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Designing Elric of Melnibone


Arcadian Knight
I like designing characters from fiction... one thing I like especially are those with vivid fighting styles and D&D does this better than ever before and better than any other RPG I have seen.(but sometimes its not easy)
and invoking the imaginations of the forum can be fun too.

Here is a verbose description with some interpretations

Elric of Melnibone'

Emperor of a dying people, tragic Summoner Wizard/Warlock sickly and dependent on drugs and a weapon (aquired at the culmination of his first major quest) whose might suplements his need for energy in battle. ... a blade which is effectively his pact demon... feeding him at minimum temporary hit points when his enemies (and occasionally allies) died under its bite...(Any real hit might have provided some as well battlerager vigor ? or a magic item critical hit effect?)

Elric during his first adventure where in his cousin tried to usurp his throne discovered that you could do big magics in desperate circumstances if you were gifted and had the need.... essentially he learned how to do encounter and dailies when his people seems to have forgotten this and used almost exclusively Ritual magics. Elric is his peoples most learned Sorceror... Arcanist and a Ritual Caster and Alchemist/herbalist (though the later he uses mostly to shore up his health).

He invoked his first ever daily (or maybe a weekly) with water breathing as a minor side effect and did a teleport which allowed him to traverse the breadth of a good sized bay (probably the entire ocean if he had wanted... by inter-planar travel through the dimens of water itself. The context of it could have also been interpretted as him being knocked to zero hitpoints and being able to invoke a ritual without components or normal casting time.... but it also reads a little like wow dailies/encounters are really doable.

Elric definitely feels the rush of battle vigor but he is definitely not using classic constitution to fuel it but it is a healthier thing than what his blade gives him. (mayhaps charisma - spirit based? or just cross classed barbarian effect)

Elric tends to rush the fight trying to get it over with quickly...his lack of constitution for a longer fight fades (weapon and drugs taking turns) but his brash moves seem to help his allies find openings against there joint enemies.

His at-will fighting style is definitely about big blades and feels largely like a great weapon fighter trained in heavy armor (even plate) but later in his career he occasionally seems to abandon heavy armor trusting in his reflexes. In spite of his basic moves being drawn seemingly directly out of the fighters hand bag with a touch of Warlords brash at will power.

His dailies are either barbarian berserk style rages... and considered something done by his demon blade or are quickened summonings ... Arioch requiring a number of kills before he deigns to answer but considering the proper summonings are Ritual magics... this is very quick.

Arioch manifesting as a mobile Acid cloud seems like one nasty special effect... something similar is conjured by his cousin yrkoon the second greatest sorceror but one willing to use his power a lot.

Elrics uses librams but primarly for rituals and yes focuses many of his magics through sacreficial attacks with that black blade but one wonders if Arioch didnt like responding because he had to tug of war with the blade over the souls of the slain even with elric devoting the kills in Ariochs name.

Some of his sorcerous effects conjuring a hoard of fire elemental minions and making it so buckets of water will not be useful tools against them because the water clings to the bucket. (perhaps that is a special effect for them being water resistant ;-)

Elric gains progressively better drugs over the course of his career and actually becomes less dependent on the weapon... periodically earns some small spats of peace.

During his career he pairs up with Strikers ... Archers and Rogues and Leaders Warlords .... but only ever one at a time. The most effective at fighting alongside the Archers and Rogues exploit the threat created by that blade to do there flanking sneak attacks.... the blade actually seems to make him a better defender or is that a warlord brash move... (as well as dishing out very strikery damage).

Stormbringer slayer of gods (it cannot be wielded by an immortal)

Periodically the DM threw enemies immune to his blades soul rending in D&D
interestingly that could be many soulless undead and actually that would make it potentially common. The blades extra damage at least counts as necrotic.. against foes of the above type it is very nearly just a hunk of lifeless iron (atleast no damage bonus and and gradually fading to hit bonus)

When Elric was most dependent on the thing or had neglected his herbal/alchemical drugs we would become pretty much exactly the D&D state of weakened

Closest weapons on the list currently.
Blackshroud weapon | Lifebane weapon though as I said its very possible the temporary hit points Elric gained were just the effect of a warlock curse.

