Designing OGL Supers for d20 modern


Four Color to Fantasy (3e)/Four Color to Fantasy Revised (d20 Modern) is good stuff.

RPGObjects also did a supers supplement for d20 Modern back in the day called Blood & Vigilance. They also have another d20-based supers system called Heroes & Villains or YADSRPG (YADSRPG = Yet Another d20 Supers RPG)

These are both separate from RPGObjects current Modern20 house system products.

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I did this once long ago completely wrong. But you might like it. I never released it. It was a superhero system where the powers were gained like skills. 3.0 skill. (This was 2002.) So each class, in addition to have skill points per level, also had power points per level. Powers were divided into class powers and cross-class powers. So a Strong Hero class (Brick in my game) would gain 4+Str power points per level. If he spent them on in-class powers he could really get strong. If he went out of class everything cost more. The Agile Hero would gain 4+Dex power points per level and have different set of in-class powers. Etc.

Then the powers were a whole new subsystem built on the special abilities found common in supers mapped onto the special abilities chapter used for monsters.

The major flaw in this should be obvious (now). It is just far too easy for one 5th level character to be 100x better than another 5th level character depending on how much one focuses on certain powers.

But it was a true class and level based superhero game.

Walking Dad

First Post
Thanks for you posts and suggestions.

The Hero class actually was my first inspiration to make each 'supers' level a class, as I dislike the 'Levell adjustment' mechanic.
I also know Aberrant d20 and the linked products, Paragon (or what was it called? Long time since I looked into that) and Blood & Vigilance.

Is Heroes & Villains good? Any other recommended books?

'But it was a true class and level based superhero game.' This is also my intent. And it should be full compatible with the CR of creatures in other d20 products.
My power-balancing rules will be optional.
I personally really like balancing rules, but some gamers hate them. For many posters in another gaming forum, the real great thing of Wild Talents vs M&M was it's lack of power balancing...

EDIT: Just noticed that the milestone sale made formerly free products costing 1 $.
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Walking Dad

First Post

Balance -> Becomes part of the new Acrobatics skill


Climb -> Becomes part of the new Athletics skill

Computer Use -> Becomes part of the new Technology skill

Concentration -> deleted. Changed to the Pathfinder model.


Decipher Script -> Becomes part of the new Linguistics skill

Demolitions -> Craft sub skill


Disable Device


Drive -> Becomes part of the new Control skill

Escape Artist -> Becomes part of the new Acrobatics skill

Forgery -> Becomes part of the appropriate craft sub skill

Gamble -> delete

Gather Information -> Becomes part of the Diplomacy/Intimidate skill

Handle Animal

Hide -> Becomes part of the new Stealth skill



Jump -> Becomes part of the new Athletics skill


Listen -> Becomes part of the new Perception skill

Move Silently -> Becomes part of the new Stealth skill

Navigate -> Becomes part of the Survival skill


Pilot -> Becomes part of the new Control skill


Read/Write Language -> Becomes part of the new Linguistics skill

Repair -> Becomes part of the new Technology skill


Ride -> Becomes part of the new Control skill

Search -> Becomes part of the new Perception skill

Sense Motive

Sleight of Hand

Speak Language -> Becomes part of the new Linguistics skill

Spot -> Becomes part of the new Perception skill


Swim -> Becomes part of the new Athletics skill

Treat Injury

Tumble -> Becomes part of the new Acrobatics skill

Like the Craft, Knowledge, Perform, and Profession skills, Control actually encompasses a number of unrelated skills.

Technology / Craft may change later.

Walking Dad

First Post

Feats that are both in d20 modern and Pathfinder will be replaced by the Pathfinder variant. Similar feats will be adjusted.

The wealth feat will be replaced by an anime d20 Attribute. Other Attributes will also be converted to feats as I will show in the FX chapter.

Combat Basics

We will use the Pathfinder variant for every thing but Combat and Vehicles. These rules will be adjusted to the Pathfinder rules. We also will assume that we use the 'Armor as DR option'. Optional rules for using armor to increase defense will be added in an 'Optional Rules' chapter.

Equipment Basics

Equipment will be changed to fit the new wealth and personal equipment rules.

Condition Summary & The Environment

Replaced by the Pathfinder Conditions and Environment rules.


One goals was the compatibility to regular d20 creatures. We will look later what (if any) changes are necessary.
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Walking Dad

First Post
FX Basics

In this section we will put the Powers, called 'Attributes' in anime d20.

