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DM Christmas Idea-Player Coupons


I want to get something for my players in my gaming group and a friend once gave out a sheet of coupons to players that they could use within one calendar year from the time of receipt. It was a regular sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper and had a grid of 12 boxes on it.

I remember one being a natural 20 and another being called a rather cryptic "Twist of Fate". I'd like to give my players something like this and I was wondering what other DM's would put on their coupon sheets if they were going to give something like this.

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First, I would make them different for each person. With each tailored for that particular player's taste.

For instance, if you have a guy who is really into story, into being dramatic, you could have 'Use when character is near death and/or dies. Appear to die, with no way for your body to be found. Return in the nick of time and/or flashy entrance.'

Another is 'Arch nemesis involved in the plot.' Or 'Contact has just the thing.'

For the guy who is all about gear, or likes magical items, how about this: 'For entire session, use of magical item Your Level+5.'

Also, 'The last roll the DM made is now a 1.' This would be used on enemies, or any roll the DM makes.


I like the idea of customizing to each player but that does bring into play a balance issue. Is that roleplaying coupon for Player A more or less valuable than the combat oriented coupon for Player B. Still, it does make one thing explicitly about the player types in the group.

Any other suggestions?


Moderator Emeritus
If you are worried about balance just make each coupon have a choice of abilities, one mechanically driven and one story-driven and the player can choose how to use it when handing it - but make each choice geared towards the player and/or character.


Glimpse of the Future said:
By using this coupon you can reverse the last action taken by you and choose another action instead. What had taken place was a vision in your mind of the future gifted to you by the heavens as a warning.

I don't usually like real world interefering with games in this way, but here is a coupon that people seems ot like and can be helpful anytime and not overpowered. It is simply a mulligan.

Also did you think of not-usable coupons? Not something that is turned in, but an instant reward. Maybe a poem that has meaning in the game to give some information. Maybe even parts of a secret spread across multiple coupons and the player must put the coupons oin the right order for a hidden treasure they can "unlock" from the game?


The SwashCards are pretty cool. I think I will use some of them but do like the idea of having one set of coupons with multiple options. The players all have access to the same ones but can make the choice of what they want at a particular time.

I usually don't like using this sort of thing either but my players seemed to really enjoy it when they had it for another DM's rotation and it added to the excitement of the sessions over time as we neared the end of the year. I figure with only a finite number on the sheet they won't have a continual major impact on the game and are sort of like an Action Point in some respects.


I got an idea like this from a former DM of mine, and have incorporated it into the games I've DM'd for the past 6 years or so. Initially, the "gift scrolls" as he called them contained very vague statments that you simply used whenever it seemed appropriate. For example, "You swing with the might of the gods behind your arms!" would generally result in extra damage. The problem I had with this was that it left too much in the unknown. For 3.5 I made the powers a bit more clear. For 4E, I turned them into "Lifetime Tier Powers". I gave my players each a Standard Action, Move, Minor, Interrupt and Reaction power that they could use one time, ever. At Paragon and Epic tiers, they get 5 new powers. Naturally, these are much more powerful than any normal power. They're also tied into the character's class/role/style, of course. I don't have them in front of me right now, but the tricksy artful dodger halfling rogue's Immediate Interrupt was something along the lines of:
"I Want You To Hit Me As Hard As You Can"
Trigger: You are hit by a melee attack.
Effect: The attacker takes the damage instead of you.
I also print out the powers as cards using MSE. Image: a giant smashing the ground with his fists -cracking it- as a halfling jumps out of the way.

All in all, pretty fun stuff that can obviously help turn the tide of a battle that isn't going so well. I like them, and the players like them. I've noticed they tend to horde them until later on in their levels, just before they'e going to get new ones.

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