DPR King Candidates 3.0


Talamare said:
Checking out if Druid can squeeze out some nice number

Lv6 Human Druid 20 Wis
Feats - Powerful Charge, Enraged Boar, Ferocious Tiger, Versatile Expertise, Mounts
Items - Earthfall Totem +2, Vanguard QuarterStaff, Claw Gloves, Shard of Mage, Boar
Power - Savage Rend

Savage Rend
+15 Attack - (5 Wis, 3 Level, 2 Enhancement, 2 CA, 1 Charge, 1 Enraged Boar, 1 Expertise) vs 18 Reflex 90% Accuracy
1d8 + 1d8 + 1d10 + 1d6 +14 Damage - (5 Wis, 2 Enhancement, 2 Charge, 2 Boar, 2 Tiger, 1 Mage Shard) 18-46 [32] || 48-58 [53] Crit

32 * 0.85 = 27.2 |+| 53 * 0.05 = 2.65 == 29.85

29.85 + 8.2 = 38.05

Not exactly the most impressive of numbers, but seeing a controllor doing it tho... (also he will be a beast mounted on a beast <3)

38 DPR (CA, Ch, Mount) Human Druid Beast Charger (6th), by Talamare

No Class, No Race, Basic Charger - 20 STR, 15 DEX (I guess you need to use a race that gives +STR...)
Background - Gritty Sergeant Rapier
Feats - LBE, Nimble Blade, Powerful Charge, Mount
Items - Vanguard Rapier, Bracers of Might, Horned Helm, Boar

Melee Basic Attack
16 Attack (5 STR, 3 Level, 3 Prof, 1 Enh, 1 LBE, 1 NB, 2 CA) 85% Accuracy
1d8 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 11 (5 STR, 2 Bracers, 2 Charge, 1 Enh, 1 LBE) 14-33 [23.5] || 34-41 [37.5] Crit

23.5 * 0.8 = 18.8 |+| 37.5 * 0.05 = 1.875 = 20.675

20.675 + 8.2 = 28.87

29 DPR for not even caring what Class you are is a bit sad, I saw a level 30 No Class build that managed around 300 DPR which is also a bit sad

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langeweile said:
This should be a pretty clean version - and after the grabbing attack it even generates its own CA !
Mark of Finding makes sure that even if the mob succeeeds with the escape (not too likely) and shifts, we still can stay adjacent, so we still get our Riposte.

Strangler, L6
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Strangler, level 6
Bugbear, Rogue
Rogue Tactics: Brutal Scoundrel

Str 18, Con 11, Dex 20, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.

Str 15, Con 11, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10.

AC: 21 Fort: 18 Reflex: 21 Will: 15
HP: 48 Surges: 6 Surge Value: 12

Stealth +15, Thievery +13

Acrobatics +8, Arcana +2, Bluff +3, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering +4, Endurance +3, Heal +4, History +2, Insight +4, Intimidate +5, Nature +4, Perception +4, Religion +2, Streetwise +3, Athletics +7

Level 1: Garrote Training
Level 2: Backstabber
Level 4: Vicious Advantage
Level 6: Mark of Finding

Rogue at-will 1: Riposte Strike

Vicious Garrote +2, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Magic Leather Armor +1, Amulet of Protection +1
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

37.44 DPR
To hit: [+5 Dex / +4 Str] +3 lvl +2 CA +3 prof +2 enh = +15 / +14
=> vs AC 20: 80% / 75%
Damage: 1d6 weapon +[5 Dex / 4 Str] +2 enh +2 item + 2d8+4 SA = 25,5 / 24,5 avg dmg (+1d6+2d12 crit)

DPR: 0,75 * 25,5 + 0,05 * 51,5 + 0,8 * (0,7 * 24,5 + 0,05 * 50,5) = 37,44

Somewhat less impressive, but much cleaner and definately self-sustaining.

PS @ Borg: See my edit two posts above - CA is hazy, and Riposte just doesn't work.


tl said:
borrowing ideas from RX, optimizing for DPR only.

