Does this work?

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Mouseferatu said:
Besides, the Complete Divine errata specifies that you can only apply Divine Metamagic to divine spells.
And time stop is the 9th-level spell of the Trickery domain.

On-topic: note that the spell description says that it is 1d4+1 rounds of apparent time. I would rule that the spell is actually instantaneous on that basis.

Li Shenron

dedicated said:
You do realize this combo would have the time stop go on forever right?

I though it would only make it last 24 hours.

Persistent Spell is the same as in 3.0, right (well, except the level increase)?


First Post
Yes, but it removes the "apparent time" modifier from the duration line, and since no "real time" passes while you're in the time stop the 24 hr duration never starts counting down


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Since peristent and extend both go off duration, does that mean that you would rule against an extended time stop as well? I have taken this in one of my 10th level slots for our epic campaign, and no one seems to think it's overpowered.


First Post
noeuphoria said:
Since peristent and extend both go off duration, does that mean that you would rule against an extended time stop as well? I have taken this in one of my 10th level slots for our epic campaign, and no one seems to think it's overpowered.

Because the feat's text reads "A spell with a duration of concentration, instantaneous, or permanent is not affected by this feat." then yeah, I would say no go on Extended Time Stop for the pretty much the same reason as no Persistant Time Stop. It's effectivly instanteous.


First Post
noeuphoria said:
Since peristent and extend both go off duration, does that mean that you would rule against an extended time stop as well? I have taken this in one of my 10th level slots for our epic campaign, and no one seems to think it's overpowered.

An extended time stop would work becuase it modifies the current duration, but doesn't change it to a pre-set amount, so it would leave the "apparent time" modifier;)

dedicated said:
An extended time stop would work becuase it modifies the current duration, but doesn't change it to a pre-set amount, so it would leave the "apparent time" modifier;)

But that would seem to treat it differently than an instantaneous spell, since you cannot extend those.

Maybe have it last 1D4+1 days? :cool:


First Post
I'm not sure what Divine metamagic does, but from the 3.5 players handbook, I say that you could use persistant spell to make time stop last 24 hours. You gain 24 hours to do whatever, and everyone else feels no time pass at all. Persistant spell, if i'm not mistaken, affects the duration of a spell and the duration of time stop is 1d4+1 rounds (apparent time). I would read this to give you 24 hours (apparent time). Now, you just lost a day in that six seconds everyone else experiences (which might matter if you have a twin, otherwise it prbly won't) but otherwise it seems legal. However...that seems really, really broken. Theoretically, you could cast all your spells, rest, and regain the spells. Those spells you cast would then come into effect, and you could use time stop again to cast and rememorize more spells. Repeat until sick of it.
Legally, I see no way to prevent it. As a DM, I say #$%^ no.

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