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Does he seem a bit lock-happy to anybody else?

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It's his site, and we as mods and administrators do our best to enforce the letter (and more importantly) the spirit of the rules he has set up.

"Spirit of the rules"?

Oh dear. I don't like the sound of that.

That's the first step on the road to telling people that the Bucket o' Snails doesn't work...



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Hypersmurf said:
That's the first step on the road to telling people that the Bucket o' Snails doesn't work...

LOL Just tell me where to buy my tickets. I never miss one of those shows. But I want good seats! :)


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I've been visiting here since the beginning, and not only has Eric always been fair and open in his running of the site, but has earned my respect and trust. Even if he were to go "cocky" on us, I would be willing to give him some leeway.

Aaactually, I was referring to his avatar. Just look at that smirk. Doesn't it strike you as even a bit arrogant?

jgbrowning said:
honestly, your BTW is total BS, we all know that. When you say a moderator is obnoxious and drunk with the illusion of power you do mean to insult.

Do you, now? To me power is the ability to influence in a significant way how I go about my life. If you are capable of say...reducing my paycheck, for example, you have power over me. Controlling to an extent what is allowed to be discussed on EN world is not power, it's prestige and/or influence. This is not an insult, it's a statement of opinion. If I'd wanted to insult him(which I didn't), I would have criticized him in a much more harsh, brutal, and generally evil manner....which it didn't. 'Twas not a personal attack, 'twas criticism of his style, which irks me.

AS for an apology: If I have offended, sorry. But I mean what I say.

Well, PC and Henry, this is what separates the simple members from the Mods: perception. We'll view topics such as thread-locking differently due to our positions. Wouldn't you like a bit of a rational explanation as to why a thread you were frequenting was suddenly locked with no forewarning?

True, Mods are skilled diplomats with a great deal of patience, which is appreciated. :)
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I keep visualizing my 10 year old daughter whining, "That's not fair!" when I read some of these messages. I am sorry, but that is the image that springs to mind.


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tburdett said:
I keep visualizing my 10 year old daughter whining, "That's not fair!" when I read some of these messages.

T, don't feed the fire. That was just _way_ too much like how I used to post. :)


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Re: *Dons Eyeglasses*

Angcuru said:
Clarity is relative to the perciever. And while you make SOME of the calls, you do not make them all, remember that.

Wuh? Eric is one of a half-dozen primary mods and admins. We all know that. So what?

The thread was nowhere near political, from my viewpoint, and I should know, I spend a great deal of my time discussing politics.

It's generally safe to assume that none of the mods/admins knows your viewpoint on what is and is not political. It's also generally safe to assume that, seeing as this is not a democracy, they probably wouldn't take it into consideration even if they did.

So you admit that you were just guessing, otherwise you would not have mentioned this tendency of yours. So you are able to *KNOW* how a conversation will turn simply because past conversations had done so a few times in the past?

"A few" is an understatement. The idea is that Eric has been doing this for three years, and in that time he has developed a reasonable sense of what the community will and will not inflame. Obviously he won't always be right, but the moderators shouldn't have to constantly monitor every questionable thread to make sure it stays healthy. It's a volunteer job, not a paid one.

A hunch is not a good enough reason to close a thread: factual evidence such as text authored by a participant in the conversation for this particular debate showing that the speaker is actively seeking to create trouble or turn the converstaion towards OBVIOUS politics; is.

No offense, but what authority do you have to declare what is and is not sufficient justification for a thread closure?

With all due respect, Angcuru, your grasp of the rules of this community, written or otherwise, is less than impressive. I doubt that the mods have forgotten the way you talked back to Dinkeldog when he told you not to denigrate other peoples' belief systems on this message board.


We generally give an explanation for a closed thread, except when it's obvious. Most OT or political threads are. You keep referring to an off-topic thread that I would have closed myself, except Eric got to it ten minutes before I could.

It's important to realize that there is a qualitative difference between OT threads that are funny or enlightening, and OT threads that have nowhere to go but downhill. RakeRon's thread was one of the latter. Sometimes we judge that there is nowhere a thread can go except into religion or politics, and we gladly close those preemptively.

Extensive moderation gives you a good instinct for which threads will cause problems if you leave them. Eric's instincts are generally impeccable. I'm sorry if you don't agree with his judgment, but I'm afraid that this is how moderation is handled here.

(As for criticizing Eric's avatar, you may want to stop while you're ahead; I don't think you're helping your case any.)
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Re: Re: *Dons Eyeglasses*

I doubt that the mods have forgotten the way you talked back to Dinkeldog when he told you not to denigrate other peoples' belief systems on this message board.

... or if they had, they remember it now... :)



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Okay, somehow I think this is gonna come down on me as my fault in someway. I told blackshirt & ancuru what happened to my thread and how I couldn't post a reply of apology to certain members as well as set things straight. I had no idea it would go this far. Those two have their own distinct opinions about Eric. Personally I haven't been on ENWorld long enough to know about all the mods and such. I posted that out of frustration & lack of public boards that i could post on. I admit after going over it that it is borderlining politics. I guess those two think that even though the site is no longer under Eric's complete control they believe he acts like he still does. At least blackshirt was being somewhat civil about it. Ancuru tends to be strongly opionated on the net and excorsizes freedom of speech to the full extent getting him in trouble really easilly.


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Re: Re: *Dons Eyeglasses*

Tiefling said:
No offense, but what authority do you have to declare what is and is not sufficient justification for a thread closure?

With all due respect, Angcuru, your grasp of the rules of this community, written or otherwise, is less than impressive. I doubt that the mods have forgotten the way you talked back to Dinkeldog when he told you not to denigrate other peoples' belief systems on this message board.

I have the authority to voice my opinion, not that anyone is inclined to listen.

I admit to my constant forgetfulness that off-topic polls are a no-no. Aah, yes, that little fiasco. I still hold that I was not so much denigrating the belief systems of others as much as upholding my own, however. But let's not open up old wounds, eh?
OOOH my. I just noticed that it's 1 AM, and I have my road test for my driver's license tomorrow. :eek: G'nite!

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