Longtooth Shifter Brutal Rogue 6
Str 20, Dex 17
Gorebrute Charge, WE, Surprising Charge, Mounted Combat
Vanguard Dagger +1, Horned Helm, Dire Boar, Bracers of Mighty Striking

Dagger MBA
Attack: +17 vs AC
Hit: 2d4 + 2d6 + 1d8 + 1d6 + 18
3 (lvl) + 5 (Str) + 1 (Ench) + 3 (prof) + 1 (class) + 1 (feat) + 2 (CA) + 1 (charge)
5 (Str) + 1 (Ench) + 5 (Str on SA) + 2 (bracers) + 2 (shifting) + 3 (gorebrute)
DPR (CA, Ch): (0.85*38)+(0.05*56.5) + 8.2 = 43.325

RX also remebered me boars knock prone and another build was born, letting boar knock them prone and then...
hit them with Headman's Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop! Chop!

Longtooth Shifter Ranger 6
Str 20, Wis 18
Running Attack
Gorebrute Charge, Headman's Chop, WE, Mounted Combat
Mage's Fullblade +2, Horned Helm, Dire Boar

Fullblade Marauder's Rush
Attack: +16 vs AC
Hit: 1d12 + 1d6 + 1d6 + 18.5
3 (lvl) + 5 (Str) + 2 (Ench) + 3 (prof) + 1 (feat) + 1 (class) + 1 (charge)
5 (Str) + 4 (Wis) + 2 (Ench) + 2 (shifting) + 3 (gorebrute) + 2.5 (headman's)

you let your boar attack first, and with it's 50% hit rate, you get 2.5 out of Headman's Crop
DPR (Ch): (0.8*32)+(0.05*56) + 8.2 = 36.6[/sblock]
now, boar knocking prone also means all builds with it get CA 50% of the time, but since everybody forgot about it, I left it out.


jonathan_sicari said:
This is a human Pack Outcast at 6th level with no real tricks to it besides spiked chain and lightblade/twoweapon damage feats and IAoP. No mount, no charging, just stands there and beats on people. I'm quite suprised at how much it should generate.

level 6 DPR try

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======

DPR try, level 6

Human, Ranger (Scout)

Ranger Wilderness Knacks Option: Ambush Expertise (Ranger)

Ranger Wilderness Knacks Option: Mountain Guide (Ranger)

Two-Weapon Style Option: Flashing Blade Mastery

Level 4 Wilderness Knack Option: Wilderness Tracker (Ranger)

Human Power Selection Option: Heroic Effort

Monster Hunter (Monster Hunter Benefit)

Theme: Pack Outcast


STR 10, CON 13, DEX 20, INT 10, WIS 16, CHA 8


STR 10, CON 13, DEX 17, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 8

AC: 21 Fort: 17 Ref: 21 Will: 18

HP: 50 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 12


Acrobatics +12, Dungeoneering +11, Heal +11, Nature +11, Perception +11, Stealth +12


Arcana +3, Athletics +2, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Endurance +3, History +3, Insight +6, Intimidate +2, Religion +3, Streetwise +2, Thievery +7


Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack

Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack

Pack Outcast Utility: Body of the Wolf

Human Racial Power: Heroic Effort

Ranger Utility: Aspect of the Lurking Spider

Ranger Utility: Aspect of the Pack Wolf

Ranger Attack: Dual Weapon Attack

Multiple Class Attack: Power Strike

Ranger Utility 2: Ranger's Agility

Ranger Utility 5: Reactive Shift

Ranger Utility 6: Step of Morning Mist


Level 1: Light Blade Expertise

Level 1: Spiked Chain Training

Level 2: Nimble Blade

Level 4: Weapon Focus (Light blade)

Level 6: Two-Weapon Fighting


Vicious Spiked chain +2 x1

Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1

Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier) x1

Hide Armor x1

Collar of Recovery +1 x1

====== End ======

+ to hit 5 stat+3 level+1 class+1 feat +1 feat+2 CA+2 enhancement+3 proficiency=+18 (95%hit chance)

