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Devil's Brigade - WWII - IC


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Nuemiller and Jakobsen get some relief from the smoke and can see a little of the MG nest, the smoke is still swirling around. Both move into position to observe the other nest.

One of the men in the south MG nest notices the nest to the west has been destroyed. He starts pointing in that direction. One man starts grabbing the machine gun, another grabs his rifle and starts moving. The one that was pointing has his rifle up and starts shooting in the direction of the west MG nest.

Just as the man brings the rifle up to fire. Shoots can be heard from behind Nuemiller and Jakobsen. Munroe starts laying down a volley of suppressing fire.

The guard about to fire ducks down rethinking his action.

Hoffman and Harris hear gunfire from Munroe.

End of Round

Hoffman - 12
Jakobsen - 11
Nuemiller - 11
Harris - 10
Munroe - 5
Guards - 5

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"Sounds like they need help with the southern nest, cover this nest while I move to cover the south," Hoffman says to Harris.

He looks for any other patrolling units that may be in the area then moves along the eastern side of the building to the southern corner.

While moving, he speaks to those in the eastern nest. "You've been eliminated. Get out the smoke and play dead."


Harris shrugs and nods. He keeps his rifle trained on the nest in case any of the soldiers decide that they are only 'mostly dead' and try to return fire.
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Hoffman makes it to the southeast corner of the building and sees two guards moving out of the nest. They don't seem to notice him at the corner. They are trying to hide from the gunfire coming from the west. In the process they have opened there flank to him.

Nuemiller yells "Jakobsen move up I will provide covering fire."

Drowned Hero

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Widowmaker said:
Nuemiller yells "Jakobsen move up I will provide covering fire."

Jim looks towards where neumiler is indicating he holds his helmet on place with one hand and sprints as fast he can to the new cover, once he is there he provides covering fire to Neumiller.


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As Jakobsen gets up into position and Hoffman sets up at the southeast corner the guards look around and realize they are surrounded. The two on the outside stand up and raise there hands. The one still in the nest sits and takes off his helmet. "We give up!" One yells.

End of Round


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Munroe walks up to the men that are present. "Nuemiller and I will clear the building and set the charges. Hoffman and Harris you stay here and give us some security on the outside of the building. Once we set the charges we are out of here. We meet at the base of the radio tower."

"Jakobsen you find Harrison and the LT. From there you head to the base of the radio tower and cover us."

"Any questions?"

"All right move out." Munroe and Nuemiller enter the building.

Drowned Hero

First Post
Widowmaker said:
"Jakobsen you find Harrison and the LT. From there you head to the base of the radio tower and cover us."

'roger chief!' jim walks away looking for Harrison and the LT, when he finds them he tells them that they are asigned to aproach the radio tower and provide cover. He starts walking to the tower 45' in front and with his senses on the alert.


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Hoffman takes up a guard position on the opposite end of the building from Harris and keeps watch for any patrols or guards that the team might have bypassed.

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