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D&D 5E Does anyone who got an mm at Gencon want to offer up spoilers to us?


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With the tarrasque also being a titan, I find myself speculating that it's the ugly offspring of some god. Who might have some strong feelings around the mortals who just killed it.

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What can you tell me about unicorns? Asking for a friend.

They get 2 pages, one of background and one of stats, a couple of sketches and a nice full-color painting. They have regional effects. They are legendary creatures. They can charge, have innate spellcasting, magic resistance, can heal, can teleport, and can shield themselves or others. CR 5.

They get the first kind of "regeneration" I've seen so far: they can heal themselves as one of their legendary actions. I guess vampires can, too, in their own way. As a legendary action, vampires can make a bite attack, if it hits they regain hitpoints.


Thanks a lot! My 'friend' appreciates it. I'm hoping that the regional effects will be more help spur adventure ideas. I'm toying with the idea of having a unicorn in a wilderness sandbox adventure environment. If the characters can befriend it/help it out they may have a source of emergency healing when they are too far from civilization.

Are they the lowest CR legendary creature? Does anyone want to list the names and CRs of all of the legendary creatures?

Thanks again and happy gaming!


And they can cast prestidigitation as a legendary action, which makes them about the scariest birthday clown possible.

Oh... my... god. Now I have the idea for the most frightening adventure... EVER.

Players, meet... Bozo the Lich.


Do rakshasas make any sense from Acheron? It's a plane full of grim soldiers marching around metal cubes that squish people. It seems a polar opposite from the sleek, duplicitous Rakshasa.

I understand the desire not to invalidate previous material, especially the material that's broadly known and widely used. Pit fiends shouldn't suddenly become demons, for example. But I also don't see a need to preserve every bit of material that got tossed in a 20 year old sourcebook.

Acheron makes sense to me - Lawful Evil, not under the yoke of the Baatezu hierarchy, somewhere that the Rakshasa can operate as hidden masters atop the senseless, endlessly warring petitioners. Throw in palatial, illusion cloaked cube worlds populated by Rakshasa and their slaves.

When the source material for a given topic is relatively shallow, I feel it behooves you to consider it all, especially when the intent of the edition of the honor the game's games history, settings, and be more inclusive. The caveat being the exclusion -if absolutely necessary- of sources that either made continuity gaffes out of ignorance or mistake, or since 5e is returning to a version of the Great Wheel cosmology, paying secondary attention to something like the 4e material that IMO is a side-branch of the AD&D family along with Basic D&D and withing a continuity of its own. Incorporate those elements that don't disrupt previous 1e/2e/3e material as that continuity evolved, but by no means feel beholden to it on the same level.

Mind you, I'm a continuity wonk, be it if we're talking about D&D proper, Pathfinder's Golarion, etc.


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I haven't read 5E's secret chest and don't have my PHB here right now, but if previous editions are any guide, that spell has the effect of stashing the chest off in the Ethereal Plane somewhere, with a chance of it being found and plundered.

If I were a lich, I'd never entrust my phylactery to such a defense. I'd prepare a mighty fortress-tomb, guarded by all manner of traps and undead and black magic. And then I would put an empty box in the fortress-tomb, and go bury my phylactery 4 feet underground in a totally random spot in the wilderness.
I'd find the most secure tomb of a king or saint or some other high goody goody that will never have his casket opened stash it in there. Bury it somewhere random and in a few hundred years some town or farm may spring up there and it can end up being dug up as someone digs their basement.


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I'd find the most secure tomb of a king or saint or some other high goody goody that will never have his casket opened stash it in there. Bury it somewhere random and in a few hundred years some town or farm may spring up there and it can end up being dug up as someone digs their basement.

This comes to mind...


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