+to damage 5 stat+2 enhancement +2 Item + 2 Power bonus (lurking spider) +1 feat +1 feat+1 feat=+14

Main hand: (19x.9 + 28.5 x.05)=18.525

Dual Weapon Attack 18.525 x .95=17.59875

Total AT-will DPR= 36.12375


zombiegleemax said:
The Premise

The Bard PP Voice of Thunder has an absurdly powerful level 11 encounter power, Rolling Echo.

Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and you push the target 1 square. Before you take any actions during your next turn, you can repeat the attack as a free action.

Since the repeat rider is on the Hit: line, this means that regardless of whether you think "repeat the attack" means "attack power" or "attack from this power", it will trigger again on your next turn when you hit with it, meaning you get a massive free action, ally-friendly attack power every round as long as there are still enemies around to nuke with it.

The Pieces

Honestly, the only key piece here is Rolling Echo. From there, it's a short matter of taking a Sorcerer and stapling as much thunder damage support to them as humanly possible, and it turns out that's quite a bit.

The Product

Just doing a quick proof of concept here, but I'm pretty sure it's close to maximum on damage for its level. We are a pixie, which gives us two big benefits. First, it lets us ride our elemental companion the Storm Talon everywhere, and second, it means we get the cheapest +item bonus to damage item in the game.

On round 1, we use Pixie Dust as a move action and command our elemental companion to fly, flying up to 11 squares to approach. We then use Rolling Echo as a standard action, grouping as many enemies as possible. If we have an action point available, we follow up with Explosive Pyre, and hopefully everything dies from that. If not, we end our turn.

Every turn after this, we start by using Rolling Echo as a close burst 3 originating anywhere within 2 squares of us, group up all the enemies we can, and follow up with another standard action thunder attack. On the off chance we run out of AoEs in some extremely large battle, start charging with Ensorcelled Blade. It's all pretty easy.

Level 12 Build Snapshot

Race: Pixie
Class: Sorcerer
Theme: Primordial Adept
Paragon Path: Voice of Thunder

Strength: 11
Constitution: 13
Dexterity: 20
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 22

Feat 1: Born of the Elements
Feat 2: Elemental Companion (Storm Talon)
Feat 4: War Wizard's Expertise
Feat 6: Superior Implement Training (Resonating Dagger)
Feat 8: Bardic Dilettante
Feat 10: Thunder's Rumble (RETRAIN)
Feat 11: Resounding Thunder
Feat 12: Arcane Reach

Pixie Racial Utility: Pixie Dust
Pixie Racial Utility: Shrink
At-will 1: Ensorcelled Blade
At-will 1:
Primordial Adept Encounter Attack: Vezzuvu's Eruption
Encounter Attack 1: Explosive Pyre
Daily Attack 1: Howling Tempest
Utility 2:
Encounter Attack 3: Thundering Gust
Daily Attack 5: Thunder Leap
Utility 6:
Encounter Attack 7: Thunder Bomb
Daily Attack 9: Howling Hurricane
Utility 10:
Voice of Thunder Encounter Attack: Rolling Echo
Voice of Thunder Utility: Doom Echo

+3 Goblin Totem Dagger
Siberys Shard of the Mage (level 13)

Level 12 numbers

Attack (Rolling Thunder/thunder attacks): +6 half-level, +6 Charisma, +3 enhancement, +2 expertise, +2 power vs. adjacent enemies = +19 vs. Fortitude (adjacent), +17 vs. Fortitude (non-adjacent)
Damage (Rolling Thunder/thunder attacks): 2d6+6 (CHA), +5+2(Storm Power), +3 enhancement, +3 feat, +3 energized, +3 item, +3 shard, +2 power = 2d6+30 thunder damage
Attack (Explosive Pyre): +6 half-level, +6 Charisma, +3 enhancement, +2 expertise = +15 vs. Reflex
Damage (Explosive Pyre): 2d8 +6 (CHA), +5+2(Storm Power), +3 enhancement, +3 item, +3 shard, +2 power, 1d6 +5+2(Storm Power), +3 enhancement, +3 item, +3 shard, +2 power = 2d8+24 fire damage, 1d6+18 fire damage secondary

DPR Kings Breakdown (Level 12, 1.41 KPR)

First off, let me note that I in no way agree with the system the DPR kings thread uses to rate AoE attacks, as it's severely overvalued. But hey, it's their choice.

