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designing magical regalia


I am creating a set of magical items; a crown or tiara, a sceptre and a ring. They belonged to the ancesstress of one of the characters in the party. She is on a quest to restore her family to power, and the first step is recovering the regalia, which she is close to doing. The sorceress who owned and wore them was sister to the king, and mother to the next king (except there was no next king), as well as being the king's closest advisor and gaurdian.

What I want is a set of fairly low-powered items that work closely together, would be appropriate for a sorceress (who is about 6th level now) and could "grow" with her by acquiring more abilities as time goes by. I'm thinking that learning how to activate the more powerful abilities will require doing some real research and maybe going on a quest.

What are some ideas for both the current powers and the future abilities of these items?


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Ideas and such


Is there a specific diety associated with that royal family? The powers could be associated with him/her. Alternately they can focus about a particular symbol or emblem of the family...

Alternately the powers could be various glamours/knowledge/learning abilities to help the wielder with ruling (various comands, divining abilities, etc.).

And, there could be, for times of trouble, some defensive abilities (either escape related, raising alarms or summoning guards or defenders).



Rotten DM
crown +2 to diplomancy detect lies or zone of truth 3 x day
ring of protection +2 with invisiblity 1x day
spectre, command 3x day

Hand of Evil

An idea that I have been thinking about and batting around is items in a sort of prestige class way. The item has requirements that have to be player has to reach, then has levels that provide adustments and special abilities.

don't have details worked out as I have been just thinking about it and wanted to wait to see 3.5 but it is something to look into.

With yours, one of the requirments are the other items, then the player could spend exp to gain extra abilities. An example of this could be that when wearing the regalia is a multi-classes character (but only when wearing it).


what I'm thinking about now

I want to thank everyone for their suggestions; it was all useful.

Here's what I'm thinking of so far. Any suggestions/warnings/likes/dislikes?


Non-sorcerer: has no magical powers, acts as a ring of Nystul’s magic aura
Sorcerer: +1 ring of protection
Sorcerer related to royal family of Tremon Arivia: +2 ring of protection
Wearer can cast 5th lvl spells: gives +2 chr bonus, but must first be placed in a pile of snow which has never been touched by human hands, nor generated by magic.
Wearer can cast 9th level spells: grants user 3 wishes, but must first be immersed in the blood of a still-living good dragon.

Non-sorcerer: can cast detect lie once per week
Sorcerer: can cast detect lie once per day
Sorcerer related: can cast zone of truth once per day, and detect thoughts once per week
Owner can cast L5 spells: can cast detect thoughts once per day, and ? once per week but first the scepter must be kept in a place of absolute silence for 24 hours, while the owner meditates nearby.
Owner can cast L9 spells: ?

Non-sorcerer: wearer of tiara appears always to be freshly and neatly dressed, groomed and clean (but actual style, quality and mode of dress are unchanged).
Sorcerer: as hat of disguise
Related Sorcerer: as hat of disguise and allows invisibility once per day
Wearer can cast L5 spells: as ring of invisibility, but must first be immersed in a pure, flowing mountain stream for 24 hours while the owner does?
Wearer can cast L9 spells: the tiara allows the owner to dimension door 3x day as the spell, but first it must be touched by an air elemental which has not been magically summoned to this plane.


First Post
I would probably add a couple more "flavor" requirements rather than the generic rituals described.

The ritual that awakens some of the powers should be tied to the history of the ruling family. This could be as "simple" as the items being present when the bearer is crowned to as complex as the items must be used at the defeat of a traditional enemy. If the sovereign normally presides over a significant religious ceremnoy, perhaps that "charges" the item until the next time the ceremony is required. This could be a bit problematic if such ceremonies are no longer conducted because the organization fell into disfavor from the current leaders.

The complexity of the ritual allows the GM to exercise some control when the player gains the advantage. (ie, the requirements are difficult enough that the player will probably not attempt it until 9th level).

You may also want to add a couple of bonus powers that come about if all three items are possessed.

A power I immediately considered was that spells cast "through" the sceptre gained a +# to their DC. Perhaps also increase spell penetration to overcome resistances. More in keeping with the powers of a sorceror, but almost gives the sorceror a "focus" item.

But I like the concept


I don't know why I didn't think of tying this to the rituals of the kingdom; that's why I ask for suggestions, I guess!

I do really like that idea. When I have a chance to think it through, I'll post my revised ideas.



Cecil's idea about the empowering ceremonies is really good. Has more campaign flavor, and it encourages the PC to accomplish tasks that enhance the kingdom rather than her own power.

As for the power's themselves, my idea would be to go with the traditional role of these items for a ruler.

