Doom of the Savage Kings

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Lizt said, "If I strap this shield we just found to my back instead of carrying it, I'd have a free hand and could carry a torch. But I don't have anything to light on fire." She pointed at Alois and continued, "He can't carry a torch, 'cause of his polearm. He needs two hands for that thing." Alois nodded in agreement.

Gratien was silent, listening, then offered, "I could perhaps find something suitable in the woods to serve as a torch, and return. No guarantees, though. I could also carry a torch. My bow is little use down in this hole, and I can wield my blade with one hand."

OOC: Gratien is a forester and will, if the group wishes, go back out of the hole to see if he can find anything in the woods nearby that might work as a torch. I checked his character sheet and don't see any skills per se, but his ability scores are: Strength: 10, Agility: 9, Stamina: 14, Personality: 14, and Intelligence: 14. I will provide a generic die roll, below, to get things started (just in case).



Gratien returns in two hours with a few torches that look considerably better than the ones Hank threw together last minute. Gratien has also managed to start a fire using woodlore that is common to foresters. One torch crackles merrily casting a small radius of light. The other two can be quickly lit and handed out to Hank and Franko.

[sblock=OOC]Skills: There is no list of skills on your character sheet. Skills are determined by your occupation. If a task or knowledge is one that a forester or a scribe or a cabinet maker, for example, might know then that PC gets a d20 for the skill check while everyone else rolls a d10.[/sblock]

Lizt accepted the third torch from Gratien. She didn't bear the shield for defense anymore; rather, it was strapped to her backpack, out of use but also out of the way. She kept the torch in her off hand, and her short sword in her other. Gratien nodded. "It's for the best. This way, I have two hands free in case we have need of a spell."

Alois, who had been resting by sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, woke up from a nap and stood up. The big man hefted his polearm and grunted. "Are we ready?"


Now that the light situation is taken care of, at least for the moment, the group needs to decide which way to go next. From the entrance room there was the option to turn left or right. At that time the group chose left and were then confronted with the option of continuing down the hall (which they could now see opens into a room of some sort) or descending one of the side staircases, either to the left or right. They can't make out anything at the bottom of the stairs without descending.

Deuce Traveler

Tender says, "I think we need to check out that larger room and everything on this level before we begin descending to another."

Boral agrees. "Makes sense to me. Clear out this location of danger first, so nothing gets us in the back on the way down."

Tender will take the lead if there are no objections.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Hank: I wonder if we should save one torch for getting back out of here when the others have burned out. Or perhaps make a quick spare?

Homer: Yes, that does sound like a good idea, a spare torch. And yes, that is a good idea to leave the lower level of this grave until we are sure this one is safe.

Franko: with no words spoken he draws arcane symbols in the dirt floor.

Lizt nodded. She snuffed her torch and swapped it out for the shield, then drew her short sword.

Gratien gestured to the room at the end of the hall. "After you." Lizt traipsed second in line after Tender, with Alois right behind her (third), his polearm in hand but used for the moment as a stave. Gratien let everyone else go ahead of him, electing to be last in line. He drew his blade and made it ready.


Tender takes the lead going off to the left and passing the stairs on either side to reach the room at the end. He stops at the entranceway as the corridor opens to a wider, low-ceilinged chamber. The stone slab floor in the room slopes down steeply from all four walls, falling away into a dark pit in the center of the chamber. The air is cool and the walls glimmer with condensation.

The passage continues on the other side of the room but Tender's dwarven spatial sense allows him to figure that not far down that other passage is the heavy stone that sealed the barrow entrance.

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