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DM Brainiac's Prison of the Firebringer (Updated 12/21/05)

Who is your favorite character in "The Firebringer?"

  • Allanon Harpell

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Berek Onyxstout

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Gillian Lightfoot

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Grundar

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Jelani Sandulf

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Rhys Thurn

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Rumar Destare

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • Terenon

    Votes: 14 60.9%
  • Other (explain in post)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Legacy of the Firebringer sounds good

Kill two birds with one stone, as this name is kind of intriguing as well and hints at the party being the legacy or just the continuing story of the party.
On the other hand people might feel cheated as it could be taken to mean there is a legacy of the FB being described, which in actuallity it does not. At least not as narrowly defined as one might take it.

After the Firebringer might be better, but perhaps another reader is able to come up with an idea that's gonna blow our minds altogether.


ltclnlbrain said:
Perhaps I should call it "Legacy of the Firebringer" or "After the Firebringer," something like that. Which do you think is better?

I suggest you start a new thread with the party name, or the campaign name, something along those lines. Post a link here, both at the beginning in your first post, and now, as a pointer to your new thread. People will get the hint, and you are not shackled by the name of a single adventure anymore.

my 2 cents.


Graywolf-ELM said:
I suggest you start a new thread with the party name, or the campaign name, something along those lines. Post a link here, both at the beginning in your first post, and now, as a pointer to your new thread. People will get the hint, and you are not shackled by the name of a single adventure anymore.

my 2 cents.

2 cents? Looks like the 10K GP suggestion to me ;-)


First Post
Bickering Avengers, eh? Not such a bad name.

Just to let you guys know, I've been out of town for the past week and haven't been able to work on updates. But hopefully I will get one out for you before the end of the week.


First Post
Terenon said:
Maybe we shoulfd get ourselves a group name, like The Bickering Avengers

I blame...hmmmm...you!

Grundar said:
no problem. I wasn't in a hurry to post. Would you like a shorter name? :)

Oh, and I was kidding, Grundar. Most people just don't bother with the whole nickname; just found it a bit amusing you actually did.
'Course, there are a lot of long, complicated nicknames on this forum...
Last edited:


First Post
A'vandira, I tried e-mailing you but I guess I don't have the privilege on this board or something.

I know you've expressed your desire to play in our game, and it just so happens we have an opening now. Allanon has been pretty much MIA the past few months, so we've decided to drop him. Send me an e-mail at ltclnlbrain@aol.com if you want to join up.


First Post
Chapter 23

Separated from the rest of the city of Silverymoon by the Market, the Palace District was, along with the New City, the place for the rich and noble. The sights that greeted a visitor to this splendid area were worth seeing, to be sure. Finely dressed nobility seeking to out-do one another in gentility, wit and fashion, powerful mages and respected priests walking side-by-side, or the Shining Host or Knights in Silver riding by, reassuring their charges of their vigilance and protection.

The highest point in the Palace District was the High Palace. This incredible castle of white marble was the most impressive sight in Silverymoon, and it dominated a low hill just east of the market. Rearing unicorns and beautiful maidens adorned the walls of the castle and its tallest spire sparkled under the light of the sun. Grassy fields surrounded it on all sides, and pools of fresh water burst in patterns at regular intervals. These fields were a favorite place for picnics during the spring and summer, and brightly colored tents could be found there during the city's festivals.

The adventurers were stopped at the gates of the castle by a squad of heavily armored guards. Deirdriel stepped up and exchanged words with them, and after a few moments they ushered the group into the palace proper.

The half-elven mage directed the party through the extravagantly appointed halls and stairways up to Alustriel's audience chamber. Dozens of courtiers lined the impressive chamber, though all of the group’s attention was held by the beautiful woman seated at the far end of the hall. She was clad in extravagant clothing and carried a staff adorned with a unicorn's head, and her hair was the color of radiant silver, sparkling in the morning sun.

The woman smiled and rose from her throne, and all conversation in the room stopped. The party made its way across the hall and stopped before the woman's throne. Bowing low, Deirdriel said, "Lady Alustriel, may I present to you the adventurers who defeated the Acolytes of the Hidden Flame, as well as their chaos lord, Bazim-Gorag, the Firebringer."

Alustriel spread her arms wide as her melodious voice rang out throughout the hall. "I have heard much about your exploits. It is good to finally meet you all. Allanon... Grundar... Jelani... Rhys... Rumar... Terenon. On behalf of all of Silverymoon, I thank you for your deeds. You have protected the Silver Marches and all of the Realms from the destruction that would have surely followed if the Firebringer had been released, and for that you have my eternal gratitude."

The room broke out into applause.

It was something that Terenon had always craved: adoration. His face beamed with pride and pleasure. He started waving his hand to the crowd. He slapped Grundar on the back and grabbed Jelani by the shoulder. "They love us," he said low enough so only they can hear. "Now would be a good time to hit them up for some land titles."

Jelani’s reaction to the crowd couldn’t have been more different from Terenon’s. Rather than waving to the crowd he further shadowed his head inside the large robes; features that the more observant of the group would note were significantly different from those that he’d been seen with before. Hair color, eye color, even the size and shape of his nose had been, at least for the moment changed. Though it undoubtedly would not fool the Lady Alustriel, it appeared that he was more concerned with the crowd than anything else.

Gauging from the silence on his part and the rather slight bow he issued in the direction of Alustriel after she spoke, Rumar was less than overwhelmed with the admiration of those in the room. In fact, he looked more impatient than anything else. Hmph. More blasted ceremonial posturing. I can only hope that this doesn't go on for too long; I have far more important things to tend to.

