Diplomatic Immunity: Funeral Procession


The man with the probe
"I was with Helena after I went to my room, and from her place, I immediately went to find El," Vasha says.

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"Yes Vasha and I got changed together, you know, tried on each others things, commented on our appearances, primped here and preened there" El says, cooly looking down her nose at Tiberius.

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Unfortunately, unless the murderer is either very blatant or dull-witted, he or she will certainly have at least as good an alibi as any of the ones we have just put forward, so I don't think we can necessarily rule out present company from the list of suspects just yet," Claudia muses.


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Tiberius Lucius Magnus, Male Praetor Warmage

Tiberius chuckles, “No need to be like that Elmurien, I just wanted to move things along...so where to now Mythweaver? I suppose you’ll want to ask Ferris too, but it looks like we left him behind.”


"Yes I'll admit that interviewing each guest like this we will hear all sorts of alibis. We need to interview each person seperately. Had you and Tiberius had different stories for example, we could've caught one of you in a lie. Not that either of you would, it was meerly an example. I have some skill at interrogation and spotting subtle clues when people lie, but I do not know if I will be up to this task. Is anyone else more capable than I?

And yes we need to find Ferris as well." replies Mythweaver to Claudia and Tiberius. He watches Vasha and El, knowing that Ammon's father does not trust either of them yet. (sense motive +8). He nods after each give their true statements and mentally records his notes.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Mythweaver has enough of a sense of these things to know that if Elmurien wanted to lie to him, she would probably succeed. Vasha less so, but still, the absense of evidence is not the evidence of absense)


First Post
Tiberius Lucius Magnus, Male Praetor Warmage

“Not I, I’m afraid, since I haven’t had to deal with that kind of thing during my service, until recently,” Tiberius replies. “Well, we had best return to the banquet hall and see if Ferris is still there then, and if anyone else has arrived. We should probably post guards here before we leave.”


The man with the probe
"If what Atreus said is true, Aerope was likely occupying Ferris's time up untill he met us here," Vasha says with a bit of a giggle.

"I can probably speek to Lynestra and Helena fairly easily if we need to question them. I can even bring someone along if need be, though that may be harder for Helena. Besides, I'd like to see if Puddles can't recognize the scent on the lock somewhere else."


"I would like to accompany any discussions with the rest of the guests. Let's start with Ferris and then move from there. I'll check to see if the Captain of the Guard will post someone here." replies Mythweaver. Having exhausted all avenues of inquest that he can in the room, he will make sure that the room is secure then set out to find where the rest of the guests are.

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