Divine Haste?


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Hey all,

I was just wondering if a feat that used a turn attempt and gave 1 round of haste (immediate/swift action) would be overpowered?

Prereqs: combat expertise, bab +6.

Basically, I'm creating a dex based paladin and was trying to create an alternative to divine might which he can't use without wasting a feat (he has twf)



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Yeah, but name it Divine Celerity or something like that. BTW

Divine Vigor gives you +2 temporary hit points per level and +10 movement for minutes equal to charisma if your looking for another divine feat that will help a paladin.


I'd say that # of actions are one of the most valuable of resources that a character can possess & you're proposal is very cheap to aquire. One of the reasons (if not the reason) why single foes of a higher CR than the average party member are defeated is their lack of actions; the corollary is the reason why to increase the EL of lower CR foes you need to increase their #.

To increase the # of actions I would look at the quicken spell feat for guidence; it is available at the mid-levels at high cost & can never be combined with the most potent spells (20th level core rules cap).

In the case of your proposal I'd drop the combat expertise pre-req but require something like using up 7+/- turn attempts. I'm not seeing the pre-req connection & quicken doesn't have one other than basic spell use, I think quicken can even be taken at 1st level albeit at significant opportunity cost. I came up with the # of turns based on a base 15 cha increased at 4th level & likely being increased again by a +2 cloak around 6th (total 7*turns); the feat can't be taken until 6th level because of the getting turning at 4th level & chewing up all nearly all turn attempts is a significant balance for such a valuable advantage. Further more, extra turning & improved charisma will allow more uses at higher level.


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
DerianCypher said:
Hey all,

I was just wondering if a feat that used a turn attempt and gave 1 round of haste (immediate/swift action) would be overpowered?

Prereqs: combat expertise, bab +6.

Basically, I'm creating a dex based paladin and was trying to create an alternative to divine might which he can't use without wasting a feat (he has twf)



Cool feat but ditch those pre-reqs, keep it the same as other divine feats.....ability to turn undead.


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Darmanicus said:
Cool feat but ditch those pre-reqs, keep it the same as other divine feats.....ability to turn undead.

Yeah, if you want to make it "expensive" add extra turning for a pre req.


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FreeTheSlaves said:
I'd say that # of actions are one of the most valuable of resources that a character can possess & you're proposal is very cheap to aquire. One of the reasons (if not the reason) why single foes of a higher CR than the average party member are defeated is their lack of actions; the corollary is the reason why to increase the EL of lower CR foes you need to increase their #

3.5 haste no longer grant an extra action.

A comparable feat to this is Blinding Speed, which grants 5 hasted rounds per day - and that's an epic feat that requires dex 25. This feat would need to be less powerful than this.

The requisites should include something like Dex 15. It should also burn up two turn attempts each time. A paladin with Cha 24 (achievable at the higher end with items and things) has 10 turn attempts - if he burns them all on this feat it gives five rounds per day. The paladin would want to keep some turns for other divine feats, though, so that keeps it less powerful than the epic version.


First Post
How about for prereqs you go with this: ability to turn undead and BaB +6 and then say activiation requires the use of two turn attempts to activate and lasts a number of rounds equal to your charisma bonus

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