Once the applause died down, Alustriel turns back toward the adventurers. "There are other matters we need to discuss in more private circumstances. If you'd please follow me?"


Alustriel led the group to a small meeting room just down the hall from the audience chamber, filled with plush couches, a warm fireplace, and several varieties of wine. Gracefully taking a seat on one of the couches, the ruler of Silverymoon waited for her guests to sit before beginning.

"As I said before, we are most grateful for the work you have done, but I am afraid there is more for you to do. The shadow of Acessiwal's might will soon fall upon the Silver Marches, and we must be prepared. I have researched this white wyrm extensively and managed to find much you may find useful."

"Acessiwal makes his lair far to the north of here, somewhere in the Spine of the World. For centuries, he had been content to terrorize the tundra beyond the realms of humanity. Seldom has he turned his eye toward raid or conquest, but things have changed in the past few decades. Thirty years ago, he dealt a semi-permanent defeat to the frost giant clans that checked his rulership over the cold wastes. There have been several uprisings since then, but none large enough to be much of a threat to the wyrm and his forces. he began to look beyond his longtime plains of ice for new lands to bring under his icy dominion."

"He has been rallying many allies to his banner in the hopes of conquering the Silver Marches. As of now he does not have nearly enough soldiers to take on Silverymoon, but he still may be capable of conquering the smaller outlying settlements to the north and east. Acessiwal must not be allowed to gain a foothold in the Marches, or we will be hard-pressed to beat back his troops."

"There is a small hamlet by the name of Finch that may be a good point to start out from. It is close enough to the Spine of the World that the residents may have more information you can use, yet far enough away that they will not be under Acessiwal's influence. I understand that you need time to rest and recuperate after your latest expedition, but do not tarry overlong; with each day that passes, the white wyrm's might grows stronger."

Terenon sat on one of the couches and sank deeply into its padded opulence. Still high from the jubilant reaction of the crowd, a grin was plastered on his face. The talk of Acessiwal made the smile fade into an introspective scowl. He knew it was coming, but he didn't want to think about such things right now. He needed time. A fair amount of it was necessary for what he needed to do. "I have plans to make an item which will aid in our future endeavors,” the mage began, “but I will need at least a month. I am honored by your faith in us for this mission. I love Silverymoon, and look to make it my home. I only wish I had the land to build one here..."

Alustriel inclined her head knowingly. "The city of Silverymoon would be willing to grant each of you a small tract of land for your victories in the Dungeon of the Ruins, if you are so inclined. You may do with it as you see fit. The land can be divided up however you wish. If two or more of you would like to pool the tracts together to create a larger one, you are free to do so. If you would rather prefer your privacy, we can arrange it so that you are more spread out around the city."

Judging by the way most of the others were nodding, they found this reward quite acceptable. Terenon smiled ingenuously. “Thank you, Lady Alustriel, you are most generous. Back to business then: what information do you have on the other players in Acessiwal’s army? Who are his allies?”

“Acessiwal has done quite a good job at covering up the size and composition of his forces," said Alustriel. "We have learned that one or more of his offspring are under his command, as well as at least one powerful wizard. He also has a large number of golems made of ice that he controls. Beyond that, we were unable to discover much else of use."

“May I make a suggestion?” asked Rhys. “Perhaps consideration should be given to contacting the frost giants and others he's fighting now? Yes, they may be evil, but it wouldn't surprise me if they'd be willing to help against him. Even if we're succesful, they'd be too weak to be a threat and being grateful may just leave us in peace for the help."

“Contacting them may be a good idea, though they are rather difficult to find,” Alustriel replied. “They have to hide themselves well to keep from being wiped out by the dragon's forces. It is more likely that they may contact you as you draw closer to Acessiwal's demesne."

“Also,” added Allanon, “do we know how old a dragon Acessiwal is? It will be important for our preparations.”

"Acessiwal is the oldest among dragons; his long life has spanned millenia, and he could quite possibly live for millenia more if his reign is not put to an end." Alustriel waited a few moments to see if anybody else had questions. "If that is all, gentlemen, then I bid you safe travels. We look forward to hearing good news once you set off on your quest."

The party began to leave the room, but Jelani lingered a moment longer and turned back to Alustriel. “Excuse me for taking more of your time, but who would I need to speak to about purchasing the land where the ruins of the Seleskaryn fortress lay?”

Alustriel raised her eyebrow at Jelani's question. She thought for a few moments, then shrugged. "The Selskar Vale is far beyond the borders of Silverymoon's territorial holdings. As far as I know, nobody owns the rights to the valley or the hill on which the old Tower of the Star stood. If you wish to take on the responsibility of rebuilding and refurbishing the keep, then you have my permission to do so. Though if that beholder mage still dwells there, you will probably have to deal with him first. From what Deirdriel has told me of your dealings with him, he doesn't sound like the sharing type."

Jelani nodded, smiling thinly. “Thank you, Lady. You have been most helpful.”


Walking out of the Lady's sitting room and into the hall, Terenon looked around with glee. One day, he would have a kingdom of his own. But why limit himself to Faerun? It could be located on another world or even another plane of existance.

There was no time for such grandiose thoughts, though: he had work to do. One thing at a time, he thought. Walking out of the palace, the mage's thoughts drifted to Serrila. A smile broke across his face. He couldn't wait to tell her about his exciting day.

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