D&D 5E DnD 5ed Auto-calculating Fillable Character Sheet based on Dragon's Lair Design


Hi guys
I fixed all things you reported. Hope you enjoy it :)


• Ver.1.05 (November, 18.2014.)
- Now you can select additional Saving Throw proficiency, no matter which class is selected (useful for Resilient feat)
- Added Remarkable Athlete class feature
- Jack of All Trades moved below basic character information
- Added Misc bonus fields for Saving Throws and Skills
- Added Skill proficiencies based on Background choice
- Couple of cosmetic changes for clear buttons

Please let me know if I screwed something :)

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Pedro Garrano

First Post
How are you handling custom backgrounds?

Specific example: my Paladin has the Acolyte background, but Insight didn't fit the character, so I traded it for Medicine.
Perhaps if the Background proficiencies weren't read-only, that would allow for customization.

Also, the Armor section needs options for Unarmored Defense (Barbarian and Monk versions).

Other than that, tested the sheet with Foxit Reader 7.0 (the latest), works just fine.


Perhaps if the Background proficiencies weren't read-only, that would allow for customization.
As with all fields that have calculation, you can enter custom text and readonly status and auto-calculation will be disabled.
So if you enter Acolyte_custom, Acolyte1 or whatever you want, you'll disable readonly and autocalculation for skill proficiencies. Just make sure that custom text is different from choices from dropdown menu.

Also, the Armor section needs options for Unarmored Defense (Barbarian and Monk versions).
Unarmored defence is autocalculated. I wrote instructions in Quick_Start_v1.xx.pdf how sheet is calculating stuff, so if you are not sure how something work, please check there if I wrote instruction/explanation for that.

This is c/p from Quick_Start_v1.xx.pdf
5. AC value of armor or shield – Auto‐calculated if built‐in choices are selected for armor
or shield. If Barbarian or Monk is selected class and Unarmored is selected, then here is
value 10 + Con modifier for Barbarian and 10 + Wis modifier for Monk

Other than that, tested the sheet with Foxit Reader 7.0 (the latest), works just fine.
This is a good news. For me and my friends sheet doesn't behave well in Foxit. I'll try again. Maybe latest version is working fine because I rewrite majority of code.

Pedro thanks for feedback.


Other than that, tested the sheet with Foxit Reader 7.0 (the latest), works just fine.

I just checked if sheet is working in newest version of Foxit.
Like I said before and is noted in Quick_Start_v1.xx.pdf, in Foxit sheet is NOT WORKING properly. For example in Foxit Unarmored defence for barbarian and monk is not working so please use acrobat reader.

I think that Foxit interpret javascript little different than in acrobat, but I'm not sure. Or maybe syntax is little different. I dont' know. I can't find anything on internet on that subject.
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Pedro Garrano

First Post
Unarmored defence is autocalculated. I wrote instructions in Quick_Start_v1.xx.pdf how sheet is calculating stuff, so if you are not sure how something work, please check there if I wrote instruction/explanation for that.
Yeah, figures, had to be the one thing I forgot to check in Acrobat :blush:
So if you enter Acolyte_custom, Acolyte1 or whatever you want
That's my issue. Acolyte* looks weird. I'm a neatfreak, so if something messes up my otherwise spotless character sheet, that sets off my OCD :p


Hahaha. I know how you feel. I have same problem :D
You really bought me with OCD ;)
Just for you I uploaded v1.05 with this fixed. Now skill proficiencies based on Background are not readonly. You can customize skills however you want. Go crazy :D


First Post
I DM using Skype with some people and they were using some homebrew rules from the playtest... this is extremely helpful to get them on track. Thanks for sharing!


You welcome Txshusker.

I also DM/GM online campaigns for 3-4 years because in my town there is no one to play. We use TTopRPG virtual tabletop, hamachi for VPN and skype for communication. Try TTopRPG if you haven't already. The best virtual tabletop I tried and I tried all of them :) And it's free and very easy to use.


Thank you for your kind words sir :)
And thank you for reporting. I wasn't aware of this.
I'll update the sheet as soon as possible.

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