar's stats with 50 build points.

Then you decide what equipment the character has.

Then you decide what divine rank your deity holds.

Then you assign the appropriate divine abilities.

It's pretty easy... just very time consuming because you have to make a very high level character.

Hi Daemonbolo! :)

Daemonbolo said:
I'd wait on this one. I have heard rumors about a d20 book that will really do this for you. It's supposed to be out in a few months.

Is that the Immortals Handbook?

If so, I'm writing it! ;)

If not, who dares such an affront! :p

Hi there Waylander! :)

Waylander said:
Dear All!

I've decided to write out the deities in my campaign in full (a la Deities and Demigods). I know this isn't stictly speaking necessary (as my players will never physically meet the gods) but I want to do it any way.

However, the guidelines in D&DG make my head hurt - can any one who understands it properly map out an "idiot's guide" for me!

I do have the Epic Level Handbook which D&DG specifically mentions you need.


Are we dealing with a tight Pantheon (?) or simply an open Assemblage of gods?

Well, I may advocate a few minor changes but try the following:

1. Determine the status of the deity (ie. Greater, Intermediate, Lesser; Demi; Quasi or Hero).

For (tight) Pantheons I usually advocate 20 total deities of Demigod status or above (all others will be Quasi or Hero-deities). Typically 1 Greater Deity; 9 Intermediate Deities (one of each alignment); 6 Lesser Deities and 3 Demigods...this leaves room for a PC to ascend without displacing an existing Demigod.

2. Determine the HD/Levels of the deity.

Quasi-deity 20-29 HD/Levels
Demigod 30-39 HD/Levels
Lesser God 40-59 HD/Levels
Intermediate God 60-79 HD/Levels
Greater God 80-119 HD/Levels*

*Note that this differs somewhat from the measure of power in Deities & Demigods itself, notably the Greater Gods.

3. Determine the character as normal (using epic rules)

4. Apply the appropriate Divine Abilities and modify the ability scores as follows:

+5 Inherant Bonus to EACH ability score
+60 Divine Bonus TOTAL to ability scores (assigned as you see fit; typically +10 per ability score - but it doesn't have to be)

5. Determine wealth; personal equipment; artifacts; servants; realm etc. But no point going into that now. ;)


The Slayer
Thanks for your help!

In answer to your question Upper_Krust we are talking about a tight knit family of gods (in a similar way to the Greek or Norse Pantheons).

It is in a roughly feudal system of nine gods - a King and Queen of the Gods followed by several Lords and Ladies.

This is a little simplistic as within this is a War God trinity, a Moon Goddess trinity, and a Dark God trinity. How does this fit into only nine gods? Well, the comon folk often worship the trinities as single gods.

I should point out that the religons of each god are pretty well mapped out - its really just generating the crunchy bits that's a problem.


First Post
In designing them I first decide what classes and what level and if it has the outseider HD. Then I do attributes, I don't recall what they are but it has been posted. From there is a lot of number crunching the classes and the class abilities. THen I read through the frond to recall what all the extra things are and fit it all together.

I've only done it once and it took to long for my tastes.

Hi Waylander! :)

Waylander said:
Thanks for your help!

No problem mate! :)

Waylander said:
In answer to your question Upper_Krust we are talking about a tight knit family of gods (in a similar way to the Greek or Norse Pantheons).

Okay, definately limit the numbers (above Quasi-deity anyway) for these type of Pantheons.

Waylander said:
It is in a roughly feudal system of nine gods - a King and Queen of the Gods followed by several Lords and Ladies.

If you get the chance check out "The Divine and the Defeated" (the Deities of the Scarred Lands Campaign Setting; very good book; though the stats are a bit wayward). It details a tight pantheon with 9 primary deities (+1 earth-mother) and a number of weaker deities.

Incidently for the Scarred Lands deities I would advocate:

Denev (Earth-Mother) = Greater Goddess
Primary Gods = Intermediate Gods
Other Gods = Lesser Gods (or Demigods)

Waylander said:
This is a little simplistic as within this is a War God trinity, a Moon Goddess trinity, and a Dark God trinity. How does this fit into only nine gods? Well, the comon folk often worship the trinities as single gods.

You could have:

King & Queen of Gods = Greater Gods
Triple Trinity of Gods = Intermediate Gods
Other Gods = Lesser Gods (or Demigods)

Waylander said:
I should point out that the religons of each god are pretty well mapped out - its really just generating the crunchy bits that's a problem.

Setting the status of each god is the important thing here.


The Slayer
Kamikaze Midget - I am too impressed for words!

Upper_Krust - what is the Immortals Handbook? Or are you not at liberty to mention anything?

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