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Discussion - LEW 4th Edition

The Goblin King

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Hey Graf, what form did you see the portals taking?

Something like Sigil? Or Nexus?

At dinner today I was thinking about the Linked Portal ritual. What about a Wayfarers Guild that maintains the cities permanent circle? They also have a well guarded library of all the known circle destinations. They could sell scrolls of Linked Portal to the public. For a fee they could research if there are any hidden circles near where you want to go.

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Stonegod, thanks for the inputs. That kind of info is huge.
What do you think about having one wiki page per character? When a judge approves a character they can make direct edits and then link to that page using the history function as "approved". Then when the judge comes around to check they can compare versions. Much less work than trying to have a massive thread no?

GK, I lean toward sigil stle portals-can-be-anything (again bias toward non restrictive...).

I'm all for tableing setting for now. We've beaten it plenty. Let's take a week or two and then come back to it. People can work on alternatives and practice coughing their arguements.

I like electing judges. I confess to having irrational hopes about luring some of the existing lew judges but it sounds like they're under a lot of pressure already.


Oh, I’m not that powerful (you’ll need an Admin for sub forum creation) nor am I enough in the loop that the request should come from me. (I‘m still very much an outsider in 4th edition LEW)

My first suggestion would be for a thread to be made in meta and see what sort of answer you get from one of the Admins… There has been at least a handful of LEW sub-forums so I don’t think it would meet with much resistance. (but be sure to make reference to this thread, and any other threads for 4th edition LEW, so they are not so blind sided by it)

with respect to this issue I've created a group. (which I can't link to b/c I'm not on a real pc... It's groupid=22)

Insofar as the moderators have indicated (admittedly on a different topic) that they are not keen to open up new forums willy-nilly a reasonably large number of members (10? 20?) would be persuasive I think.

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Insofar as the moderators have indicated (admittedly on a different topic) that they are not keen to open up new forums willy-nilly a reasonably large number of members (10? 20?) would be persuasive I think.
There not but a subforum isn't as bad as it doesn't really effect the length of the forum when viewed from its front page...

Now with that said I think you group idea is a good one. (I've joined and others can join by following this link:

4th Edition Living EnWorld


First Post
Joined the group, and definetly keen on the electing judges idea. I nominate Graf, Covaithe, Atanatotatos and the Goblin King. Probably me to if I'm allowed to, though I'd like to make sure I still have time enough to spare since I start workling again next week, pretty sure I will.

Obviously Brother Shatterstone and stonegod would be great to, I'm just not quite sure if you folks are helping or would like to be involved in the project - if the latter.

I believe a large number of judges is preferable since I think one of the things slowing LEW down is the fact that it has too few judges who are overworked.


First Post
I don't think i'd be a good candidate. I've had no experience with any living world before, and though i could probably spare the time to judge, i don't think i could substitute for absent dms in games, as i'm already a player in 5 pbp games, and dm in one (see signature)...
Thanks for the trust, though ^^

Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Obviously Brother Shatterstone and stonegod would be great to, I'm just not quite sure if you folks are helping or would like to be involved in the project - if the latter.

I cannot answer for stonegod but I'm not really a rules person... (and the last time I DM was second edition so no one would want me taking over the DM roll of their game… ;) )

That said I'm more than willing to help when and where I can. :)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Once L4W starts, you'll see who comes up out of the woodwork. The only thing I caution again w/ judges is that you want to make sure they won't disappear. Folks who haven't been around a while have a bit of a disadvantage here of course.

Currently I'm more than willing to provide feedback and advice, but I'm already judging LEB right now and am hesitant to pick up more judging duties.