Rolling Thunder is a 7x7 friendly attack, which according to their arbitrary chart has a multiplier value of 3.8124. However, it's also a 3x3 friendly attack at a bonus, so we need to break it into two chunks to evaluate.

Rolling Echo (3x3): LVL+7 vs. NAD, 2d6+30=37 (hit), 42+3d6=52.5 (crit). 2.178(.75(37)+.05(52.5))=66.15675

Rolling Echo (7x7-3x3):LVL+5 vs. NAD, 2d6+30=37 (hit), 42+3d6=52.5 (crit). (3.8124-2.178)(.65(37)+.05(52.5))=43.59762

Rolling Echo total per round: 66.16+43.60= 109.8 damage.

After repeating this process a bunch of times for all my other encounter powers and then Charging with Ensorcelled Blade once they run out, we reach our round-by-round DPR:

Aura portion Non-aura portion Total

Rolling Echo
66.15675 43.59762 109.75437

Thundering Gust
63.4887 41.84064 105.32934

Thunder Bomb
69.85935 26.32672 96.18607

Vezzuvu's Eruption
66.15675 24.92512 91.08187

Explosive Pyre

69.2523 69.2523

Ensorcelled Blade

KPR by turn Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4 Turn 5 Turn 6 –10

0.91461975 1.79236425 1.7161703333 1.6736353333 1.49172225 1.18086975
KP2R 1.353492
KP5R 1.5177023833
KP10R 1.3492860667
Mean KPR 1.4068268167


banysan2 said:
Hello, im back with a new build. THE Daring Fang

Daring Fang - Lvl12 Thiefl/Bard/Daring Blade/Human - By Banysan2

This time is a Thief, based on Ripost Strike.

- My Owlbear is adjacent to me (CA + 2dam)
- My enemy starts adjacent to me (minor action for whetstone)
- Frost Vulnerability from the start


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Daring Fang, level 12
Human, Thief (Rogue), Daring Blade
Human Power Selection Option: Bonus At-will
Proficiency: Weapon Proficiency (Rapier)
Associate: Trained Young Owlbear
Gritty Sergeant (Gritty Sergeant Benefit)
Theme: Fey Beast Tamer

STR 16, CON 11, DEX 15, INT 9, WIS 13, CHA 22

STR 14, CON 10, DEX 13, INT 8, WIS 12, CHA 17

Relevant POWERS:
Rogue Attack 1: Riposte Strike
Rogue's Trick 1: Acrobat's trick
Rogue's Trick 1: Thug's Trick


Level 1: Light Blade Expertise
Level 1: Melee Training (Charisma)
Level 2: Backstabber
Level 6: Bardic Dilettante
Level 8: Mark of Finding
Level 11: Lasting Frost
Level 11: Icy Heart (retraining lvl 4)
Level 12: Vigilante Justice Style
Level 12: Urikite Staff Pratice (Retraining lvl 10)


Footpad's Friend Rapier +3 x1 (lvl13 item + 8000k of the initial gold)
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon tier)
Gloves of Ice (paragon tier) x1
Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier)
Short sword =)
====== End ======

+24 vs AC (+6 1/2lvl, +6 Cha,+3 enchant, +3 Prof, +2 LBE, +2 CA, +1 NB, +1 Thief Weapon Talent)
Accuracy: 95%
Normal Hit: 90%
Critical Hit: 5%

