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"Don't Borrow What You Can't Replace"


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The cleric was an early casualty during my PC's latest dungeon delve. As is their SOP, they stored most of his equipment in the bag of holding while distributing any useful items to other party members (only until they hit the surface, of course.) This included the paladin, who borrowed his Periapt of Wisdom +2.

Bet you see where this is heading...

The paladin didn't make it out either, and unlike the cleric, her body + items were not salvageable. They now reside at the bottom of a deep underground lake which is home to a very hungry aquatic monster.

I've already scheduled a solo session with the cleric player next week in order to work off his XP debt from being raised ... but man, he's gonna be annoyed when he finds out his best piece of gear is gone. Yeah, he shouldn't have let himself get killed ... but it's just an unusual scenario in our group for both the paladin and the cleric to fall.

Ah well, I'll make sure he gets something cool in the solo game ... unless he dies again. :D

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Ha. Fun stuff. I wouldn't even bother replacing the item. Let the Cleric try to put together an "expedition" to recover the lost item. You know, put the ball in the PC's court.


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Wik said:
Ha. Fun stuff. I wouldn't even bother replacing the item. Let the Cleric try to put together an "expedition" to recover the lost item. You know, put the ball in the PC's court.

Nah, they spent 5 sessions in that dungeon. I'm frickin' tired of it :)

I'll just find something cool that makes a good reward for the solo game.

Peni Griffin

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What, this guy's cleric is going to be more upset about the loss of his best magic item than about the loss of a comrade-in-arms?

It's just stuff. If one PC wouldn't give and hazard all he hath for the life of a fellow-PC, I don't know what they're doing adventuring together. I sure don't want to go into a dangerous situation with somebody who's going to be making cost-benefit analyses when he ought to be watching my back.l


Peni Griffin said:
What, this guy's cleric is going to be more upset about the loss of his best magic item than about the loss of a comrade-in-arms?

It's just stuff. If one PC wouldn't give and hazard all he hath for the life of a fellow-PC, I don't know what they're doing adventuring together. I sure don't want to go into a dangerous situation with somebody who's going to be making cost-benefit analyses when he ought to be watching my back.l

Unfortunately, that's a quirk of D&D. There are spells to bring you back from death. There's no spell to bring back your bling.


Through the clever use of a Commune spell, the Cleric could narrow down where the nearest periapt is, buy it or kill the guy wearing it and take it.



Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
Someone else (future NPC encounter or a monster) could find the paladin's body and salvage the periapt. A few months from now, this is the scene.

You see a horde of trolls. Most of them are wearing loincloths and have clubs. But one has all kinds of weird things strapped to his body (Spot check)... including the cleric's old periapt.


First Post
definitly have the periapt show up on a necromancer or soemthing. maybe with the paladin as a zombie knight budyguard. this is the perfect time to make an arch-nemesis.


Peni Griffin said:
What, this guy's cleric is going to be more upset about the loss of his best magic item than about the loss of a comrade-in-arms?

It's just stuff. If one PC wouldn't give and hazard all he hath for the life of a fellow-PC, I don't know what they're doing adventuring together. I sure don't want to go into a dangerous situation with somebody who's going to be making cost-benefit analyses when he ought to be watching my back.l

As someone stated, it is a quirk of the game, but I actually integrated it into one of my character's attitude.

It was a Ravenloft campaign and Sturn (my character) had a pretty tenacious grip on life, something the rest of the party did not have. Over the course of the campaign he saw numerous comrades (fellow PCs) meet their demise, regardless of how much Sturn tried to watch their backs. After awhile he got to be pretty jaded and maybe a bit touched in the head considering the number of NDE's (near death experience) he'd walked away from. It actually got to the point that when a character died the first words out his mouth were, "What's he got on him." BTW, I apparently had some incredible luck behind the screen too, as the GM made a Powers Check every time I "grave-robbed" a friend, it was Ravenloft after all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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