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Do We Still Need "Oriental Adventures"?

Orientalism -- a wide-ranging term originally used to encompass depictions of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian cultures -- has gradually come to represent a more negative term. Should Dungeons & Dragons, known for two well-received books titled "Oriental Adventures," have another edition dedicated to "Eastern" cultures?

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Orientalism -- a wide-ranging term originally used to encompass depictions of Middle Eastern, South Asian, and East Asian cultures -- has gradually come to represent a more negative term. Should Dungeons & Dragons, known for two well-received books titled "Oriental Adventures," have another edition dedicated to "Eastern" cultures?

[h=3]A Brief History of Orientalism[/h]For a time, orientalism was a term used by art historians and literary scholars to group "Eastern" cultures together. That changed in 1978 with Edward Said's Orientalism, which argued that treatment of these cultures conflated peoples, times, and places into a narrative of incident and adventure in an exotic land.

It's easy to see why this approach might appeal to role-playing games. Orientalism is one lens to view a non-European culture within the game's context. We previously discussed how "othering" can create a mishmash of cultures, and it can apply to orientalism as well. The challenge is in how to portray a culture with nuance, and often one large region isn't enough to do the topic justice. The concept even applies to the idea of the "East" and the "Orient," which turns all of the Asian regions into one mono-culture. Wikipedia explains the term in that context:

The imperial conquest of "non–white" countries was intellectually justified with the fetishization of the Eastern world, which was effected with cultural generalizations that divided the peoples of the world into the artificial, binary-relationship of "The Eastern World and The Western World", the dichotomy which identified, designated, and subordinated the peoples of the Orient as the Other—as the non–European Self.

Game designers -- who were often admitted fans of Asian cultures -- sought to introduce a new kind of fantasy into traditional Western tropes. Viewed through a modern lens, their approach would likely be different today.
[h=3]The "Oriental" Books in D&D[/h]The original Oriental Adventures was published in 1985 by co-creator of D&D Gary Gygax, David "Zeb" Cook and François Marcela-Froideval. It introduced the ninja, kensai, wu-jen, and shukenja as well as new takes on the barbarian and monk. It was also the first supplement to introduce non-weapn proficiencies, the precursor to D&D's skill system. The book was well-received, and was envisioned by Gygax as an opportunity to reinvigorate the line -- ambitions which collapsed when he left the company. The book's hardcover had the following text printed on the back:

…The mysterious and exotic Orient, land of spices and warlords, has at last opened her gates to the West.

Aaron Trammell provides a detailed analysis of how problematic this one line of text is. The sum of his argument:

Although Gary Gygax envisioned a campaign setting that brought a multicultural dimension to Dungeons & Dragons, the reality is that by lumping together Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Philippine, and “Southeast Asian” lore he and co-authors David “Zeb” Cook and Francois Marcela-Froideval actually developed a campaign setting that reinforced western culture’s already racist understanding of the “Orient.”

The next edition would shift the setting from Kara-Tur (which was later sent in the Forgotten Realms) to Rokugan from the Legend of the Five Rings role-playing game.
[h=3]Controversy of the Five Rings[/h]James Wyatt wrote the revised Oriental Adventures for Third Edition D&D, published by Wizards of the Coast in 2001. It was updated to 3.5 in Dragon Magazine #318.

Legend of the Five Rings, a franchise that extends to card games, is itself not immune to controversy. Quintin Smith got enough comments on his review of the Legend of the Five Rings card game that he included an appendix that looked critically at chanting phrases "banzai!" at conventions and some of the game's art:

Now, I have no idea if this is right or wrong, but I do know that chanting in Japanese at an event exclusively attended by white men and women made me feel a tiny bit weird. My usual headcheck for this is “How would I feel if I brought a Japanese-English friend to the event?” and my answer is “Even more weird.” Personally, I found the game’s cover art to be a little more questionable. I think it’s fantastic to have a fantasy world that draws on Asian conventions instead of Western ones. But in a game that almost exclusively depicts Asian men and women, don’t then put white people on the cover! It’s such a lovely piece of art. I just wish she looked a little bit less like a cosplayer.

Perhaps in response to this criticism, Fantasy Flight Games removed the "banzai" chant as a bullet point from its web site. The page also features several pictures of past tournament winners, which provides some context as to who was shouting the chant.
[h=3]Fifth Edition and Diversity[/h]By the time the Fifth Edition of D&D was published, the game's approach to diverse peoples had changed. Indigo Boock on GeekGirlCon explains how:

Diversity is strength. The strongest adventuring party is the most diverse adventuring party. Try thinking about it in terms of classes—you have your healers, fighters, and magic users. Same goes for diversity. Different outlooks on life create more mobility and openness for different situations. Jeremy also explained that it was crucial that the art also reflected diversity, as did Art Director Kate Erwin. With this, they tried to make sure that there was a 50/50 split of people who identify as male and people who identify as female in the illustrations.