Stormbringer is described as a Great Sword but... with it lurching towards vitals if it looked like a Great Sword but had mechanics like a Fullblade it might be more true to form. ;-)

Elric was able to best his cousin a slightly better swordsman (his cousin was wielding Stormbringers twin Mournblade) by asserting his own will over the blade and basically causing it to fight in trickier less predictable ways...

Like a game of Conan you want lots of minions... for the blade to eat through of course... not as much fun without it...

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Arcadian Knight
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garthanos, i think that statting elric is a real challenge--kudos to you for taking it on!

i'm not sure i see the martial source classes as suitable for elric. my thinking is that when we're introduced to him, it's as elric, the sorcerer-king of imrryr. therefore, some kind of arcane source power seems most suitable to me, esp considering the source of his powers is explicitly described as being a form of a pact. of course, since the melniboneans honor the chaos gods and arioch particularly, one could make an argument for a divine source class as well. however, he's still a pretty formidable swordsman who wears heavy armor, so that complicates matters.

a. given the reality-warping nature of arioch and his ilk, i'd actually consider a star pact warlock a viable option here (a lot of the infernal pact powers seem fire-keyworded). it's the knee-jerk, at-first-blush reaction i have.

b. another direction to go: invoker might actually be suitable--as a matter of flavor, replace "angels" with something more suitable.

neither addresses his martial skill or fighter-ness, i know. to reflect his martial skill, i'd paragon multi-class elric into paladin (worshipping arioch, of course). i chose paladin because this (and AFAICT, only this) would grant access to a CHA-based, weapon-keyworded at-will, which to me seems pretty relevant.

you address stormbringer so no need to revisit that ground, you did a good job here, i thought.

the actorios ring requires a bit of thought, esp considering it was included in the original DDG. but it's been long enough now since i read the books that i no longer recall its function (summoning?).

the battle armor melniboneans employ is described as plate--but there's no sane way to grant elric enough feat slots to have the appropriate proficiency. i'd consider making melnibonean armor a magic item which grants the appropriate feats to the wearer.

the herbs he uses, esp when shaking his stormbringer-addiction, could reasonably be said to be alchemical reagents, no?

just some thoughts.



I tend to think that stating Elric, himself, would be relatively easy. I'd put him down as either a Wizard with Warlock multi, or a Wizard/Warlock hybrid. He is physically weak, has a low CON, and an average DEX, but is a mental powerhouse.

Any of his physical attributes can be separately derived from either his possession of (by?) Stormbringer, or his noxious concoctions. His improvement with a sword could be modelled as Stormbringer's bonuses, the use of Melee Training; INT, or a combination of both.

For much of the time covered by the books, I would say that Elric is Epic, by 4e standards. Hell, I'd say that he started out Paragon.


Arcadian Knight
garthanos, i think that statting elric is a real challenge--kudos to you for taking it on!

i'm not sure i see the martial source classes as suitable for elric. my thinking is that when we're introduced to him, it's as elric, the sorcerer-king of imrryr. therefore, some kind of arcane source power seems most suitable to me, esp considering the source of his powers is explicitly described as being a form of a pact. of course, since the melniboneans honor the chaos gods and arioch particularly, one could make an argument for a divine source class as well. however, he's still a pretty formidable swordsman who wears heavy armor, so that complicates matters.

The moves he uses sound very martial... so a hybrid with martial is tempting but other possibilities exist...

One possibility
Swordmage reskinning the warding as magic armor(not over satisfying)? fighting as more martial, white lotus'ing in arcane ripostes that dont have to be that arcane ;-)... summoning his weapon as his bond with stormbringer... if the weapon is indeed giving him the hit points as a magic item... His intelligence and melee elements work nicely ... I miss brash attacks though.(If power attack feat messed with your armor class it might be a bingo)

Another possibility I have already mentioned.
Melee Warlock with hybriding as a paladin for the armor.
Reapers touch and Warlocks curse ...well those make pretty good stormbringer... even without a magic item.. he really cant be disarmed
(unless he doesnt want stormbringer).


