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Do you have any dice superstitions

Do You have any dice superstions/habits?

  • No, not at all

    Votes: 42 34.1%
  • Yes, please explain

    Votes: 74 60.2%
  • I don't think this counts (Explanation)

    Votes: 7 5.7%

  • Poll closed .


No I don't. Dice produce random results (well, unless they're fixed) and so are an element of chaos in the game. Strange things can happen with them, but that's the nature of chaos.

And its it just me, or do a lot of players engage in the high-number up superstition?
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I do the higher-number up thing not as a superstition, but because I find it aesthetically more pleasing than looking at my dice & seeing a random assortment of numbers. Heck, I even box up my d6s so that they not only have the 6 up, but also have the same sides all facing the same way (all 4s facing one side, etc.). It just looks better to me that way; when the box goes in my wheeled luggage bag (I carry a small library to sessions) it usually ends up laying on a side anyway so no 'training' to 6 would be happening even if such a thing were possible.


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Cheese. Cheese is very important. Before a campaign starts, I buy a fresh block of cheese, and leave it out for a couple of days. Swiss works very well. After the cheese has begun to get ripe, I take the cheese and lovingly crumble it over my dice on a plate. I then place the place in the microwave and melt the cheese over them. Afterwards I sometimes sprinkle salt to ward off all evil.
Before the cheese hardens, I wash them gently in soapy water, and polish them with a soft cloth to get off any extra cheese.
This must be repeated if anyone touches even one of my dice.

My players effectionately refer to this as cheesin' the dice. They all think I am crazy. THen I roll 20s and max damage, and they shut up.

My wife thought I was joking until she witnessed it.

Yes I know there are places for people like me to go and seek help. :)


1. d12's are accursed by {Diety} and forsaken by all. They attract all ill will.
2. d20's are subject to the power of suggestion and will inevitably roll a 1 if anyone says "just don't roll a 1."

You can take advantage of 1 & 2 by rolling a d12 alongside a d20 and saying "just don't roll a 20." The d12 will be targeted by evil and the d20 will succumb to reverse peer pressure.


PoppaGunch said:
Cheese. Cheese is very important. Before a campaign starts, I buy a fresh block of cheese, and leave it out for a couple of days. Swiss works very well.

Now I feel humbled :eek:


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Snapdragyn said:
I do the higher-number up thing not as a superstition, but because I find it aesthetically more pleasing than looking at my dice & seeing a random assortment of numbers.

I'm with snapdragyn, it just looks better. However, no one EVER uses my dice. I have 3 sets of extra dice that I bought for players that forgot their own (how dare they) but they NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use my dice.


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It's No Superstition

Everyone says that I have some really quarky things about my dice:

1. No one can touch my dice with out my promission
a. punishable by death
2. I charge my dice with my good luck (don't laugh, it's true)
3. My die (d20 in specific) is simi-intellegent with empathy and really high sense motive, I
get bad vibes when cheaters touch my dice, it's true (you do get a couple of warnings on
the punishable by death)
4. My dice will not work for others unless I ask them nicely. (they are not cheater dice, they
just only like me)

I could see those things as superstitions if they weren't all ture


I have a whole bunch of dice. Certain dice roll better on certain surfaces. I have dice for tabletops, carpet, books, couches, etc.

But, I usually just pull out whichever set best fits the character I'm playing. :)


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Wombat said:
I personally have a couple (No One But ME Touches The Magic Dice)

But it is one of my players who has the most...

She is a stonehand thrower. If there is a chance to screw up a roll in a game, in almost any system, she will do it at least once a game. Blow the top off with a great roll? That only happens to other players.

So, believing that her dice were cursed, she actually took them to be ritually blessed, first by Wiccans, then by a Catholic priest.

Now she absolutely refuses to roll any dice (or even touch them) without first putting on a pair of motorcycle gloves.

It's gettin' a little weird at the table that way... :uhoh: :confused:

Good gravy! Maybe it's not so bad having to be the DM and buy all the books and dice. At least I don't have to deal with this stuff!


First Post
I have a Cursed touch. Maybe it was the time I ran over the gypsy woman in my car, or the time I smashed all those mirrors with a black cat in the ladder factory, whatever it is, it's there.

I am well known for rolling low for everything if it is a d20. Saves, attacks, skill checks, you name it and I will fail it. I've tried a couple different d20's and each one is forever cursed after I use it. One of the players in the last campaign had a monk running past an altar. DM said to make a spot check, he rolled the dice across the table towards me and made his spot check. This is a bad thing, since the altar has a random effect on people. DM says to make a will save, hinting strongly that he should make his save. Since his dice were out of reach I rolled it back to him and he rolled his will save. 2. His monk dropped dead on the spot. It's been an on going joke since then to not let me touch anyone's dice.. or else!

I use my powers for good though, before every campaign when the DM goes to smoke I play with all his dice. Muahahahahaaa :]

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