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Dexterity & Agility - are we missing something?


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I was just reading an interesting thread on the 4e forum about what people think the new reduced list of class skills will be.

Unfortunately, the following little old bug bear of mine, rose to the fore in my over worked mind and I was hoping someone could help me out. You see the problem is that Dexterity and Agility are two very different things in my head. However we have tended to use the former in (D&D) to describe the latter for so long that we hardly notice it's missing. And yet, there is a discussion going on as to which skills should fit with which attributes in order to reduce the skills list.

Hmmm... Wouldn't it make sense to have agility and dexterity as separate attributes?

I'd like you to read the following before giving me your thoughts:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

agility (countable and uncountable; plural agilities)

(uncountable) The quality of being agile; the power of moving the limbs quickly and easily; nimbleness; activity; quickness of motion; as, strength and agility of body.
(countable) A faculty of being agile in body, mind, or figuatively.

Agility definitions have traditionally centered around skills that are needed for the body to change direction at speed. A classic definition is the ability to change the body's direction efficiently, and this requires a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, and strength. Agility is usually achieved when the athlete is using his /her ATP_PC or Lactic Acid (Anaerobic) systems.
Agility however must be in response to an opposing player, moving target, as seen in field sports and racket sports. Sheppard and Young (2006) define agility as "a rapid whole body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus."

dexterity (uncountable)

Skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.
Playing computer games can improve your manual dexterity.
She twirled the knife through her fingers with impressive dexterity.

Fine motor skills can be defined as coordination of small muscle movements which occur e.g., in the fingers, usually in coordination with the eyes. In application to motor skills of hands (and fingers) the term dexterity is commonly used.

My thinking is that if we want to make things simpler, maybe an extra attribute would lessen the need for so many skills. what do you think?

P.s. if anyone thinks this belongs in a different thread/place please let me know.

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A suffusion of yellow
I agree and my revised attributes list would read Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Wisdom, Perception, Intelligenece and Charisma

But I'm willing to compromise down to six stats however I'd put all the 'agility skills' under Strength on the rationale that 'strength isn't just brute force instead it is about muscle control (agility and reflexes) - look at a male gymnast or a boxer.
A fighter uses strength as their main stat because they have learnt to strike with speed, accuracy and power

SO thats my contribution: Dexterity = fine motor skills and Agility is an aspect of strength


First Post
Personally, I'd go with something not too dissimilar to the above:

Awareness (or Perception)

I don't think it needs to be divided, personally, but I prefer Agility to Dexterity as a catch-all term (even though technically it isn't.) And Wisdom has always bugged me as a stat - there is too much overlap. Hence, my preference.

Many of the abilities can be subdivided if that's what you want. For instance, Charisma could be chopped up into Charm and Leadership, for example, since those are quite different things meshed together in a single ability.

My first choice would be to separate perception/awareness from Wisdom. "I've spent years in contemplation and have a deep understanding of philosophical issues. Hey look, there's something over there! You can't see that?"

Didn't they have something like this in 2nd Edition as an optional set of rules where each of the six abilities was broken down into 2 other abilities?

If so, would there be an advantage to houseruling it back into 3.5?

Kisanji Arael

First Post
Uh, yeah. In my little I'm-never-actually-going-to-finish-this variant, Dexterity is a combination of Grace (agility) and Stamina (Constitution) that refers only to manual dexterity. It makes Weapon Finesse fun, since everything is completely different.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I think you can distill any of the six ability scores into a hundred different components. At some point you have to sya "OK, it's fine to generalise". The INT/WIS division is arbitrary, as is the STR/CON difference (endurance is a facet of strength and not even slightly related to your ability to resist a cold); and I don't dare to delve into the minefield that is CHA.

The game isn't about simulating reality numerically; it's about a a [short] list of arbitrary scores which roughly define a character. In themselves, they're hardly enough (why not a stat for appearance?), but they work for the purpose for which they're designed.

It's simplistic, but it works. Realism would require a hundred different stats. but we ant a playable game, not a reality simulator.


First Post
How about Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits?

Split Dexterity into Dex and Agility, use White Wolf Stats, and Everything is Perfect! :p

I've actually never done this. but it just might work.


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Morrus said:
I think you can distill any of the six ability scores into a hundred different components.....
....It's simplistic, but it works. Realism would require a hundred different stats. but we ant a playable game, not a reality simulator.

A very fair point and pretty much the way my thinking has gone to justify this in the past. My only wonder on this has come from the prospective new way of doing things (less skills) in the new edition.

I guess also this may be my pet nit pick where others may wish to break down other attributes (like cha) to their own personal preference.

All the suggestions so far make sense in different ways so I guess I'll just road test some ideas until June and see what the outcome of the new style of play is.

Many Thanks.


The Boundaries of success are held only by the limits of the imagination


First Post
Sylrae said:
How about Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance, Perception, Intelligence, Wits?

Split Dexterity into Dex and Agility, use White Wolf Stats, and Everything is Perfect! :p

I've actually never done this. but it just might work.
I've done it. But it was a one-shot game, so I can't say it was perfect cause I'd need more data, but it worked well. Had to wing a lot of things, though: d20Modern wasnt out at the time. It was pretty much an hybrid d20/Storyteller, with point buy atributes and backgrounds and vancian magic... :confused:
I did it because the group played WW games, the setting was the same as our weekly Vampire game and I love how the 9 stats work... going back to 6 just felt... wrong :p

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