Trammell points out how these changes are reflected in the art of the core rule books:

First, there are illustrations: an East Asian warlock, a female samurai, an Arabian princess, an Arab warrior, and a Moor in battle, to name a few. Then, there are mechanics: the Monk persists as a class replete with a spiritual connection to another world via the “ki” mechanic. Scimitars and blowguns are commonly available as weapons, and elephants are available for purchase as mounts for only 200 gold. Although all of these mechanics are presented with an earnest multiculturalist ethic of appreciation, this ethic often surreptitiously produces a problematic and fictitious exotic, Oriental figure. At this point, given the embrace of multiculturalism by the franchise, it seems that the system is designed to embrace the construction of Orientalist fictional worlds where the Orient and Occident mix, mingle, and wage war.

A good first step is to understand the nuances of a region by exploring more than one culture there. Sean "S.M." Hill's "The Journey to..." series is a great place to start, particularly "Romance of the Three Kingdoms."

D&D has come a long way, but it still has some work to do if it plans to reflect the diversity of its modern player base and their cultures...which is why it seems unlikely we'll get another Oriental Adventures title.

Mike "Talien" Tresca is a freelance game columnist, author, communicator, and a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to http://amazon.com. You can follow him at Patreon.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca

Thomas Bowman

First Post
What if the "Orient" was in the West of a particular campaign world, then calling it "Eastern Adventures" would be inappropriate. "Oriental Adventures" takes into account the possibility that the equivalent of Asia in a campaign world may be located in some other direction other than east, I think it is more accurate than to make assumptions about the campaign's geography, or to assume that they continent where those cultures are found would be Asia. For example, what if there was a campaign world where the equivalent of European cultures was in the northern hemisphere and the equivalent of Asian cultures was in the Southern hemisphere? Oriental is a more useful word to describe it, than calling it "Eastern" when its actually not in the east, for example. To give up an example, there is Dragonlance, where the European continent is actually in the Southern Hemisphere, so where is Krynn's "Orient?" It could be anywhere or nowhere.

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Yes, "Asian Adventures" would be substantially more problematic than "Oriental Adventures". I appreciated some game publications' use of the word Mythic or Mystic such as "Mythic Europe" for an Ars Magica supplement and "Mystic China" from Palladium. They highlighted the source while also highlighting the fantasy interpretation.

Yes, agreed, although also remember that Faerun is not “Mythic Europe;” it is an imaginary setting which takes premodern Europe as a major source of inspiration. Ars Magica’s Mythic Europe is actually fantasized version of Europe.

Kara-Tur is not Mythic Asia any more than Farrun is Mythic Europe. Well, maybe it is more closely analogous, but not like Ars Magica.
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What if the "Orient" was in the West of a particular campaign world, then calling it "Eastern Adventures" would be inappropriate. "Oriental Adventures" takes into account the possibility that the equivalent of Asia in a campaign world may be located in some other direction other than east, I think it is more accurate than to make assumptions about the campaign's geography, or to assume that they continent where those cultures are found would be Asia. For example, what if there was a campaign world where the equivalent of European cultures was in the northern hemisphere and the equivalent of Asian cultures was in the Southern hemisphere? Oriental is a more useful word to describe it, than calling it "Eastern" when its actually not in the east, for example. To give up an example, there is Dragonlance, where the European continent is actually in the Southern Hemisphere, so where is Krynn's "Orient?" It could be anywhere or nowhere.

Yeah, even the name ‘orient’, ‘east’, or ‘Asia’ is inappropriate. That is a reason why I like the approach of Avatar: the Last Air Bender. It is just a cool setting. A regional setting that like looked something this can plug in anywhere in a world.
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I agree in part, but "white privilege" can be and often is weaponized, or used as a kind of logical fallacy akin to circular reasoning, so I would emphasize the when used correctly part. We may also differ on what "correctly" means and to what degree or in what way it is a "real thing." The other terms--Those That Shall Not Be Mentioned--are often used pejoratively, but not always (as you yourself say). They are descriptors of the "woke mentality" that confuses its own perspective for some kind of absolute truth - not unlike other forms of fundamentalism. My biggest concern about this mentality is that it doesn't reflect on itself or question itself, and adherents tend to be hyper-defensive and attacking of anyone who questions any part of it, even people--like myself--who are overall "allies" to the underlying concerns (e.g. diversity, social justice, racial and gender equality, etc).

This is a much larger conversation that probably doesn't need to be part of this thread.

Add to list of insulting terms, ‘colonialism’ and ‘exploitation’.

If the terms are being weaponized to paint every white person as guilty, for no other reason than their ‘race’ is white, then these terms are racist, by definition, and offensive.

When used honestly, every empire ‘colonized’ and ‘exploited’, including the emperor of China or the kalif of Arabia or Turkey. Today, Turkey oppresses the Kurds, China oppresses the Tibetans, and so on.

It is unacceptable, when persons dishonestly imply that only Europeans can be guilty of colonialism or exploitation.
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Avoid the name, ‘Asia’. Because it requires more attention to reallife, than many fantasy settings want.