Arcadian Knight
I tend to think that stating Elric, himself, would be relatively easy. I'd put him down as either a Wizard with Warlock multi, or a Wizard/Warlock hybrid. He is physically weak, has a low CON, and an average DEX, but is a mental powerhouse.

Any of his physical attributes can be separately derived from either his possession of (by?) Stormbringer, or his noxious concoctions. His improvement with a sword could be modelled as Stormbringer's bonuses, the use of Melee Training; INT, or a combination of both.

For much of the time covered by the books, I would say that Elric is Epic, by 4e standards. Hell, I'd say that he started out Paragon.

Elrics low constitution could be considered fluff "almost" he is constantly under the influence of remedies and Stormbringer.

His at-wills have a major martial cast to them... with melee training doesnt give you... and his heavy armor is hard to attribute without some mental skull duggery which I am not entirely opposed to. Magical armor - (hide) which appears as plate and defends close to that because of Elrics intellect.
If we start him at paragon and can get real plate by hybriding a warlock with paladin and paragon pathing in to something giving more complete warlock powers... or simply rely on a magic item to give him temp hitpoints when his enemies go down. ;-).... he could then have summoning wizard... though focusing on the book is unlike Elric.

Elrics role in the story was in some fashion a "Champion of Chaos who turned Champion of Balance"... this is not inconsistant with a paladin warlock. And the characters healthy intellect charisma bent rather works with it.


Arcadian Knight
garthanos, i think that statting elric is a real challenge--kudos to you for taking it on!

i'm not sure i see the martial source classes as suitable for elric. my thinking is that when we're introduced to him, it's as elric, the sorcerer-king of imrryr.

The Emperors of Melnibone were largely Martial by this time in history and there sorcerory ... was largely ritual.... so it's not so obvious he isnt a fighter on wierd alchemy to give him a decent constitutions with learned spell caster .. multiclassing in to his summoning wizardry... we probably have numerous builds possible ;-).

therefore, some kind of arcane source power seems most suitable to me, esp considering the source of his powers is explicitly described as being a form of a pact. of course, since the melniboneans honor the chaos gods and arioch particularly, one could make an argument for a divine source class as well. however, he's still a pretty formidable swordsman who wears heavy armor, so that complicates matters.

a. given the reality-warping nature of arioch and his ilk, i'd actually consider a star pact warlock a viable option here (a lot of the infernal pact powers seem fire-keyworded). it's the knee-jerk, at-first-blush reaction i have.
Charisma based starlock / Paladin seems entirely possible.

b. another direction to go: invoker might actually be suitable--as a matter of flavor, replace "angels" with something more suitable.

not quite getting invoker?

neither addresses his martial skill or fighter-ness, i know. to reflect his martial skill, i'd paragon multi-class elric into paladin (worshipping arioch, of course). i chose paladin because this (and AFAICT, only this) would grant access to a CHA-based, weapon-keyworded at-will, which to me seems pretty relevant.
I am tempted to call Arioch a Vestige that Elric has awakened... but really the basic temp hitpoints on death of your cursed victim is ummm awefully perfect.
Solid arguments that Elric is best designed as Paragon even starting out
with a rich number of magic items to top it off...
I knee jerk want minimalist approaches too. (ie can I design him as a level one? can even his magic item be built in to the character?)

you address stormbringer so no need to revisit that ground, you did a good job here, i thought.

There is still debate open in my mind... a mix of a magic item and part of his warlockhood.. might be most satisfying.

the actorios ring requires a bit of thought, esp considering it was included in the original DDG. but it's been long enough now since i read the books that i no longer recall its function (summoning?).

the battle armor melniboneans employ is described as plate--but there's no sane way to grant elric enough feat slots to have the appropriate proficiency. i'd consider making melnibonean armor a magic item which grants the appropriate feats to the wearer.

the herbs he uses, esp when shaking his stormbringer-addiction, could reasonably be said to be alchemical reagents, no?

just some thoughts.


