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DnD 3.5 One-Shot Adventure (closed, but always accepting alternets)

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Lobo's ENWORLD Game
A one-shot adventure with possible sequels.


Basic Idea: The Player Characters are hired by a nobleman, Fharone Ghoreing to delve into a dungeon located in a not-so-far away location. He needs them to look for his brother-in-law and his twin sister who were investigating the ruins there as part of a historical research effort by the Erudites of Lyss (a sort of think-tank/archivists guild).
The brother-in-law, Trystinian, was wearing a platinum and sapphire amulet which the noble's family has used as it's symbol of rulership for the past 8,000 years. Without it, the local mayors and smallfolk will not recognize the noble's claim. Whichever member of the Ghoreing family that wears the amulet and is blessed in the cathedral of Rallonoch (a local patron diety) will be invested with the rulership and inheritance of the family.

Base of Operations: Town of Scott's Bluff, a small city of around 4,000 individuals atop a massive basalt rock formation (town is raise about 60 ft. above the lands surrounding it).

The Dungeon: Ruined Tibecian Fortress. An ancient outpost of the long-dead Tibecian Empire, this ruined fortress lies about 2.5 day's journey by foot (1.25 by horse) from Scott's Bluff. Local legend holds that it was built to protect some powerful magical artifact or to imprison some fell wizard. What is known is that it was built upon the barrow-catacombs of a civilization that was dead and forgotten even before the Tibecians came along. Some of the inner chambers are reported to be intact and thus draw a great many adventurers and historians intent on exploration and uncovering secrets lost to time. The ruins are also reputed to be haunted. A hermit known as Yoren is known to inhabit these ruins, keeping to himself but occasionally helping out travelers in need.

Ancillary Locations:
* The Randy Boatswain: How a galleon ended up in the middle of the continent and atop Scott's Bluff is anyone's guess. By the furrows in the stone, common mythology holds that it sailed the very stones of Scott's Bluff before something happened and it got stuck there. Gianna Kreever's family bought the galleon and surrounding property approximately 700 years ago and turned it into a successful inn and tavern.
A great many locals and nearly every traveler to Scott's bluff ends up at the Randy Boatswain. Private rooms are also offered for those who do not wish to attract the attention generated by renting the solar of the Town Hall. Cannavhere's Mercenary Guild rents out some rooms here and uses the inn as thier base of operations as does the Blue Star trading cartel.
* Havelock's Emporium & Supply: The only monstrous humanoid in town, the hobgoblin known as Havelock deals fairly with all who frequent his establishment. It is here that all the basic necesities of city life can be found: beasts of burden, wagons, alcohol, tools, grains, breads, beans, rice, vegetables, fresh fruits, paper, inks, bottles, mirrors; literally just about anything can be found in Havelock Emporium & Supply (a set of two massive 2-story warehouses). Everyone who works here is a hobgoblin and the townsfolk tolerate them as they have done no wrong and they don't bother anyone.
* Ribble's Glassworks & Potions: A wizardess known as Ribble set up shop here about 10 years ago and enjoys moderate success as the town's only potion-maker. From love potions to health-regeants Ribble seems to have a potion for just about everything (and not all of them are magical). Ribble has the reputation for being the nicest person in town.
* The Foundry: The Brightsteels are reknowned as master smiths. They came to Scott's Bluff about 2 centuries ago and set up shop. The qualify of thier work and the fairness of thier prices quickly put all of thier competition out of business. They command a great deal of respect and awe in the community as both wealthy merchants and for the obvious signs of dragon's blood the runs in the family.
* Town Hall: The town's only 4-story building. All matters of governance are handled here. Basement levels contain the town's jail and vault. Ground level contains the police garrison and advocate's offices. The second story is given to the courtrooms and Mayor's offices. The third floor houses the mayor's family while the 4th floor contains a great domed glass roof and is often used for town meetings, weddings, social functions, and matters of state for which the mayor's offices prove too small.
* Marten's Manse: A three-story dilapidated mansion that was once quite fine. It is in a state of rot and disrepair. The last of the Marten family still resides there amongst the ruins of thier former glory. The Manse is rumored to be haunted and strange lights and fogs can be seen within the grounds at night.

Other Locations:
North: Beyond Scott’s Bluff lies the Frontier… a mixture of legends, sand, mystery, unknown dangers, and tall flat-topped mesas inhabited by fierce and deadly humanoids.
About a ½ day’s ride to the north, Thracia, Lyss, & Jakarta maintain a joint permanent garrison for the defense of their peoples living in the area. These soldiers tend to serve 3-year tours of duty and visit Scott’s Bluff with regularity, as it’s the only ‘real’ civilization within a week’s ride.
East: Far to the East lies the Kingdom of Thracia. Thracians are tall, fair-skinned, and dark-haired. When you think of rivers, castles, knights, Lords, & Ladies, think of Thracia. Elves and Dwarves hail from lands further east than even Thracia.
South: The Red Wood; a primeval forest on a massive scale; home to many giants, fey, and barbarous forest clans of humans (no elves here).
Far beyond the Red Wood lies Jakarta. Jakartans believe that magic is the key to the universe and value magical power above all else. A matriarchal mageocracy, they use their magics to invest their babies with desired traits while still in the womb. Jakartan sorceresses are known for the unnatural colors of their eyes (a sign of magical manipulation).
West: Stony wastelands and the ruins of the Tibecian Empire. The modern-day Lyssan Empire is built upon the shattered ruins of the old empire. Most Lyssans take a fierce pride in the fact that they descended from the Tibecians. Lyssans are on the shorter side and tend toward slenderness. They tend to be olive-skinned and think that golden haired individuals are lucky.

