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Do you want/are you ready for a D&D 5th edition?

Do you want/are you ready for D&D 5E?

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First Post
Clearly yes. In my own case, it's because while I rather like 4e, that wasn't universal in my gaming group so we've been bouncing from one gaming system to another since 4e came out and there's at least a chance 5e might be something we could stop on. But it's also because 4e has some issues that can't be really fixed without a new edition, but I'd rather not just punt and go back to 3.x / Pathfinder forever (even if I've pretty much decided that while I prefer 4e to 3.x, I prefer 3.x to retro-clones and 1e/2e by a large margin).

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First Post

For the few occasions that I play D&D I have enough of my (heavily houseruled) 3.X material to last me for years. I don't need, or want, any more D&D materials.


First Post
I voted yes. There's absolutely nothing in 4e that interests me, at worst a 5e will be status quo, at best it might be worth picking up. But I'm not holding my breath.


First Post
For me it is closer to a lukewarm 'Maybe. It can hardly be worse than 4e is for me, anyway.' The worst that can happen is that I won't be interested - which is already the case with 4e. Either way, I will still have Pathfinder.

This is just me, mind. If you like 4e then go have fun.

I guess the actual worse case scenario, for WotC, would be if they lose the 4e players without getting back those players who either stayed behind, switched to Pathfinder, or went on to some other game entirely.

I kind of doubt that there is a win - win scenario to balance that lose - lose possibility.

The Auld Grump


Voted yes. I like to see new additions - but I also hate seeing all those books on my shelf go to waste.

I liked most of 3E. most of PF and most of 4E. But I also like more of Savage Worlds.

4E for me needs to keep a lot (like easy to play monsters), but also needs to go back a little. Simple combat rules (is there a better alternative to Savage World's 'ganging up bonus' as opposed to more complex flanking rules)?

One thing I really don't like about 4E is the everyone can do anything (or everything) all the time. Restricting things was seen as 'not fun'. Now it doesn't seem to matter what weapon you wield, or what you are fighting. Spears vs skeletons = no worries. All damage reduced to simply hps, that never last longer than a few rounds.

At the same time I certainly do not want to go back to 3e/PF style games where balance was made up in equipment carried. Outfitting every NPC with potions etc 'for balance' really turned me off. As did lists of feats and spells that I had to check carefully for each monster.

Something like Star Wars Saga struck a nice 'in-between' nerve for me. Especially the classes and their powers. What was wrong with talent trees? I liked those.

So, yes, I am interested.

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I play all sorts of systems, so I will definitely try 5E out when it is released, probably several times. I'm unlikely to buy in, however, if they don't go the OGL route (and I'm not interested in the GSL or similar offshoot licensing, personally). The OGL evolution in the gaming landscape is something I like to encourage with my gaming bucks. I acknowlege that there are plenty of good games out that don't use the OGL (certainly plenty that have been around since before the OGL was even an idea), so it isn't a matter of seeing non-OGL games as necessarily of lower quality. I just think it is a good way forward.

But I didn't vote as I am content that it comes out when it comes out.


First Post
I don't need it -- then again, I didn't need 4th ed. I once again in my gaming career took a lateral turn away from D&D (played OD&D, dropped out early in 1st ed., came back for 3e, barely switched to 3.5, dropped out with 4e) and am playing other systems.

Unless 5e is a major change for, what would appear to me, the better, I doubt I will play it either. D&D hasn't been my "core game" for quite some time so the fate of it is of little relevance to my gaming world...


First Post
Do I want it? Yes.

Am I ready for it? Yes.

All because I have a soft spot in my heart for D&D.

The *real* question should be: Do I need it?

The answer to that, is simply No.

Voidrunner's Codex

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