Dog Moon's Creatures [Updated 10-05-13]

Dog Moon said:
I don't know. Personally, I'd love to use the Fire Wolf in a cold setting cause it would never be expected. ;)

Well, my players might. They might be kinda used to that about me by now.
I see nothing wrong with a Fire and Ice aproach mythology and Fantasy Fiction have been doing it beyond recorded history a creature with both is a symbolicly important because of what it represents and having those opposing elements is more contention for the enviriorment than for the creature except for a possible quickness to temperment a creature without a poor temperment and those qualities would be more intelligent and wise probrabley more subtle in tactics and more dangerous overall thus such creatures that are not as enlighten would bring doom upon themselves by upsetting species and racial interests and attention more than elemential and natural ones.......the whole seperatist elemental crowd is one of recent compiling and mixing it up is good for flavor.........don't you think?

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Dog Moon

HolyGrenadeFrenzy said:
I see nothing wrong with a Fire and Ice aproach mythology and Fantasy Fiction have been doing it beyond recorded history a creature with both is a symbolicly important because of what it represents and having those opposing elements is more contention for the enviriorment than for the creature except for a possible quickness to temperment a creature without a poor temperment and those qualities would be more intelligent and wise probrabley more subtle in tactics and more dangerous overall thus such creatures that are not as enlighten would bring doom upon themselves by upsetting species and racial interests and attention more than elemential and natural ones.......the whole seperatist elemental crowd is one of recent compiling and mixing it up is good for flavor.........don't you think?

Ahhh, this is why I like feedback. How's this [I also added it into the Fire Wolf's entry under Variants]? I do admit that it is a simple change though, but IMO does seem interesting.

Thought to not be existent because such a thing would go against all logic but has recently been seen on rare is a Wolf combined of fire and snow. People who have claimed to see this are laughed at by most, but some are indeed curious about the true nature of these beings.

Their bodies are in constant motion, a swirling of blues and reds/oranges.

Notes: Dual-Natured Wolves are of both Cold and Fire Subtypes. They are immune to both fire and cold. When attacking, their elemental damage is half fire and half cold [their bite as well as their breath]. They lose the Burn quality and do not gain the bonus on Hiding in the firey element [nor do they gain any bonus to hiding in a snowy environment either].

Dog Moon said:
Ahhh, this is why I like feedback. How's this [I also added it into the Fire Wolf's entry under Variants]? I do admit that it is a simple change though, but IMO does seem interesting.

Thought to not be existent because such a thing would go against all logic but has recently been seen on rare is a Wolf combined of fire and snow. People who have claimed to see this are laughed at by most, but some are indeed curious about the true nature of these beings.

Their bodies are in constant motion, a swirling of blues and reds/oranges.

Notes: Dual-Natured Wolves are of both Cold and Fire Subtypes. They are immune to both fire and cold. When attacking, their elemental damage is half fire and half cold [their bite as well as their breath]. They lose the Burn quality and do not gain the bonus on Hiding in the firey element [nor do they gain any bonus to hiding in a snowy environment either].

They would be heavily coveted for their hides...I would make them of neutral Alignment so druids get peaved when they are killed out of order but maybe the non-enlightened ones are killed so often that the neutral ones bring out the greeny in the druids because they not only are rare but represent balance between opposites and let the wolves choose the element attack for max effect at will......Wolves of Temperment(Temperature) takes out any argument that can be thrown at them.....I'd give a pack value on local tempurature too and a large pack I may even let the Control Weather........just to frighten those whom don't realize that these wolves are here to weed out the magical mishaps and the evil and their non-magical counterparts maybe even allow them to show up when wolves in general are over hunted .......eitherway is one of these enlighted wolves dies saving someone their magical element defenses should be transferable by pack agreement or something to a worthy druid or rangeer but only as a gift for defending them.....ahahha.........there is a turn around for those hide-hunters even if the hide can somehow be used this way would show the druids that the character could be trusted instead of gaining ill reput........Hence Home Plane Fire could be changed to Range Planes Fire ,Water/Ice,Prime,Beastlands and gives reason to suspect a Plane of Weather exists because banishements only work for one season and Divination spells say leave them alone :eek: :lol:

The two versions of this could easily be a sub-note.....the reason I suggest it is an old DM trick about keep the playere guessing and make sure the experts don't know either or are unwilling to say because of sacred oathes or something..........also when creature such as this die it amazes and frightens players more if the hide turns into that of a seemingly normal wolf with a slight arua but of a not nessisarily magical nature........gets them everytime and if the druids are mad and when ask they say" the enviorment had turned evil and it effecte these sacred creature you handled it all wrong..........get rid of the evil not the when they return next season from their sacred domain they will remember you and your trespass, in the very least as get back to work and kill the real evil....idiot adventures everywhere I go!"......gets them everytime......they will mop it up and come back for more......oh yeah make a level requirement to knowing their Actual Home location at least something ridiculous to nail it all down good no matter what the level of creature like Druid lvl 100 that will do it......Rangers will try to redirect them out of a killing spree and druids and paladins will die protecting them.......make sure they fall into a screw up first..........the add on adventures will pile up........DM confidential.
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Dog Moon

Hrm. Honestly, I'd never pictured the Fire Wolves to be have fur. I kinda pictured them almost like slightly more solid fire elementals in the shape of a wolf [with varied abilities of course] and since they're classified as Outsiders, the ramifications of hunting them never crossed my mind.

