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Do You Remember Your First Game?


Epic Commoner
Very first game...

I was like 10, my friend just bought the reb box D&D basic set. I made a fighter named Kendar. He weilded a Two-Handed Sword and had 2 daggers and plate mail armor. We ran through the adventure in the Dungeon Masters book from the red set. I killed the kobolds and a skelton but the carrior crawler killed me. I remeber my sole purpose in the game was to find a magic sword. The adventure had nothing to do with finding a magic sword, I personally just wanted a magic sword.

Well after Kendar died, his brother Lucar game into exsistance and thousands of dollars and years later here I am.

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I was staying over at a friend's house, and he asked me if I wanted to play this game I had heard him talking about with his brother. They seemed enthralled with it, but I just wanted to play Adventure on the 2600. After some coercing, I rolled up an elf "Androg" to go with my buddy's dwarf, and their mom's halfling.

We played through Isle of Dread (toned down for our low-level party). I think we ran away a lot. I went off the deep end after that. I convinced my mom to get me the basic set (and I bought Castle Amber with it. I figured I had to have an adventure, not knowing Keep came with it).

I started playing with my friend's brother at school every day after that. He was the nastiest DM I have ever seen. It was a ridiculously Monty Haul campaign, but the character turnover was atrocious. You always started at 1st (Androg made it to 6th in no time, then got killed. He was reincarnated as a Human, so I took the opportunity to start him over as a AD&D wizard), and the other players were mosly 12th-20th. We played a mish-mash of OD&D and AD&D, with a heavy dose of house rules. One big one was that demons dealt permanent damage. I still remember the guy with the 29th level ranger with 4 hit points (he had a prolonged fight with a demon lord, just barely being pulled out. But now he couldn't be healed. That character kind of got retired). Players were always killing each other, and the ref was always luring the players to their deaths. If people hadn't cheated up characters from outside, we wouldn't have had the constant stream of fodder for our school game.

These guys were 2 years older than me, though, so I had to scare up some other friend, as they moved on to high school at the end of the year.


It was around when I was 10-11 in years of age. My friend told me about this awesome game called Dungeons & Dragons. I bugged him to let me play. Finally, after a little persuasion, he helped me roll up a character. I can remember specifically being bewildered and awed at the numbers, not knowing any of them.

The scenario is, my character is outside this huge mountain, in front of a double door. I opened the door and walked inside. I encountered a goblin, and we entered combat. The goblin hit me, and it did damage and killed me (I had only 1 hp). He left shortly thereafter, and I thought to myself:


It wasn't until a half a year later that he decided he actually wanted to run (the first time, he did it because I pestered him). So we made characters, and played. I remember getting a free gold helmet. And many adventures afterwards. Those were good times.


It was about a month ago, we were all 2nd level, I was a ranger/cleric I rushed a shadow in a magicly dark room and mad some skeletons trip. But after that the DM quit.


First Post
Ah, my first game of D&D ever...

I played one of the pregens from the back of In Search of the Unknown, when it was first released...the fighter that sounded like Conan...

...and promptly died immediately by a kobold hidden in the alcoves right at the start of the module.

My game took place at church, during youth classes for confirmation, just to add to the irony.

But I was hooked, and have played and schemed ever since.


ps. Talking also about old posts, while playing with those lovely fileshare computer programs, I discovered someone had saved one of my posts from 15+ years ago on their computer. Needless to say, I was shocked.


First Post
I vaguely remember our first game, it being some 27 years ago.

I was the DM. I designed a dungeon (something like 15 levels) and there was a town. That was about it. While exploring the dungeon, the party was asking about other things. So, our campaign world ended up being all the Panzerblitz (an very old Avalon Hill wargame) mapboards connected into a certain configuration. My town was the town on top of the big hill on one of the map boards.

Don't remember much about that first campaign outside that it was fun.

My friend Murray DMed next and I was a Monk character. He based the campaign on a story he read. It was a pretty good adventure, involving a evil wizard with a badass henchman who had imprisoned a female silver dragon (who was trapped in human form due to some item). We ended up freeing the dragon, and my monk was instrumental in defeating the evil wizard (twice - we didn't know about a ring of regeneration) and freeing the silver dragon.

For whatever reason, the female silver dragon (a princess to boot) fell in love with the monk and we ended up married.

Corny, looking back on it - but we were young.

Ah, the memories.....


First Post
The very first time I played, all of us (except the DM) were first-timers, although I had read the basic set. We were using AD&D and I rolled up a fighter with 7 hp. We start right with the dungeon, meet a displacer beast in the first room. After a couple of rounds, it hits me for 7 points, killing me. After that I had a driud character, and later a 1st edition bard, but I mostly DMed.


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Re: Re: Do You Remember Your First Game?

BigFreekinGoblinoid said:

Wow - what an unbelievable memory you had to be able to recall this in such deatil from 1978...

Well, there's a story behind that too. :)

Actually, I'd forgotten all about this until I recovered this post from the Google Usenet archive.

This is one of those stories that was told again and again over the years. Anytime a new player would join the group, somebody would tell the story of our first game. If somebody outside the group asked us about D&D there was a good chance one of us would bring it up.

In the late eighties I wrote the tale down before leaving the group to go to school. The story appeared in a college gaming newsletter once.

In the mid nineties I posted it to Usenet on a first characters thread. Yesterday, while searching for incriminating evidence, I stumbled on the old post and after making a short trip down memory lane I decide to post it here. :D

So, the memory had quite a bit of help. ;)



First Post
My first game was....February 16, 2002. Only about 6 months ago. I met Anglachel and Belares here...they got 2 other guys from the internet, and we have been playing since then.


I remember my first (A)D&D game

It was 1980, and I was at a new school (Sydney Grammar School). My new friends played AD&D and invited me to join in. We played in the school library.

The DM was Ian Grojnowski. He insisted that everyone play chaotic evil characters because all the other alignments were too restrictive. But he gave all PCs straight 18s in their characteristics.

Michael Barr-David was playing a third-level fighter who had acquired teh entire inventory of a magic shoppe, and who tried to lord it over the other players. We fought. He died, but claimed that his magic carpet ought to have enabled him to attack us with his vorpal sword without coming within range of Bill Plant's and my Magic Missile spells. Ian ruled against him, and he went off in a huff taking the only Monster Manual we had.

Paul Tritter was, if I remember correctly, playing a first-level cleric.

Bill Plant was playing a first-level magic user. I also played a first-level magic user. That way the party had access to *two* spells per day. But neither of us rolled Sleep among his spells known.

We found a Deck of Many Things. We encountered a dragon. Ian and I both rolled maximum damage on our d4s. The dragon died, and we got the treasure, but Ian told us it was only an illusion (and so Bill's and my characters were useless until the next day).

We found a Sphere of Annihilation.

The campaign collapses into a shambles.

Amazingly enough, I played again.



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