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Detchitoyo High School: Freshmen Year, Q. 1

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"Eh," Tetsuya says indifferently. "Is that all people care about around here? Who's stronger in battle? Though if you want my opinion on the matter, magic and technology both have their uses."

OOC:Character's updated.

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P1 seems rather interested in this... it may be a good opportunity for him to learn, though we might draw attention...

Well... there are certainly others who will go... we won't stand out. Much.

Kryptonite nods her head, once. "Alright, P1. We'll go. But when it comes time for what we're doing, we'll leave. Alright?"

Chances are good it'll be short. But P1 has a point... good to know just what sort of thing you're dealing with.


Damien shakes his head at the idea of a contest between clubs being in anyway representative of the relative value of magic or physical training. However, it sounds like it should be interesting to watch, and perhaps get a look at any of the witches who have a summoning bent.

"I think I'll go along to watch as well."


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The group of students disperses, each of them making snide remarks about each of the other clubs. During you next class elective classes, you can see a couple freshmen members from those clubs that had appeared, each of them jeering at any club members that they share the class with, the teacher having to quiet them down before a fight breaks out midclass. Each class, however, does pass quickly, leading to the end of the school day. "See you after school, unless you're too scared" can be heard from several students harassing others while they leave class. From what each of you can see, word spreads fast, and so many non-club students are going to watch the event, including a couple celebrities, such as Christian Lajorn, and Ryuoh.


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The time draws nearer with each passing moment, I doubt I could find any kind of revelation within their rivalry, but it is worth my time for the entertainment.

Like many others Thomas makes his way to witness the conflict.


After his last class, Damien starts to wander over to the football field with all the hordes of other students. He tries to get into a position where he can see the field itself without being close enough to be affected my anything gone awry.


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P1 can hardly concentrate on his class. All his primary neural systems are focused on the upcoming battle. He'd been programmed about infantry and military vehicles, and all this magic and such had been completely new ground to him. Now, at last, he would have a chance to see just what those strange powers can do.


Brenna will turn up and head over to the other witches. She'll make a studied assessment of the field while she waits.


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The field where the students were referring to is about a 10 minute walk beyond the already distant and currently used football field. The football field looks more like a battlefield then a football field. In addition to looking abondoned, the once aluminum bleachers are now half-blasted and corroded due to time. The field is pocked with craters from miscallaneous blasts, and where there was once a small building (probably a concession stand) there is now only charred rubble. On the far side of the field, there is a large hole in the ground, and without further inspection, considering how far each of you are from the hole, you can't tell how deep, or if anything resides in there.

Each of the clubs set up camp as far from the others as possible, on the outside of the inner field. The major, well-known clubs you see are the High Mages Council, The Witches Guild, the Karate Club, and the Kendo Club. There are, however, individuals that look like they are ready to participate, but aren't set up in large groups.

Once each of the clubs get settled, a blond with a guitar case moves to the center of the field, opens up his case, and begins to fiddle with something inside. He pulls out a microphone and says in a stereotypical fight refs voice, with everyone able to hear despite the lack of speakers, "And good afternoon fellow classmates, welcome to this afternoons Club Brawl! Now don't-" He gets cut off by a short student with a laptop, that looks like he has a lit cigar in his mouth. After conversing for a few moments, he continues "My name, if you don't know it, is Christian Lajorn. And lucky for you guys, my friend here has just set up how exactly this turny here is going to work. Now, don't worry, you don't have to be in a club to participate. If you're just looking to make yourself known, get some girls, or guys, then come on down and register your name or group. Groups, however, will have the advantage, because they can send out any member they choose, instead of forced to send out somebody. But don't worry, guns are met with guns, so if someone sends out they're leader, you are more then welcome to do so.

So, the little guy begins typing on his computer, creates 3 holigrams of himself, and reps from the clubs and individual participants move in to put there names in.

J.K.- You manage to catch the sent of the group of students that had kidnapped Lugh's charge.

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