Dog Moon said:
Hrm. Honestly, I'd never pictured the Fire Wolves to be have fur. I kinda pictured them almost like slightly more solid fire elementals in the shape of a wolf [with varied abilities of course] and since they're classified as Outsiders, the ramifications of hunting them never crossed my mind.

Yeah, well you wouldn't want them to have the body of a wolf until after death......because it adds mystery not only to the creature but to nature as well and the repricusions of killing one and having a pelt(one coveted by wizards, sorcorers and dragons alike makes life more dificult and allows you to add twists and campaign hooks galore......the only reason they are called wolves is thats all that is left when your done with one.......oh, and when the players think they are done the DM is just getting started! I am a rat-bastard tauric DM.....but I am sought after for my skill.........and they keep coming back and almost(literally)cry when I say I can't today........storytelling combines some factors of the fantastic and the mundane until no one can tell the difference because they are connected.

....and it is just a suggestion because it changes the rules a little adds mystery and when I read this creature I think Primal Mystery.........Druidic...relavence and something to try and understand and yet avoid......and not because of the direct danger either because hack and slash should be something that such a magical creature can be put above and have consequences if they aren't.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
Dog Moon said:
I hope you like the Quail, Frukathka. I'm always leery about doing requests because I'm paranoid that no matter what I do, the person who requested it won't be happy.
Sorry I haven't chimed in sooner. The entry looks awesome. Though in order for a quails eyes and a characters eyes to meet and lock, it should probably be medium size. That I can do myself. Many thanks!

Also, the samdow quail seems a fine choice for an aerial mount! :cool:

Dog Moon

Ful Hund

OMG! An update. Yeah, I know I'm like 2 weeks behind [was trying to update every Thurs. but since I started working at a Full Time job instead of part time, I have less time]. So note: I'll be attempting to post every Sunday, during the small amount of freetime I have on the weekends when I'm not gaming.

Anyway, the Ful Hund. Kind of a silly [maybe stupid] name, but when I was checking out for a cool variant of Corrupted Dog, I ended up finding Ful [for foul] and Hund [for hound]. So the name was created by using Ful and Hun, Foul and Hound without the o's.

Also: though not listed by any of the sources below, I took 6 of the Natural Armor Bonus and converted it to an Unholy Defense from the shrouded aura surrounding it. Makes it a little more powerful, but makes it a little neater, IMO.

Ful Hund (CR 9)
Large Aberration
Hit Dice:
8d8 + 32 (82 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: 26 (+1 Dex, +10 natural, +6 unholy, -1 size), touch 16, flat-footed 25

Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+12
Attack: Bite +11 melee (4d6+9 +4 vile damage)
Full Attack: Bite +11 melee (4d6+9 +4 vile damage)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Spell-Like Abilities, Disruptive Attack (4 vile damage)
Special Qualities: Blink, darkvision 60 ft., dimension door, low-light vision, scent, DR 5/slashing and good, Plant traits, Vulnerability to Fire, Immune to acid, Fast healing 4

Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +6
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 9

Skills: Hide +1, Listen +8, Sense Motive +6, Spot +8, Survival +7

Feats: Track, Power Attack, Improved Natural Weapon

Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (7–16)
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None
Advancement: 9–12 HD (Large)

Blink (Su): A Ful Hund can use blink as the spell (caster level 8th), and can evoke or end the effect as a free action.

Dimension Door (Su): A Ful Hund can teleport, as dimension door (caster level 8th), once per round as a free action. The
ability affects only the Ful Hund, which never appears within a solid object and can act immediately after teleporting.

Spell-Like Abilities: Entangle 1/day, Summon nature's ally II 1/day, Speak with plants 3/day, Summon nature's ally IV 1/day. Caster level 8. DCs 9 + spell level.

The Ful Hund has the appearance of numerous branches twisted into the vague form of a small dog. There are no leaves or green upon the sick, blackened branches of this creature. The branches are held together tightly and it appears as if a small aura is escaping them, a black aura of impending doom. Dark green eyes, almost black, stare out from within two pockets above the spiny are where the Ful Hund's jaw is located. The eyes stare with hate and vengeance.

The Ful Hund starts by casting Entangle first, and then bouncing around while summoning animals before it starts to attack with its bite attack.

Blink Dog: Monster Manual
Corrupted Template: Book of Vile Darkness
Woodling Template: Monster Manual III

The Edge

First Post
Bookmarked! :)

My fav is probably the paper golem. I've printed it out and its waiting in my folder ready to attack my players. Hmm, could use it in game too...

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