Sneak Damage = 3d8 + CHA (Footpad's Friend Weapon) = 3d8+6

First Attack: 1d8[W] + 6 [CHA] + 3 Enchant + 3[Icy Heart] + 2[Whetstone] + 2[Gloves of Ice] + 2[Owlbear] + 5 [Lasting Frost] + 2 LBW + 3 Shard + 3 [Weapon Finesse] = Sneak [3d8+6] = 4d8+37

Riposte Attack: 1d8[W] + 6 [CHA] + 3 Enchant + 3[Icy Heart] + 2[Whetstone] + 2[Gloves of Ice] + 2[Owlbear] + 5 [Lasting Frost] + 2 LBW + 3 Shard + 3 [Weapon Finesse] + 3[Urikite Staff Pratice]= Sneak [3d8+6] = 4d8+40

Opportunity Attack: 1d8[W] + 3 [CHA] + 3 Enchant + 3[Icy Heart] + 2[Whetstone] + 2[Gloves of Ice] + 2[Owlbear] + 5 [Lasting Frost] + 2 LBW + 3 Shard + 3 [Weapon Finesse] + 3[Urikite Staff Pratice] + 4 [Acrobat's Trick] = Sneak [3d8+6] = 4d8+41


First Attack: [0.9*55+0.05*79.5] = 53.475
Riposte Attack: [0.9*58+0.05*82.5] = 56.325
Riposte Attack: [0.9*59+0.05*83.5] = 57.275
Riposte < Opportunity
DPR= 53.475 + 56.325 = 109.8 [Riposte] 110.75 [OP]

KPR= DPR/(24+lvl*8) = 109.8/120 = 0.915


onecrazymojo said:
Got around to a lvl 12 version. Thief variant still beats out rogue version (by about 0.4 DPR).
Some assumptions:
-Your target is only adjacent to you.
-At 100g a pop and a minor action, you can afford to apply a Frozen Whetstone to the Bloodiron Dagger every combat at the start.
-Assuming frost vulnerability from the start is the norm here, so I went ahead and did the same. If you miss your target or attack a new one, subtract 4.75 from the expected damage. I should note that is a much more accurate real world value, since you will rarely need to attack the same monster more than once.
-I went ahead and rolled the bonus crit damage from Bloodiron into the base crit math (6d10 once instead of two iterations of 3d10). Same result, unless the bonus crit damage on the next turn still counts as having the cold keyword (since the original attack does). I don't believe it does, but if anyone knows otherwise I will adjust the math.
-The random +1.8 on the Riposte Strike crit math is from Acrobat's Trick (2*0.9).
-For clarity, the attack sequence is Riposte Strike (crit > Free MBA) [ hit > Riposte Interrupt/OA (crit > Free MBA)].

Lvl 12 Human Thief Daggermaster 22 Dex 18 Str
Feats- Cunning Stalker, Mark of Finding, Light Blade Exp, Nimble Blade, Backstabber, Silvery Glow, TW Fighting, TW Opening, Lasting Frost
Items- Bloodiron Dagger +3, Shard of Merciless Cold(Paragon), Frost Shortsword +2, Shard of Merciless Cold(Heroic), Gloves of Ice, Iron Armbands of Power(Heroic), Frozen Whetstones(Heroic)

Two Weapon Opening MBA
+23 Attack (6 Lvl, 6 Dex, 3 Prof, 2 Enh, 2 Feat, 2 CA, 1 NB, 1 WT) 90% Accuracy
d6+27 (6 Dex, 2 Enh, 3 Ft, 2 Itm, 3 WF, 2 LBE, 1 SMC, 2 GI, 1 TWF, 5 LF) 28-33 [30.5] | 35-45 [40] Crit
0.85*30.5 + 0.05*40 = 25.925 + 2 = 27.925

