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Does anyone read books anymore?


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Aside from the obvious (Hickman, Weiss, Salvatore) what authors interest you?

EN World is building contacts in the publishing world and we may be able to get some news scoops about your favorite authors.

Who do you want to read about?

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Staff member
If previous discussion i theis forum are any indication, Salvatore, Weiss, and Hickman are not the real biggies in terms of readers here.

On my bookshelves, I have... Asimov, Heinlein, Niven, Varley, Pohl, Pournelle, Dickson, Sterling, Brunner, Bear, Bova, Brin, Moorcock, Herbert, Saberhagen, Keyes, Harrison, Foster, Gardner, Turtledove, Card, Kurtz, Donaldson, Tolkien, Martin, Leiber, Anderson, Williams... and I'm not really near the end.

The better question would be, what don't we read? For just abut any genre author you care to name, you'll find a bunch of fans on this board, I'm sure.


Dragon Lord

I wouldn't mind knowing what George R.R. Martin is up to, I liked his Song of Ice and Fire books. Most other authors I like are dead or no longer publishing material that I enjoy.


First Post
Some of the authors that grace my shelves include; Howard, Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, both Burroughs, David Brin, E. E. "Doc" Smith, Stoker, Shelley, Keats, Plato.
Umbran, already covered a number of the other writers that are in my collection. I do not think that any real gamer can go long before reading the works that inspire their favorite games.

Dark Jezter

First Post
I read Robert E. Howard's Conan stories on a yearly basis. They're my favorite fantasy stories ever, and I even like them more than Lord of the Rings.

I've also been a fan of Tom Clancy ever since I read Clear and Present Danger when I was in Junior High. Although he's had a couple of disappointing books (like Red Rabbit), I've enjoyed his stories on a whole. John Clark is one of my favorite fictional characters ever. :cool:

And yes, I do enjoy R.A. Salvatore's FR novels. I'm not ashamed to admit this, even though many people on these forums like to use him as a punching bag.
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First Post
I wanna know about everything. I'm into fantasy more than science fiction, but really, whatever's good. I don't really expect a ton of folks here to start talking about Laurie Marks' "Fire Logic", but heck, people could surprise me. :)


I don't read much fiction. I used to read a lot of fiction but not these days. Mostly I focus on history (ancient, medieval, etc.) and biographies of people from those times. Those I can read without feeling guilty about not writing since I can consider it research. Over the last ten years I've grown to love reading material that thirty years ago I might have shrugged off as far too dull or dry.


First Post
I've got boxes of books at home, only a handful here with me.

I like Feist (Riftwar/SerpentWar/etc.), Eddings (Sparhawk/Belgarion), Tolkien (duh), GRRMartin (A Song of Fire and Ice), Lawrence Watt-Evans (Obsidian Cronicles), George Dickenson (Dragon and a ______), Clive Clusser (Dirk Pitt Novels), Brooks (Shannara & Word/Void books), Piers Anthony (Incarnations of Immortality), etc.


SemperJase said:
EN World is building contacts in the publishing world and we may be able to get some news scoops about your favorite authors.
Who are you contacting in publishing? I can probably help you out, as I used to work for HarperCollins (HarperPrism, now Eos) and my fiance used to work at Tor Books. I've got a rolodex at home full of SF/Fantasy authors, agents, artists, and editors all over NY, the US, and a good number of people in the UK as well. Drop me a line, and I'll see who I can set you up with at a couple different publishing houses. You might also want to contact Locus Magazine and see if they can work out some sort of news syndication with you, and the same with Science Fiction Chronicle (my old boss is now the Editor there)


First Post
SemperJase said:
Aside from the obvious (Hickman, Weiss, Salvatore) what authors interest you?

Well, actually none of these. Never really enjoyed their works.

I read a lot. I own over 3000 books, a large percentage of them on the Arthurian legends and on medieval history.

In speculative fiction, my favourite authors are probably Ursula LeGuin, Guy Gavriel Kay, Storm Constantine, David Brin, Charles de Lint, H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allen Poe, and Orson Scott Card.

In other fiction, I love Robertson Davies, Margaret Atwood, Dorothy Dunnet, Ray Bradbury, Italo Calvino, Rudyard Kipling, and P.G. Wodehouse.

I could keep going -- there are a lot of books here ;)

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