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Do you consider yourself a hardcore gamer or casual?

Are you Hardcore or Casual?


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Who are the 14 people who lied here? Come on, speak up. :p

If you post here, you're almost definetly hardcore. Other people wouldn't come here to discuss the game. They'd play, and beyond that go home ignore the game for a week (or however long it is until the next game)

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First Post
Kae'Yoss said:
Who are the 14 people who lied here? Come on, speak up. :p

If you post here, you're almost definetly hardcore. Other people wouldn't come here to discuss the game. They'd play, and beyond that go home ignore the game for a week (or however long it is until the next game)

I stop by EnWorld everday to read threads and sometimes I post. I don´t have any group to play with anymore, real life and WoW killed all that.
But I would love to play more,absolutely.

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First Post
Kae'Yoss said:
Who are the 14 people who lied here? Come on, speak up. :p

If you post here, you're almost definetly hardcore.

Well look at my magnificent post count.

My point being, the 15 now who voted casual might pop in here from time to time (not every day like us poor addicted fools :D), rarely post, read 2-3 threads and move on to their more favourite fora. I'm just saying one can read ENworld and still be casual.

I'm some where inbetween. I collect Dragon Mags, Dungeon Mags, and just about everything that WoTC puts out - and read them cover to cover. And yet, I'm pretty disorganized when it comes to DMing and I don't have a perfect memory for the rules.


By your terms: hardcore (I mean, I write RPG material after all), but given some of the people I have met, the ones that make Igor from Dork Tower look tame, I would not have conisdered myself hardcore. (I dont hang out at the FLGS everyday, or at all beyond going in once a week and seeing whats new. I dont wear gamer T-shirts everyday, or even own more than one or two. I don't game all the time. I dont get in passionate arguments about games. I dont talk about my character or campaign all the time nor ever with strangers nor anyone who didnt ask.)

I would say I am a gamer, neither casual nor hardcore, but then again, I think I percieve some negative conotation with the term "hardcore" for anything, equating it with "done to an excess so that it is the defining characteristic of your life or in such a way that it is detrimental to other aspects of your life" and thats not the case with me.

But those of you who percieve yourself as harcore probablly dont think about it in the same way I do, and I probablly wouldnt have labled you as such myself.
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Nonlethal Force

First Post
Stormborn said:
But those of you who percieve yourself as harcore probablly dont think about it in the same way I do, and I probablly wouldnt have labled you as such myself.

Very true. In truth, my guess is that any of you who met me in the real world wouldn't even know that gaming is in my life. Well, until you stepped into my home office and found my D&D books on the shelf! :D

I do consider myself hardcore because not only do I come here and post, by I come here and play! Anywone who loves D&D so much as to enjoy the snail-pace of PbP games (which due to that snail-pace offer far better opportunities for true character development than most FtF games I've been in) is fundamentally hardcore, methinks.

But yeah, I'm nowhere near Igor from Dork Tower. :D


Hmm, according to the definitions given, I'm more than hardcore - I not only read every book I'm going to use thoroughly, I read every RPG book I buy thoroughly (except for those books that retread the rules yet again with slight differences, such as Arcana Evolved, or all the Storyteller core rulebooks). And I spend time beyond prep tinkering with the rules, pondering the game, and posting here.

And yet, I voted "somewhere in-between". There are people here and on other messageboards who are way more into the game than I am, I have several other hobbies that vie for my attention, and I only make time for one weekly game.


First Post
Casual these days. Former hardcore 1E during adolescence (I literally LOST 2 years of real life in the early eighties - blissfully unaware of music/news etc). I still know 1E blindfold but haven't played it for more than a decade. I have hardly scratched the surface of 3.5.

Only play once a week now and it's as much about keeping in touch with a circle of friends and a night out as playing the game. I find these boards really interesting.


First Post
I consider myself hardcore in that I have been gaming for over 30 years. I also spend a goodly time between sessions prepping material up for the next game (I have to; I'm the GM).

Conversely, I don't worry about knowing each and every rule; games, to me, are more about flow and the group than nitpicking over rules.

So I guess I fall somewhere in between.

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