Riposte Strike
+24 Attack (6 Lvl, 6 Dex, 3 Prof, 3 Enh, 2 Feat, 2 CA, 1 NB, 1 WT) 95% Accuracy
d4+3d8+32 (6 Dex, 3 Enh, 3 Ft, 2 Itm, 3 WF, 2 LBE, 3 SMC, 2 GI, 2 FW, 1 TWF, 5 LF) 36-60 [48] | 66-120 [93] Crit
0.8*48 + 0.15*(93 + 27.925 + 1.8) = 38.4 + 18.409 = 56.809

Riposte Interrupt
+22 Attack (6 Lvl, 4 Str, 3 Prof, 3 Enh, 2 Feat, 2 CA, 1 NB, 1 WT) 85% Accuracy
d4+3d8+30 (4 Str, 3 Enh, 3 Ft, 2 Itm, 3 WF, 2 LBE, 3 SMC, 2 GI, 2 FW, 1 TWF, 5 LF) 34-58 [46] | 64-118 [91] Crit
0.7*46 + 0.15*(91 + 27.925) = 32.2 + 17.389 = 50.039*0.95 = 47.537

+24 Attack (6 Lvl, 6 Dex, 3 Prof, 3 Enh, 2 Feat, 2 CA, 1 NB, 1 WT) 95% Accuracy
d4+3d8+27 (6 Dex, 3 Enh, 3 Ft, 2 Itm, 3 WF, 2 LBE, 3 SMC, 2 GI, 2 FW, 1 TWF) 31-55 [43] | 61-115 [88] Crit
0.9*48 + 0.05*(93 + 27.925) = 43.2 + 6.046 = 49.246*0.95 = 46.784

DPR 103.593(OA) / 104.346(Riposte)

Edits: removed Pack Outcast, swapped out Vigilante Justice for Cunning Stalker. Normalized Lasting Frost on first attack.


odyssyus said:
Hello I have a new version of my old build (last one had a lot of holes in it).
Here are the things this build assumes that it's fay beast companion is always adjacent to the target, lasting frost applies to first hit and that it can charge each turn so here is the build i call him zeus (yes someone did just make a thor).

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
Thyrn, level 12
Gnoll, Ranger (Scout), Lyrandar Wind-Rider
Ranger Wilderness Knacks Option: Ambush Expertise (Ranger)
Ranger Wilderness Knacks Option: Beast Empathy (Ranger)
Two-Weapon Style Option: Flashing Blade Mastery
Level 4 Wilderness Knack Option: Watchful Rest (Ranger)
Level 8 Wilderness Knack Option: Wilderness Tracker (Ranger)
Associate: Trained Young Owlbear
Luskan (Luskan Benefit)
Theme: Fey Beast Tamer

STR 14, CON 20, DEX 22, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 9

STR 13, CON 15, DEX 17, INT 10, WIS 10, CHA 8

AC: 27 Fort: 24 Ref: 25 Will: 18
HP: 87 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 21

Acrobatics +16, Endurance +15, Nature +11, Stealth +17, Thievery +17

Arcana +6, Athletics +7, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +6, Heal +6, History +6, Insight +6, Intimidate +7, Perception +8, Religion +6, Streetwise +5

Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack
Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack
Gnoll Racial Power: Ferocious Charge
Ranger Utility: Aspect of the Charging Ram
Ranger Utility: Aspect of the Lurking Spider
Ranger Attack: Dual Weapon Attack
Multiple Class Attack: Power Strike
Ranger Utility: Aspect of the Pack Wolf
Ranger Utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Ranger Utility 5: Reactive Shift
Ranger Utility 6: Healing Lore
Endurance Utility 10: Reactive Surge
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Attack 11: Wind Burst
Lyrandar Wind-Rider Utility 12: Zephyr Wings

Level 1: Spiked Chain Training
Level 2: Mark of Storm
Level 4: Light Blade Expertise
Level 6: Nimble Blade
Level 8: Powerful Charge
Level 10: Two-Weapon Fighting
Level 11: Lightning Soul
Level 12: Lasting Frost

