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DM Product Review and Advice

Wolf 70-Dats Why

The total reason is save CASH MONEY...There are not too many things worse than paying for a suppliment that "sux" , Or paying for a supliment that you wont use for 4 years...I added up my purchases on suppliments and its totally scary..

My Wife.." Why do you need ANOTHER book? Isnt there everything you need in the other books you have? Besides what are you reading about all the time?"

Me.. "PRECIouS!"

My reviews are based on specific criteria
1) Bang for the Buck- is it worth 40-50bucks? To me Vile Darkness was, but my player bought it, so I bought Exhalted Deeds, My problem is im a book hoarder.. I cant call my Player @ 2AM and Summon the BOVD.
2) Adapatability-Sure it works for d20, but can I adapt to non D20 games, other generes etc.
3) Quality- Well developed well writen, cool art...

Money savers...
1) Encourage Players to buy "PC related" Supliments -Complete Adventurer etc..
2) PDFS -I dont use alot of these because I have NO INTERNET at home
3) Web rings and WOTC-I down load tones o' stuff (at work, Mwah-ha hahah hah!)
4) Ebay -used items....I found Gary Gyax's "necropolis" for 15 bucks....Unfortunately RETOEE...lauched up to "ludicris prices"... :D :D :D :D

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Blade of Desecration said:
What do other people think of Lost Empires of Faerun? I'm thinking about picking up a copy.
Y'know I have been waiting for that book for ever. My mother in law bought it for me for Christmas off of Amazon, not knowing that it wasn't going to be released until Feb. So, she thought it would be there when my family and I went to visit her for Christmas (BTW she lives about 2,000 miles away).
Unfortunately, she keeps forgetting to send it. However, it does add a little excitement to checking the mail.:D

Kuld said:
Y'know I have been waiting for that book for ever. My mother in law bought it for me for Christmas off of Amazon, not knowing that it wasn't going to be released until Feb. So, she thought it would be there when my family and I went to visit her for Christmas (BTW she lives about 2,000 miles away).
Unfortunately, she keeps forgetting to send it. However, it does add a little excitement to checking the mail.:D
I've finally just got near to finishing that book, and it's well worth the 30 bucks I payed for it. There's very little crunch, but so mush fluffy goodness. The book is pretty much the entire history of Faerun. Also, and I'm not exaggerating here, it's given me enough plotline ideas to last me my entire campaign. Its also pretty interesting.


Blade of Desecration said:
I've finally just got near to finishing that book, and it's well worth the 30 bucks I payed for it. There's very little crunch, but so mush fluffy goodness. The book is pretty much the entire history of Faerun. Also, and I'm not exaggerating here, it's given me enough plotline ideas to last me my entire campaign. Its also pretty interesting.
I knew it. The minute I talked about the book it would come. It came today!:D


First Post
Morbog of Ghetto D said:
does anyone have these products...... ?

Please let me know the Good the Bad and the Ugly

Well, I don't own Dunjinni, so I can't comment on it.

I do own CC2-Pro from Pro fantasy and I like it a lot. But there is a couple of considerations to CC2 to take into account:
  • It is fairly expensive
  • It is better to buy the fantasy add-ons IMHO, they look great and give a map that "cool" touch - making it more expensive
  • It runs on a CAD system that took me awhile to catch on and learn, YMMV
  • Patience is a virtue - start small, their is a lot of options to learn

That being said. I have gotten some good mileage on it. I'd probably have finished my world map by now if I didn't keep "fixing" things to get it perfect! :)

Here is an example of what I have done, hope it helps:



  • Shadowlands and Winter Reach Mountains.JPG
    Shadowlands and Winter Reach Mountains.JPG
    59.7 KB · Views: 228


Yup thats a "cool as heck" map.... :D

Your distractions dont seem to MAJOR to me....the thing about dunjinni is that i have read that there are monsters and other stats that you can pull and drop right into an adventure.... so it seems more like a "DMIng" tool than a Mapmaker...

Any feed back on the "code Monkey" product?


First Post
Morbog of Ghetto D said:
....the thing about dunjinni is that i have read that there are monsters and other stats that you can pull and drop right into an adventure.... so it seems more like a "DMIng" tool than a Mapmaker...

Any feed back on the "code Monkey" product? ;)

Sorry. I have never used it. I'd be curious also to learn more about it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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