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Dog Soul Releases Cooper's Corrected Creature Codex: D


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Are Your Monsters...Correct?

The second book in the series of "improved" d20 monsters by ENWorld staff reviewer John Cooper (known as "the nit-picky stat block guy") features all of the monsters beginning with "D" from the SRD.

Mr. Cooper has been invited by Dog Soul to comb through the core monsters and correct anything that seems amiss.

Fully bookmarked and easy to print, each pdf also includes "Cooper's Comments*" sidebars, which explain what John changed and why he made the changes that he did. "Cooper's Comments" also prompt the DM to check for possible synergy bonuses in instances where a given creature has a skill or skills that still need to be plugged in, like “Craft (any)” or “Knowledge (any three)”.

Cooper's Corrected Creature Codex - the definitive monster resource for GM's and d20 publishers.

*In many cases John has changed more than the major issues he addresses in Cooper's Comments, including punctuation and alphabetical organization.

For sale at Your Games Now, The ENWorld Download Store, RPGNow, and DriveThruRPG


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