I will make a short comment on each power:


('Attributes' will be renamed to 'Powers')

Adaptation - no changes

Alternate Form - Will be split in a 'Compound Power' and 'Become d20 Creature' option (the terms are not final).

Animal Friendship - not used at it is. Can maybe used as template for skill increase powers.

Armour - Cost and Progression cost should be halved. Renamed to 'Protection' to avoid confusion with 'Armor' -> Equipment.

Art of Distraction - not used

Attack Combat Mastery - Delete part about Combat Skills. Change cost to 2/ level.Renamed to 'Attack Mastery'.

Aura of Command - not used

Combination Attack - not used. An option for combining attacks will be added to the Combat section.

Computer Scanning - no change (maybe progression)

Contamination - not used.

Damn Healthy! - gives 5 HP instead of d8. Renamed to 'Tough'

Defence Combat Mastery - renamed to Defence Mastery

Divine Relationship - renamed to Luck and is now a feat.

Duplicate - no change. Can also be used as template for a summon power.

Dynamic Sorcery - not used

Elasticity - the bonus to grappling needs to be re-viewed.

Energy Bonus - not used. We will not use 'Energy Points'

Enhanced [Ability] - see sub-chapter below

Environmental Control - no change

Exorcism - not used

Extra Arms - remove reference to 'Extra Attacks Attribute'

Extra Attacks - will get a level limit

Extra Defences - not used

Features - no changes

Flight - uses same progression as 'Speed'.

Flunkies - only 2/Rank version is available as a Feat. Renamed to 'Minions'

Force Field - delete 'Uses Energy' option.

Healing - no changes (?)

Heightened Awareness - not used. See 'Animal Friendship'

Heightened Senses - Renamed 'Super-Senses'

Highly Skilled - no changes

Hyperflight - Effect becomes descriptive.

Immunity - individual ranks need to be re-worked.

Insubstantial - only Rank 5 (ignore matter) and 6 (ignore matter and energy) are available. Rank 6 requires to specify one exception.

Invisibility - renamed 'Concealment'

Item of Power - renamed 'Device'. No longer available attributes cannot be chosen as Powers.

Jumping - not used

Magic - not used

Massive Damage - no change (?)

Mechanical Genius - not used. Will add gadgetiering rules later

Metamorphosis - offensive use becomes a 'Special Attack' option.

Mimic - no changes (?)

Mind Control - ???

Mind Shield - no changes

Natural Weapons - no changes

Organisational Ties - becomes a Feat

Own a Big Mecha not used (yet)

Personal Gear - becomes a feat

Pet Monster - not used

Place of Power - not used

Pocket Dimension - maybe changing the cost

Power Defence - not used

Projection - renamed 'Illusion'

Regeneration - costs 6 CP, but always regenerates 5HP/rank.

Reincarnation - no change

Rejuvenation - not used

Sensory Block - renamed 'Obscure', increased cost or smaller area.

Servant - renamed 'Sidekick'

Sixth Sense - no change but will perhaps become part of 'Super-Senses'

Size Change -

Special Attack

Special Defence

Special Movement


Spirit Ward






Train a Cute Monster



Unique Attribute

Unknown Superhuman Power

Water Speed



New Powers

Sphere Mastery-

Uncanny Dodge (?)-

Enhanced (Ability):

Enhanced (Skill)
Cost: 1 Point/Rank
Relevant Ability: Wisdom
Progression: The character gains a +2 bonus/Rank to specific Ability/Skill checks

Limitations / Power Level cap:

still in progress..
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Is Heroes & Villains good? Any other recommended books?

I've never played H&V, but it is very crunchy - there's a huge, comprehensive list of powers that make up the bulk of the book. It's also OGL open content, so it might be worth a look for $2.

I did play and enjoy Blood & Vigilance - at the time I wanted something for supers one-shots that a) worked with d20 Modern and b) was not going to be a huge financial investment (like M&M) for something I wouldn't play very often. When I discovered True20 and switched my games to that from d20 Modern, I always wanted to take some time converting B&V to True20, but I never got around to it. Perhaps someday I will, but ICONS has been satisfying my supers itch now. B-)

Walking Dad

First Post

B&V gave a power-up to the existing material (Advanced Training origin) but was one of the closest d20 mainstream compatible supers I had seen.
Shame it uses Power Points to pay for power use. This reduced my interest considerably. (But this is just my preference.)

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