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Do people who play non-D&D RPGs generally also play D&D?


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I was wondering if most people who play non-D&D rpgs started playing D&D and just branched out. Or are there people who started with a non-D&D rpg and never play (-ed) D&D?

I was particularly thinking about StarWars, but also about Spycraft, Traveller, WoT, CoC, LotR/MERP.

The reason I'm interested in this is I have a brother who is very interested in Star Wars (reads all the books and collects loads of stuff) but doesn't play RPGs and has never played D&D. Would Star Wars d20 be a good gift?

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First Post
It seems to depend on when they started. Most people I know who started pre 1990 started with D&D, however after 1990 I know more who started on other systems and never played D&D.

Mr Fidgit

First Post
personally, i started with D&D (1e) and branched out to others RPGs (White Wolf, Palladium (Rifts), Deadlands, WEG's Star Wars, etc.) and then came back to D&D

i do think the d20 SW would be a great gift for a SW fan who you would like to introduce to RPGs

(IMO :D )


First Post
I think a starwars fan who likes it that much would love the RPG book. Before E1 came out I was a huge fan as well. I didn't play rpgs for years but I would still buy Battle Tech and SW rpg books for the art, and extra info about the settings. I would have loved it.



First Post
Hm, most of the gamers I've met are either mainly D&D players, or won't touch it with a 10-foot pole. Then again, I know D&D players and Vampire players so maybe it's not all that surprising...


First Post
Well, most of my gaming crew started with AD&D of one kind or another. We sort of grew out of them and picked up other games and only really returned to D&D when 3rd came out. We still play other systems. It depends on what a particular game calls for. Personally, the only d20 system game I play is D&D, although I have been itching to try Mutants & Masterminds.

Fenes 2

First Post
I started back in 1991/1992 with Shadowrun 1E, but soon started a weekly AD&D 2E game as well. Nowadays I still play both systems weekly, both up to their 3rd Editions now. Between the two of them I got modern and fantasy covered.

For a couple of years I also played Earthdawn, but not anymore since my first RPG group disbanded 5 or 6 years ago..


First Post
I play anything and everything under the sun.

Some games I have played in the last Decade.

Vampire(and most other WoD games)
Fading Suns
Call of Cthullu
Amazing Engine: Bug Hunters
Advancded Hero Quest

and of course,
DnD lots of DnD.


ENnies winner and NOT Scrappy Doo
I know a LOT of "never-played D&D" people. A lot of them were introduced to RPGs via White Wolf / Vampire / The StoryTeller System. SOme more are people I recruited via my many modern and post-modern RPGs that I run such as CyberPunk 2020, deadEarth, and so on.

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