First Post
Since I'm dming a 4e game here on enworld with a homebrewed (developing) setting, I thought I might post some settinga material. It's just a few ideas about races and cities, and obviously fitting my setting, so it's nothing too useful for this project, but who knows, someone might get some ideas from there... then if it doesn't contribute i won't losse anything ^^

[sblock=on races and cities]
The campaign starts in the heart of large a continent named Barnost. Several centuries ago, it was devastated by a disaster which nobody but the most knowledgeable sages knows anything about. To this day, only small villages and a few large city-states far from each other offer shelter from the dangerous wilderness. Nesiah is one of the most ancient, but its population sums up to only a few thousand. The vast majority of people knows nothing of the world outside Barnost, or if something is there on the other side of the Ocean.
Aside from the more civilized cultures, many tribes of Lizardmen,Orcs, Goblinoids and such dwell in the vast wild spaces that separate civilized areas, and brutal raids at the expense of villages not large enough to have a significant militia are extremely common.

Some notes the player races and main settlements:
-Humans are the main founders of small villages in the uncivilized lands. They are generally very tolerant towards any who may offer them aid, whatever the race or the past. Overall they're the race that best adapted to this kind
of world, ready to forget about the past and conquer back the continent. Nesiah is their largest and most ancients city. It is perhaps the most populated city of Barnost, and is strictly divided in seventeen districts, each
governed by one of the founding guilds.

-Eladrins are very uncommon, for the links with the Feywild are mostly severed in Barnost. However, this also means that many who stepped through can't find the way home, so there is a small population, generally dwelling in large human cities or elf villages.Many Eladrin adventurers are wanderers in search of a way to go back to the Feywild.Some elders claim to remember the catastrophe that wiped out civilization centuries ago (and some may actually be old enough), but generally refuse to talk about it.

-Halflings, because of their cultural habit of dwelling by rivers, have developed an important function in Barnost:since most settlements are born near rivers out of necessity, the Halflings have become the main merchants and message-bearers on the whole continent. Their most important settlement is Sheiavén, a huge wooden city entirely supported by stilts on the river Mopathos, the widest of the continent.

-Warforgeds' origins are forgotten. Someone believes that they were born as weapons for the war during the time when the disaster that ruined Barnost struck. They're quite common despite apparently no new ones are born, and very appreciated as militians and bodyguards. Yhey suffer from bias from people that only see them as instruments of war because of their inexpressive features, however, they receive a great deal of respect in Partas.

-Tieflings live mostly in large cities, and a conclave of wise Tieflings known as the Council of Peace rules one of the greatest city-state of the continent, Thum-Binyas. Tieflings are not the majority of the population, but they claim that centuries ago Tiefling lords buil the city to offer shelter to the refugees. Someone says The Council of Peace is hiding some important secret in the core of the city, where a little "magic academy" for talented individuals has been founded few decades ago.

-Dragonborns mostly live either in more or less nomadic tribes, sometimes composed of hundreds of individuals, or in the heavily defended Partas, a city surrounded by tall walls and governed by a strict militaristic rule. Similarly to what the council of Peace did in Thum-Binyas, a number of Dragonborn general founded a huge fort to resist some kind of threat. In time, it evolved in a city-state that members of many race inhabit. Military service is mandatory in Partas, and all citizens join the consistent army, but the most famous feature of the city is the unbeaten heavy phalanx, which only includes Dragonborns of proven valor (with the notorious exception of the tenth battalion, composed of warforged veterans).

-Elves mostly live in villages situated in woods or, sometimes, neary inaccessible forests. A legendary Tree-City, Caer-Thag, is spoken of, where sages believe a large community of Eladrins live, and a passage of some kind to the Feywild would be located. The same sages state that powerful incantations erase the location's whereabouts from the memory of whoever may find it, based on reports of explorers that claim to have visited the place, but can neither remember the details about it, nor the path that led them there.

-Dwarves are generally found in every settlement, but the two greatest dwarven cities of the time, Rr'sae and Blenir, are probably the most reclusive and less welcoming of strangers of the great City-states. The former is ubicated on the mountains of Sas-Gsran, the latter is built in the enormous excavated caverns of Vytoreon. Both pride themselves with impassable defenses.

-Half-elves are not very common, but are found everywhere Elves and Humans are near enough. Many live in Kor-Wyne, a small City-State very far from the center of the continent and near the West shores of the Great Winding Ocean, and as such, very little visited and known of. Some travelers state that occasionally ships from the ocean are sighted from, but this is generally regarded as void chatters.

Voidrunner's Codex

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