Door to Nowhere

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She says that the subjects are not supposed to be acquired in such a manner
These words makes Astarte speechless. While wondering what manner of acquiring a new slaves would be appropriate in Yenisha woman's opinion, agitated Astarte quickly follows her companions, angry that they cannot slaughter all the slavers right here, right now.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 65(coerce) + 33(enthrall) + 57(d100) = 155
Plumeir: 83 + 65(befriend) + 72 = 220
Taylar: 72 + 33(enthrall) + 83 = 188

Sioliri: 160(sketicism) + 62(d100) = 222
Kozzogs: 165 + 62 = 227
Having become used to the haze and the dust, the party has little difficulty returning to the metal works tent belonging to the Kozzogs and the Animal preparation tent belonging to the Sioliri. Negotiations between the party and the vendors are about even. The Sioliri are willing to buy the leather goods and the extra bow at 68% of their retail value, which is not a bad deal. The Kozzogs comment about having made the nethrin tomahawks in the first place and readily see that the Evipaun who purchased them had chosen to use them foolishly. They agree to by them back at 63% of their retain value.
OOC: The retail value for items is listed under Collections

Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: Body: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
standard leather bracers: 12 pairs: 256 clams each
standard leather shin guards: 12 pairs: 256 each
standard leather mantles: 6: 194 each
recurve bows: 4: 200 each
nethrin tomahawks: 12: 240 each

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
4 missing children from Mining (Markidians)
3 missing from Vineyard (Centrins)
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar asks about the metal ingots and whether the Kossog are interested in them.
After finishing with the Kozzog Taylar returns to the slave tent to buy back the captives. He tells his companions, "We must also make sure to buy enough food and water to get us across the desert to the spire."


Astarte asks the Sioliri if they recognize the fangs, the teeth and the skulls, as well who should they ask about the curious stones (if they don't know, she'll repeat this question to the Kozzogs). In the the Kozzog's tent she tells Taylar to wait with selling the ingots until they find about out their usefulness.
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Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Agreeing completely with the strategy of Taylar's and suspecting that he is not yet willing to sell the ingots but is looking for information, Plumeir will assist in the negotiations to expedite the party's desire to free the children. As an afterthought, when speaking with the Sioliri, Plumeir will ask if they purchase hides or even whole animals.
OOC: 75


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Season: Drenching. Day: 54
Astarte: 65(coerce) + 33(enthrall) + 66(d100) = 164
Plumeir: 83 + 65(befriend) + 75 = 223
Taylar: 72 + 33(enthrall) + 50 = 155
The party is paid in a variety of coins, because none is minted within the Pelimonra village, and they carry the collected value of 7,327 in marks would be ridiculously heavy. The stamp on some of the coins is recognized as coming from the Kingdom of West Cove. The others can be assumed to have been minted in Boga City. The trade conducted with both the Kozzogs and the Sioliri seems to have gone smoothly and efficiently.

The Kozzogs show their first sign of anything nearing emotion when asked about buying ore. Iron and coal are always necessary materials in smithing and metallurgy, but quality and rarer materials are always sought because they are more difficult to acquire. One of their metallurgists can, in fact, give names for all the ingots that the party possesses and offers to purchase any more that they find of the kind. He also mentions the names of a few others that the party has never seen. Voluntarily, he explains that the Orngaddrin, another tribe of Mhytres, have people commonly called ore sniffers, who can hold an ingot of any type of metal in their hand, which will lead that person to others sources of the same type, if within a certain distance of it.

Several of the Sioliri touch the teeth and bone trinkets, nodding to one another and conversing in Sioliri momentarily. The one who can speak Maldrog then explains that while they can recognize the mystical use of these items, it is pointless to expound upon it because the items will not offer the same proclivities to the party members. “In West Cove as in Boga City, the talent to bend waylines is greatly feared, discouraged and often leads to the execution of the Bender. Out here in the desert, you will find the talent much more common, because the dangerous environment tends to kill those without it. This talent, which I can sense in all of you, grows with age and use. You will eventually recognize such potential in the items that you carry all on your own. Until you do, they will offer you no benefit.”

While the Kozzogs do recognize the curious stones, they do not have a need for them. They offer that there is a jeweler in the main trade tent who may be interested in the more rare minerals. Noting the pertinent information for future use, the party returns to the Yenishae tent to discuss the release of the children. The female who spoke with the party earlier, escorts them outside the tent, toward the northern edge of the valley where Plumeir explained that something was obscuring the natural imagery of the area, there. This unnatural refraction of light ceases in part of the area as the party approaches. Another Yenisha, who had been previously hidden by the blurring stands and nods as the party approaches. He moves aside a large piece of fabric that is attached to the rock to reveal a large, carved indention in the base of the cliff. There are 11 children inside. None appears overly distressed and none is bound. There are the 4 Markidians from the mining area where Plumeir works, 3 Centrins from the village called Vineyard, and 2 Rheini from the discovered village near a cherry orchard north of Vineyard. These children are purchased for 2700 marks.

The other two children are Ekimmards. Of the tribes of Mhytres, the Ekimmards are not known to be civilized. These can be purchased also, but there is no way to return them to whatever nomadic clan from which they originated.
Taylar: full wellness
tunic: 60 - 3 - 3 = 54 - 3 = 51
Astarte: Body: full wellness
vest: 29 - 2 - 2 = 25 - 2 = 23 - 2 = 21
Plumeir: full wellness
tunic: 48
various coins: 7327 marks value

fang or tooth necklaces: 6: ??
skull fetishes: 6: ??
curious stones: 6: ??
metal ingots: 6: ??
Ferguine, Mining Commissioner
Francis, Priest of Dawn at Vineyard (Centrin)
cherry orchard, 1 day north of Vineyard
Rheini village: Grandfather of Maka: Pardal
Kol and party: Maldrog Explorers
Eastern Oasis in Ka’ard’taerm (Pelimonra village)
OOC: Each character receives 5 DP. State nominal actions and intentions and provide a random roll.


Gamer Extraordinaire
Taylar negotiates to purchase the two Ekimmard also. "We're not leaving anyone in this cage," he says to his companions. Once the children are released to them he tells them in Markidian, "We are here to bring you home. The ones that took you will never bother you again." To the Ekimmard he attempts to communicate, "You are free and may do as you wish. If you want, you may join our group, but we are traveling to our home which is far away. If you want to come with us, we will help you start new lives."


Right after her friends left the tent with the kids, Astarte shows the Yenisha woman the copy of the skin markings that the Evipaun slaves-hunters had in common: "Do you know what theses signs mean?" She hopes the slaves-seller will not ask her, where she has she seen them.

Afterwards she'll visit the local jeweler to see if he/she has some useful stones for sale, and later she'll buy for her a white shirt, white pantaloons and bright-blue bandana.

Eric Zephlaer

Gaming Aficianado
Plumeir takes one last look at the Yenisha female who is conducting the business and the other guard who is overseeing the children. He then looks at Taylar and Astarte and speaks in Maldrog. "I see no reason to delay. Let us take these children and go our way. We can return if we want to later to conduct other business."
OOC: 75

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

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