• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D General Do you play D&D (or other RPGs) with your family?


Not in a long time but my younger brother played some AD&D, and Gamma World with me briefly. We played a lot of Vampire: The Masquerade.

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Yes. Back in the late 70's my dad brought home the basic boxed set and he DM'd for me and my brother. It didn't last too long, but it got me hooked on the game.

My wife & I played loads of Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, & Neverwinter Nights back in the 90's and early 2000's.

In January 2015, my family was at our local bookstore. My kids were looking to spend some of their xmas $. I heard my wife and daughter call me over, holding the 5E starter set. "Wouldn't it be fun to play as a family?" Yep, it has been fun. Our daughter just left for University, and the other day when she called home she said "I've met so many people that play D&D! I'll have to bring my stuff next time I'm home!"

My wife wants to take the reigns and DM for me and my son. She thinks I will mesh well with our son's adventuresome, chaotic, imaginative play style. Big sister's cautious, "let's think things through" style tended the clash with his.


Never did as a teenager. Didn’t have the kind of childhood where that was ever a possibility, sadly.
My wife isn’t really into it. She already accepts and engages with both Rugby and NFL, so don’t want to force more! Luckily, I am part of a fantastic five of friends and we play every month or so for a weekend.
My daughter and her husband don’t game.....but my grandson (10) and my granddaughter (8) have been motivated by Stranger Things and are now keen to play. The future is bright!


My then pre-teen and teen kids got us (back) into D&D shortly after 5e game out: my son had been asking to try it, and my daughter got him the Starter Kit for Christmas that year. Both my husband and I had played when we were younger (but not together, as we didn’t know each other then). My husband didn’t last too long: dice are almost as nasty to him as they are to Wil Wheaton, but he doesn’t handle that reality as well as Wil does. But my interest has continued. My kids and I introduced my nephew and niece—and even my parents—to the game. Right now I’m running a game for my two kids and the oldest’s significant other. My niece was a part of the table, but recently decided that her schedule won’t permit her to continue right now.

Back in Middle School and High School I used to play 3rd Edition D&D with my brother a lot. Since then, I've only played with friends.

My wife and I are about to have a baby (October 13!), and I've got to imagine that within the next eight years we will be playing D&D together.

Do you play D&D with your family?

I have a cousin who might be interested, but he lives far away. None of my siblings have any interest in the game.


Do you play D&D with your family?
I’ve been playing with my bro since I began playing. He’s the one who got me into this. And we’re starting up a campaign now (superheroes, I’m GMing, he’s playing).

I got a few of my kids to play. One lost interest when he got older (darn) and two remain interested but only on a casual basis. Haven’t lost hope yet 😁


I DMed a whole campaign (2-and-half years) for my son, one of my friend, and his own son. Best game in a long while. We started a new one; has been going on for a year and half, give or take. Still my preferred current game.

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