Humans dominate the Scott’s Bluff area. The people tend to be multicultural and no one country can really claim the area. Officially, the area is contested by all three nations, but realistically, there's nothing of real interest to them here other than the Brightsteel foundry's weapons and the fabled Martel gem mines, which may or may not exist.
Halfling caravans are common enough that halflings do not raise any eyebrows and are even welcomed.
Dwarves; Once every few years, a dwarven caravan will ply it’s wares at Scott’s Bluff, but the Brightsteels generally produce superior levels of craftsmanship.
Although, for those who wish something different than their fellows have, Dwarven goods are highly sought after.
Only one resident of Scott’s Bluff is a dwarf, and he works for Cannavhere's Mercenary Guild; based in the Randy Boatswain.
Elves; No one has seen an elf in Scott’s Bluff in well over six generations.
Half-Elves: Lots of adventurers tend to be half-elves, so they are not so uncommon in Scott’s Bluff. Most residents have actually met one or two half-elves.
Gnomes; While not common, most residents of Scott’s Bluff know someone that knows someone that once met a gnome. A tribe of barbaric gnomes is rumored to live in the Red Wood, but no one in Scott’s Bluff has ever met one of them.
Half-Orcs; most of them hail from the Northern Frontier area, where an entire kingdom of orcs is rumored to exist.

Starting Level: 7th
Starting Wealth: 19,000 Gold
Races: If it fits in the ECL and you can come up with a plausible reason to be in Scott’s Bluff, then it’s cool.
Alignment: No evil characters please.
Backgrounds: A paragraph or even two should be sufficient. No lone-wolf type characters please.
Characters will be assumed to know each other and have adventured together in the past.
Please provide one (or more if you like) plot hook as to what the character is doing in the Scott’s Bluff area.
Please provide one secret about your character. It doesn’t have to be a dark secret. Please post your secret openly. You can decide if the other characters know about it though. Until told otherwise, all characters will roleplay as if the secret is unknown.
Attributes: Use invisiblecastle.com to roll attributes (4d6, drop the lowest). I don’t really care what the attributes are, but remember that super-hero characters face super-hero monsters. If I note something outrageous, I may ask you to tone it down.
Hit Points: maximum hit points at 1st and 2nd level; ½ hit points thereafter (con added normally).
Feats: 1 feat per level instead of at every 3rd level.
Classes: All Core material allowed. All material from Complete Arcane, Miniatures Handbook, & Complete Warrior allowed. Psionics, as per the SRD, are allowed.
Arcana Unearthed/Evolved Classes are allowed as well. They will need some appropriately exotic reason to have such a non-standard class though.
I reserve the right to nix certain class, skill, and/or feat combinations after the fact if they prove to be unbalancing or twinky.
EDIT: I also have the Green Ronin Advanced Player's Handbook, if someone wants to use a class out of there, that's cool too.
Skill Points: 6 extra skill points at 1st level to purchase background-related skills (i.e., profession gardener, etc.)
House Rule (Feat—Dodge; this adds +1 Dodge bonus to armor calls vs. ALL opponents)
House Rule (Reserve Points, as per Unearthed Arcana)

Posting Guidelines:
Once per day + Saturday.
Speech in quotation marks please. “ “
Thoughts in italics please.
Rolling; I will do the rolling, but please post your relevant skill modifiers. Example: Horus searches the room thoroughly, taking all the time he needs in order to do so. (OOC: Take 20 on Search +10).

Tinner (Scavatch Facebiter; Gnome Barbarian)
Scotley (Arvad Greenborgh; Half Elf Fighter/Rogue)
Tailspinner (Threendle Goodhaven; Human Conjurer)
Lord_Raven88 (Marcus Celestius; Ghaele)
Jdvn1 (Mardin Nalik; Dwarf Fighter)​

Alternates (in no particular order):
mOoEyThEcOw (Molly Ward; Human Druid)
garlicnation (Hardnin Nalsh; Human Soulknife)
IcyCool (Gulo Sorthen; Human Rog/Ftr/Invisible Blade)
Ferrix (some type of cleric)​
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Guest 11456

Probably only one or two, maybe more. But I wanted to see how the dice fell first.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Ooh, sounds cool. I'd like to play a dwarven fighter/smith (could I use Races of Stone?) or a half-elf psion or something.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
The style of adventure sounds similar to Living EN World, but I like the higher level/power feel... I'd like to upgrade one of my LEW character Katherine to play here - she is a half elf bard/ranger, likes to find things and find things out. Combat role is largely support, with bardic music, support spells (how do you feel about Complete Adventurer?) and tripping and disarming with her whip. Out of combat she excells in both social and physical investigation, with gather info and bardic knowlege from the bard side and track and possibly an animal companion from the ranger. Could be a leader type, but more inclined to management (suggesting a course of action and splitting up duties once a job has been taken) rather than "the boss" (deciding which jobs to take on behalf of the group.)

if that would work for you, I can start fleshing her out....

Lobo Lurker

First Post
I don't have Races of Stone. Can you send me the level specifics that you'd have to GJS_N_CR (at) hotmail.com? Based on the name, Smith, I'd guess that it's innoffensive, but with d20 you never know. :)

I don't know much about Living EnWorld. But if you're interested in playing her and she uses the standard rules, feel free to flesh her out. I don't have the Complete Adventurer, you'd have to email me the info you want to use. I don't think it'll be a problem based on other stuff I've seen in use out of that book though.
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