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DM needs some advice a about a serious mistake....


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Ok so here is the thing, i am a DM for a group of 6 players and most of them are a bunch of powerplayers ( no problem there ) and they played in the midnight fantasy setting, but since they were getting bored there i decided to let them get into the planes to search for some lost good gods. This didnt work out as planned, so last session i made a huge mistake....

They found their gods due to some insidious plan from Grazzt so he could get into the world of Midnight ( in my campaign he has some sort of deal with Izrador for locking up the old good gods, and izrador is the big bad eveil god who shut off the world of midnight for all other gods ) to settle some score with Izrador...

Now here comes the mistake, they got their gods back and BANG with a big flash they are in some sea of midnight transformed into ANGELS.....

They were allready lvl 13 and now i just gave them some AMAZING buffs with incredible spells at will and immunitys, unbelievable saves.....

And well the thing is, I dont know what to do now to make it interesting for the players....

Should i make it something like the Time of Troubles in FR???

Any advice from fellow DMs would be welcome :)

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As power players, do they like to be challenged? You could have one or two sessions where they just absolutely dominate everything because they're angels, get them thinking, "Aww yeah we gangsta", when all of a sudden BOOM the third session is some sort of insanity run.

Or, you could just be up front with them, like two days before the session and go, "Guys, I messed up, I would like to undo that session and say it never happened, because I don't have anything planned now that you're all Angels in the Outfield."

Really, it's up to you. I think this could lead to crazy sessions that span the cosmos, but that could be a pain to think up, I'm sure.


or you could take it away in some plausible reason.

where'd the angel power come from? Did you already tell the PCs? Was it the truth?

You could have that power come from the bad guys, as a last ditch effort to tempt the PCs into going evil (fallen angels). In which case you can yank the power after their fall.

It could be the good gods gave them the power by "borrowing" it from the head good god that's been dormant. Now some mega-evil Unicron has woken up, and only the head good god can beat it (not even the New Angels). Which means they need to return the power (sacrifice) so the head good god can be woken up and sent in to beat the mega-BBEG.


Now here comes the mistake, they got their gods back and BANG with a big flash they are in some sea of midnight transformed into ANGELS.....

The easiest way to deal with that is simply to end the campaign. The PCs have successfully and dramatically changed their world, so congratulations to them. Narrate their individual happy endings, have them fly off into the sunset, and roll the end credits.

If you want to carry on with the campaign, my recommendation would be to try to work out the new "effective level" of the PCs - do their new powers equate to a +2 level adjustment? +3? Higher? Once you've got that worked out, just build the campaign as you would for PCs of this new, higher level, and carry on as before. (Note that most of the LAs from the MM err on the under-powered side of the equation, especially when applied to high-level PCs. So you should probably factor that into your equations.)

As a last resort, you could make it a temporary condition as the 'divine spark' within them gradually fades away. Perhaps when it finally burns out you could give each PC a wish to use as they will, or Divine Rank 1 (see "Legends & Lore"), or similar. However, I would generally advise against this unless you really can't handle the new power-level - players tend to take it badly when they lose something they've "earned".


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Well thanks for the input, but ending the campaign or turning it back isnt an option. I like the let them be gangsta for 1 or 2 session options. Luckily i made Grazzt and 1000+ demons invade the world as well ( whom will talk with the evil god and maybe strike a deal ) so challenge wise i dont think it wont be a problem. And seeing my players are allready apping me about questions i have to carry on with this campaign.
And about the question how they go the powers, its indeed the gods who got saved who gave them the powers and the mission to get more believers, as the gods powers are to weak right now to fight against Izrador...

I have been thinking about it and i think it will be big massive worldwide war with demons, evil armies with terrifying leaders vs. the PCs allied with elves, the humans are pityfull on the world of midnight.


No need to turn back things but maybe the power was temporary ( either a limited time, or after they use up a certain amount if that angel fuel for powers they will even ally be on empty, or at least not as strong as angel power.

Another option, keep them as is but up the enemies -- are there devil powered people out there too?

Or maybe that "good energy " has caused som e other unexpected problem. To undo that problem ( some ancient ritual or whatever) will end up taking their power as well

Or the get some adventure plot where their angel power is the final piece needed to resolve the issue thus they give that up for the greater good ( note, it takes a certain type of player to bite this hook, so it may not go as hoped for with your specific players)


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You could have the angels "step out of them" and return home once they are "safe". This creates a temporary power as mentioned above.

I think the power fading is interesting, but with the good gods getting more powerful as the campaign goes on, it wouldn't make sense for their power to weaken.

Sacrificing the power, now that is interesting, because it allows for failure to do so which is greed and that could result in falling. Any of your players willing to turn against the others/retire a character to become a major villain? :D

Mishihari Lord

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Go Dragonball Z. Now that you have godlike power, here are the new bunch of folks who need your help, and here are your new enemies who are roughly a match for you.


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Use Your Words

I would talk it out with the players...it's never a bad idea to say "Hey guys, I screwed up. Here's my plan to fix it."

That way you can have an open talk about (a) if they think the high power is a problem and (b) what they think might fix that.

It's a mistake to try to just machinate something behind the scenes because you might misidentify what's going wrong. It took me a long time to figure that out -- it feels like cheating a little bit -- but it's really the best way.


Another option is a contrived choice. E.g. they can save the world but only by fueling a divine machine by sacrificing their angelhood.

Either choice - problem solved.

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