Lightning Spiked chain +3 x1
Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier) x1
Lancing Gloves x1
Horned Helm (heroic tier) x1
Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier)
Eberron Shard of Lightning (heroic tier)
Badge of the Berserker +2 x1
Magic Hide Armor +2 x1
====== End ======

So here is the attack break down

Melee basic attack
bonus to hit
+6 dex mod
+6 half level
+3 weapon proficiency
+3 weapon enchantment
+2 light blade expertise
+2 combat advantage
+1 nimble blade
+1 flashing blade
+1 charge bonus
+1 paragon path
total 26 vs AC chance to hit normally .9 chance to crit .05 chance to miss .05
and now for the damage
+6 dex mod
+3 weapon enchantment
+2 iron armbands of power
+1 two weapon fighting
+2 pack attack
+5 con mod from pargon path
+3 from lurking spider stance
+2 light blade expertise
+3 lightning soul
+5 lasting frost
+2 powerful charge
+2 lancing gloves
+2 frozen whetstone
+1 dragon shard
+2d4 weapon damage
+1d6 horned helm
+3d6 on a crit
damage calculations 2d4, 1d6+37 average damage 45.5 X chance to hit normally = 40.95 damage crit damage 61.5 X chance to crit .05 = 3.075 DPR = 44.025.
Now for dual weapon attack
bonus to hit
+6 dex mod
+6 half level
+3 weapon proficiency
+3 weapon enchantment
+2 light blade expertise
+2 combat advantage
+1 nimble blade
+1 flashing blade
+1 paragon path
total 25 vs AC chance to hit normal normally .9 chance to crit .05 but since you cant use dual weapon attack unless you hit with your melee basic attack you have to X these by your chance to hit with the melee basic attack so .9 X .95 = .855 and .05 X .95 = .0475
now for damage
+6 dex mod
+3 weapon enchantment
+2 iron armbands of power
+1 two weapon fighting
+2 pack attack
+5 con mod from pargon path
+3 from lurking spider stance
+2 light blade expertise
+3 lightning soul
+5 lasting frost
+2 improved dual weapon attack
+2 lancing gloves
+2 frozen whetstone
+1 dragon shard
+2d4 weapon damage
+3d6 on a crit
damage calculations 2d4+37 average damage 42 X .855 =35.91 crit damage 2.63 DPR = 38.54
now for the griffons claw attacks
bonus to hit
12 + 2 from combat advantage = 14 vs AC will hit on 12 but miss on 11 so 11 times .05 = .55 which means .4 chance to hit normally and .05 chance to crit
damage 2d6+10 plus 2 from fey beasts aura = 2d6+12
damage calculations 2d6+12 average damage 19 X .4 = 7.6 crit damage 24 X .05 = 1.2 DPR = 8.8 the griffon makes this attack twice so 17.6

Final calculations melee basic attack 44.025 + dual weapon attack 38.54 + griffons two claw attacks 17.6 = 100.165 DPR or .83 KPR
hope your still with me and if you see any problems with this build just let me now thanks.


Dzance said:
Not to steal 'thunder' from Ris71's excellent build... (Rapid Shot is a personal favorite of mine, too)

Presenting THOR !/!?!?!! --- (a sketch from his past, romping through Jotunheimr...)

(And in epic, he gets the one and only Hammer of Thunderbolts artifact AKA 'Mjolnir', but I digress)

Any suggestions?

====== Created by Me ======
Thor, level 12
Half-Elf, Ranger|Warden, First Hunter
Hybrid Warden Option: Hybrid Warden Will
Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Reflex
Background: TBD
Theme: Feybeast Trainer --- Thor travels around with lots of pets
Feybeast Trainer Pet: Young Owlbear
Hybrid Talent Option: Warden's Armored Might
Guardian Might Option: Earthstrength ???
Half-Elf Power Selection Option: Dilettante