The Ring- It's usually, literally, a seal of office. Absolute identification that whatever bears that seal comes from the ruler. So it might have powers that enhance this. Swearing an oath by the ring might act as a geas. A letter sealed by it might be effectively wizard locked to all but its intended recipient. Since its role in identification is so important it should probably house the Hat of Disguise ability. In fact it might use this ability on itself all the time, appearing as a common ring of protection, unless worn by a true heir, when it is revealed as the The Royal Signet Ring. It might also house the detect lie and zone of truth abilities as well, and maybe Mark of Justice.

The Scepter- is both a symbol of authority and an emergency weapon. It might have the ability to cast a command spell (isn't the image of a King yelling for "Silence!" while banging his scepter of office a classic.), hold person or suggestion- building up to Mass versions of those spells at higher level. As a weapon it could have any number of weapon enhancements, though Defending, Dancing, Holy and Thundering seem most appropriate. It might even be an intelligent weapon with a special purpose against enemies of the kingdom.

The Crown- Nothing says "King" like wearing the crown, the ultimate symbol of sovereignty. I'd give it enhancements to Charisma; maybe a constant effect Sanctuary spell (talk about "Who dares attack the king?"). Perhaps it houses the wisdom of past rulers and allows you to cast Commune or Augury. All the Detect spells would make sense as well, though especially Detect Poison and Detect Scrying. And as an emergency escape Dimension Door.

There's my 2 pence. Let me know how it goes.;)
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First Post
I really like Cecil and Fox's ideas about ceremonies and the various thoughts about the items of regalia. By the way, there are usually two other items of royal regalia you might want to consider: The robe (looks more like a cloak historically), and the orb (basically a very pretty globe made of a precious metal)

In hearing what Cecil said about ceremonies and your own thoughts about increasing powers, I was reminded about how magic weapons worked in the game Earthdawn. In that game, characters often had to quest for information about their weapons, like the name of the weapon, the person who forged it, its greatest wielder (before the character! :D ), etc.

Since these are ancestral items of power, how about some ancestral tasks to increase their power level? You can have some great quests inspired by the ghosts of dead ancestors, even some opportunities for fun roleplay (imagine hunting down the tomb of Great Aunt Hestra, and then trying to convince her unquiet spirit that, yes, you DO wash behind your ears and what was that phrase that her brother used to activate the family's orb?)

Have fun with it, and good luck! I'll hope you will post what happens; I for one would be interested.

Chris Perkett


Here are my current ideas about the regalia. One thing I didn't maybe make clear in my initial description of the items: they belong to the Sorceress, not to the king himself. They're the regalia of the King's Sorceress, his sister and mother to the next king.

The reason for the two items that require a dragon - the royal family at one time did have a dragon ally. They lost this ally (a silver dragon) some years before their kingdom was overthrown, basically because of their own pride. This was about 400 years ago, campaign time, so the dragon, or its heir, might still be around somewhere...


Non-sorcerer: has no magical powers, acts as a ring of Nystul’s magic aura
Sorcerer: +1 ring of protection
Sorcerer related to royal family of Tremon Arivia: +2 ring of protection
Wearer can cast 5th lvl spells: gives +2 chr bonus, but must first be placed on the hand of the wearer by the true king of Tremon Arivia
Wearer can cast 9th level spells: grants user 3 wishes, but must first be immersed in the blood of a still-living dragon.

Non-sorcerer: can cast detect thoughts once per week
Sorcerer: can cast detect thoughts once per day
Sorcerer related: can cast suggestion once per day, and remove curse once per week
Owner can cast L5 spells: can cast lesser geas or sending once per week but first the scepter must be blessed in the High Temple of Khurabai, patron of the kingdom of Tremon Arivia (a god from my own campaign).
Owner can cast L9 spells: Can cast Demand once per week but first the gem in the head of the scepter must be held in the mouth of a living dragon.

Non-sorcerer: wearer of tiara appears always to be freshly and neatly dressed, groomed and clean (but actual style, quality and mode of dress are unchanged).
Sorcerer: as hat of disguise
Related Sorcerer: as hat of disguise and allows invisibility once per day
Wearer can cast L5 spells: as ring of invisibility, but must first be placed upon the head of the wearer by the previous high sorceress of Tremon Arivia.
Wearer can cast L9 spells: the tiara allows the owner to dimension door 3x day as the spell, but first it must be placed on the heartstone of the kingdom of Tremon Arivia for 24 hours.

What I am planning for currently is that the players will soon find the ring, and the journal of the Princess Valencia, who was daughter to the last Sorceress of Tremon Arivia. The princess and her brother escaped the falling kingdom, and she hid the other two items of regalia, but kept the ring with her, until she died in the place where the PCs find the ring. She mentions in her journal that there are multiple powers, but not what they are or how to invoke them. This should create a fun and ongoing quest for the party.

Later they may have to search for the King's regalia, or possibly recreate them!



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