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Diplomatic Immunity: Funeral Procession

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First Post
“No, as far as we know Ammon didn’t leave his rooms after Lynestra arrived for a rendezvous the night before we found him. In fact, he wasn’t seen or heard from after she arrived at his rooms that night, which was when he set the do not disturb order, as he apparently didn’t want to leave his bed to escort her out,” Tiberius replies.
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"I'm not sure, that was before we arrived, was it not? I am fairly certain that the two events occurred on the same night though. Is working further back in Ammon's recent comings and goings relevant to the investigation? I suppose that it is, though I'm not sure who beyond Lynestra we could ask. She might know where he might have been prior to that evening." ponders Mythweaver not entirely sure that it would be relevant, but it might be a lead to follow for now.

"On the topic of questions to ask, we are fairly certain that both Ammon and the boy were killed by their own hands as if compelled to do so. Might a question be, Did you compel Ammon to kill himself? Its very straight forward and avoids the ambiguity of our original question." he adds.


The man with the probe
"Well, I was hoping we could get the boy and Ammon near eachother at some point, but perhaps our killer used a horse to escape. I guess I didn't ask if there were any missing horses or horses that left the night boy died," Vasha says.


First Post
Bront said:
"What about before that?" Vasha asks.
“Let’s see, before that Ammon was at the welcoming banquet for Lynestra’s family I believe, though I can’t say how long between when dinner ended, and when Lynestra went to his rooms,” Tiberius replies when Mythweaver finishes.

Bront said:
"Well, I was hoping we could get the boy and Ammon near eachother at some point, but perhaps our killer used a horse to escape. I guess I didn't ask if there were any missing horses or horses that left the night boy died," Vasha says.
“As for Ammon and the stable boy being near each other, well according to the guard that brought us to the stables, Ammon didn’t ride much, so I can’t imagine there would be much chance of that. Hmm, and I don’t think the killer used a horse to escape either, as the woman on duty when we went to the stables to investigate the stable boy’s death didn’t seem at all worried about a missing horse. She seemed especially fond of the horses though, so I imagine she would have mentioned it if one was missing.”

“Orin does tend to ride at night though, at least that’s what she said when we asked who had taken horses out the previous day. According to her, the night before the bachelor party he took two horses, one for him and one for a woman she thought was named Kat. That would match with Orin’s story as he said he was with a serving girl who goes by Kat, though he mentioned her real name is Iradin,” Tiberius finishes.
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"Yes I think much of this investigation is perfectly normal. Its the murders that are perplexing. That everyone is still a suspect and no one has a confirmed alibi is I would imagine, quite normal in difficult cases in such crowded places."

Voidrunner's Codex

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