Avoid the name, ‘Oriental’ or ‘East’, because the region might not be in the east.

Avoid the name, ‘Kara-Tur’, because that is too setting specific. And who knows what it means? Im a D&D player, not a Fantasy Realms player, and I was unsure what Kara-Tur was. It lacks name recognition.

So, what name for the setting then?

Maybe something stylistic. Some Asian feature that is appealing and suggestive.

Like ‘avatar’ the ‘air bender’.

I dont know. Maybe the ‘Five Motions’. It refers to the five elements of Daoism: fire, water, tree/air, metal/crystal, and soil/space. These are five different ways of moving − unlike the Hellenistic elements that are five different kinds of substances. The setting can divide into five themes, and evocatively so.

The best name requires no familiarity with reallife, but at the same time derives from reallife Asia. Asians in a given locale would likely recognize it immediately.
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I think you are correct. by trying to be extra careful and map this more accurately onto the real world, we actually do something more offensive.

I have an idea: how about to avoid "othering" we just stick to good old fashioned D&D? Knights, dragons, orcs, and western (can I say that?!) flavor.

That would be more inclusive, right? :confused: Oh right, basing a creation on something a creator is more familiar with is really rude. Can't do that either. Maybe we cannot have any made up cultures based on anything in the real world. Then we can all be sure to not offend!

But what still gets my goat is the fact that people are playing barbarians that have a tiny bit of inspiration from people groups I descend from. I am utterly horrified! How would descendants of goths, visigoths, celts and various Germanic tribes feel?! Its almost like Gygax doesn't care about us!;)

But, that's the point. The classes in the base game are used to represent a broad swath of different cultural inspirations. Even the barbarian has left behind it's 3e trappings to a large degree. I mean, sure, you have Frenzy barbarians, true, but, the Totem barbarians are quite different. Should all barbarians have rage? Eh, maybe not.

Maybe we should rename Fighters in 5e to janissaries. After all, we only need to represent one single culture in order to have the game right? We can completely exclude all other cultures and make sure that all fighters in D&D are represented by one single concept.

That's fine right? Oh, wait... we don't do that. We have classes that are broad archetypes (with varying degrees of broadness) drawing inspiration from European (largely) myth and history that can be used to represent a thousand different concepts. But, as soon as we have "Oriental Adventures", then we get Samurai and Ninja's. :uhoh:

I owned the original book back in the 80s, and it was largely responsible for awakening my interest in Japanese history and mythology in particular. Although it did contain references to several Asian cultures... my memory of it was that it skewed very heavily in the direction of Japan and Japanese mythology and folklore. What I would like to see is a treatment that is a little more diverse, drawing inspiration from not only Japan, but also China, India, Thailand, The Philippines, and other cultures and civilizations. Heck, just a book of monsters influenced by said cultures would be amazing. There are some truly terrifying mythological creatures from places like The Philippines for example which get almost no exposure in fantasy RPGs.

Totally, totally agree with this. There is more to East Asia than Japan. Good grief, I've been to Angkor Wat. That was a city of over a million people when Edo was little more than a hilltop village.


D&D often focuses on the less flattering.

Even the name, ‘dungeons’, even the religious connotation of ‘dragons’.

Classes like ‘sorcerer’, ‘warlock’, ‘warlord’, ‘thief’, ‘assassin’, ‘oath of tyranny’, ‘oath of conquest’, scholar of ‘necromancy’ ... heh, and these are the good guys.

I doubt any culture can come thru D&D unscathed. It focuses on the dangerous, for the sake of entertainment.
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It's kind of funny. OA gets accused of "Othering" when its goal was pretty much the opposite - to bring in that which had previously been excluded. Returning to exclusion would be about as othering as you could get.

I'd argue that you're missing a fair degree of nuance though.

Why does Oriental Adventures=(mostly) Japan?

Well, grounded in the 1980's, as far as the US was concerned, Japan was pretty much the only country that mattered. It ties into the whole Hollywood thing where Asia (outside of the Vietnam war, which was pretty much only told from an American perspective) equalled Japan. Back in the day, Japan was THE thing. A bajillion ninja movies, the Karate Kid, so on and so forth. Spackle on some Chinese Hong Kong action film stuff and you're good to go.

It's othering in the sense that what is being used for inspiration is solely what mainstream views of Asia were at the time. The heavy use of Japanese language, cultural ideas, and whatnot to the exclusion of pretty much everyone else.


I can't really speak for how RP is perceived in the Moslem community.

Exactly. But I have lived among Muslims when studying abroad.

At least where as I was, to have a game about polytheism is unthinkable. A nonstarter. For pretty much any Muslim.

For me personally, the turn-off from D&D polytheism is the lack of spiritual diversity. Each culture needs to have its own unique belief system, or else it almost fails to be a culture.

Plus, I homebrew settings, and use different settings, and want Player Handbook rules descriptions to at least try accommodate the D&D tradition of building your own world of imagination.

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