Arctorios is associated with his summonings .. it is a component in his ritual magics (perhaps reducing the casting cost or the key ingredient in doing instant summonings (Strasshah) as something separate from when he calls on Arioch)... and identifies him to both the demon lords of chaos and the elemental and beast lords... it is in some ways his

Eventually his alchemy increases his constitution to make him relatively healthy.. he could be given moderate con (but I am fairly certain that too much con would feel just plain wrong) ... rather like not having martially flavored at-wills would be bad. A warlock with eldritch strike could work as well and like reapers touch using white lotus feats to create snazzy fighting moves..
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Well, as with most epic style fantasy it is pretty hard to translate into D&D terms. I don't recall there being much in the way of D&D style combat spell casting really. Whatever Elric did was either some form of summoning ritual or related in some fashion to using Stormbringer. Given that the whole setting and the details of how magic worked in it were tightly entwined its hard to figure out a way to stat up a character like this in terms of a 4e PC style class.

If I were going to build Elric I think I would do it as a straight monster. After all he's not going to be a PC. At best perhaps an ally or patron. In that context it becomes a lot easier task. In fact it shouldn't be too tough. This is definitely the nicest part about 4e, you can make a really wide variety of NPC concepts work simply because the game doesn't try to force you to answer unanswerable questions like "What class is Elric?". He isn't any class because no PC would ever be like him, the whole character concept wouldn't work well for a PC. At least not in anything close to your standard sort of D&D party oriented adventuring kind of game.


Arcadian Knight
Well, as with most epic style fantasy it is pretty hard to translate into D&D terms. I don't recall there being much in the way of D&D style combat spell casting really. Whatever Elric did was either some form of summoning ritual or related in some fashion to using Stormbringer.

I disagree...

Elric summons Arioch as an acid cloud that moves about the battle field munching on minions... and his cousin does something similar it is very very like some of the wizard encounter/daily spells.

Their at-wills are martial or melee atleast -- eldritch strike screaming for attention.

His world is less bright high fantasy so encountering other higher fantasy flavored characters could be best done as him on a multiversal quest... very common to the character so he did run in to them even.

Given that the whole setting and the details of how magic worked in it were tightly entwined its hard to figure out a way to stat up a character like this in terms of a 4e PC style class.

I think you are dissing... way too much.

DMG3 needs how to customize the game to differing style gameworlds.

At least not in anything close to your standard sort of D&D party oriented adventuring kind of game.

There is that again.... classic heroic fiction is 1 or 2 heros, D&D was designed for the lord of the rings adventurer party and the latest version
is more optimized for it than ever in terms of well ...some of the games coolest fun comes from that game synergy of multiplayer interactions. There is no denying that.
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What I mean is that magic in Elric tends to be significantly powerful and used quite sparingly. There are times when Elric invokes some kind of effect which is pretty similar to a daily power kind of thing, but you don't see much in the way of the sort of lesser magics that are the standard fare for PCs. To some extent yes you can say that his standard battle tactics are exploits etc. Using standard rules for PCs though seems to me it wouldn't exactly capture the feel of what Elric does.

Personally I'd say he's closest in D&D terms to being a Warlock. While there is the question of armor I don't think its a huge problem. As I recall it there was really only one main occasion where he was decked out in full Melnibonean battle armor, and it kind of seemed like maybe he was having issues with it not really being his thing. Its been a good many years since I last read the whole series but I don't recall a lot being said about how he was armored most of the time. His typical gear could just as easily be fluffed as some type of mail.

In any case the whole orientation of D&D around the party vs a single heroic individual is why I say characters like Elric aren't really all that well modeled as PCs. I could easily see a campaign set in that world, but the PCs would likely be more supporting characters with the likes of Elric being NPC movers and shakers driving the story forward from off screen. There were certainly plenty of places to draw from to create PCs. They could be exiled Melniboneans or Young Kingdoms humans, or Pan Taang style mages, etc. Those sorts of characters would work fine using 4e rules.

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