STR 18, CON 22, DEX 09, INT 11, WIS 14, CHA 11

STR 15, CON 17, DEX 08, INT 10, WIS 13, CHA 10

AC: 28 Fort: 24 Ref: 21 Will: 21
HP: 102 Surges: 13 Surge Value: 25



Dilettante: Grappling Spirits (may use as RBA)
Ranger Attack: Rapid Shot (through Archery Mastery)
Warden at-will 1: Weight of Earth
Hybrid encounter 1: TBD
Hybrid daily 1: Form of TBD
Ranger utility 2: Invigorating Stride
Hybrid encounter 3: TBD
Ranger daily 5: Spitting Cobra Stance
Hybrid utility 6: TBD
Hybrid encounter 7: TBD
Hybrid daily 9: TBD
Hybrid utility 10: TBD
First Hunter Attack 11: First Hunter's Spear
First Hunter Utility 12: Marked Prey

Level 1: Hybrid Talent
Level 2: Bludgeon Expertise
Level 4: Archery Mastery
Level 6: Adept Dilettante
Level 8: Crippling Crush
Level 11: Versatile Master
Level 11: Primal Eye
Level 12: Icy Heart

Bracers of the Perfect Shot (heroic tier) x1
Eagle Eye Goggles (paragon tier) x1
Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon tier)
Amulet of Protection +2 x1
Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier) x18
Magic Hide Armor +1 x1
Magic Warhammer +3 x1
Gloves of Ice (paragon tier) x1
Heavy Shield x1
====== End ======

Set up is to move young owlbear next to group of enemies to provide combat advantage. Then bombard with Rapid Shot Grappling Spirits RBA's with the thrown magic warhammer (able to throw with First Hunter feature). Any enemy hit gets slowed by the RBA's triggering Crippling Crush bonus. Adept Dilettante lets Thor use his Constitution modifier to determine bonuses to attack and damage rolls. Invigorating Stride can heal owlbear and Thor via Second Wind in a pinch as a shift 2 encounter move action.

Rapid Shot, RBA Magic Warhammer:
+6 - half level
+6 - Con (Adept Dilettante Grappling Spirits)
+2 - Prof
+3 - Enhancement
+2 - Expertise
+2 - CA
+2 - First Hunter
+2 - Eagle Eye Goggles
-2 - Rapid Shot

+23 vs AC

Damage Per attack:
+5.5 - Average warhammer damage
+3 - Enhancement
+6 - Con - Adept Dilettante (Grappling Spirits)
+6 - Con - Crippling Crush (Grappling Spirits)
+4 - Str - Primal Eye
+6 - Con - First Hunter RBA
+2 - Whetstone
+3 - Icy Heart
+2 - Gloves of Ice
+2 - Bracer of Perfect Shot
+3 - Dragon Shard
+2 - Owlbear Aura


Crit Damage:
44.5 + 4.5 (max weapon die) + 10.5 (average of 3d6) = 59.5

Average DPR per attack = (.85*44.5) + (.05*59.5) = 40.8

DPR: 40.8*2.178 = 88.862 DPR
KPR: 88.862/120 = .74


draconisorion said:
Here is an updated version of Arrow (current level 12 DPR King). Please remember that the DPR and Nova are on a ranged character! It's very rare to see any ranged classes come close to their higher power melee cousins so I am proud that at this level it's possible to compete in the elite DPR ranks as an archer. =)

Big Props to LDB as his builds always inspire me and I just look for minor improvements to make on top.

84.0 DPR - Arrow (level 12) - [1, 6, 8]
Attack and Damage Math

Twin Strike
+24 to hit
+6 Level
+6 Dex
+2 Prof
+3 Enhance
+2 Expertise
+1 Prime Shot
+2 CA
+2 Hunt Master's Mark

+39.5 Damage
+6.5 Great Bow
+3 Enhance
+3 Silvery Glow
+5 Lasting Frost
+2 Bracers
+3 Syberys Shard
+2 Gloves
+2 Whetstone
+2 Prime Shot Weapon
+4 Battle Fury Stance
+5 Called Shot
+2 Bow Expertise

90% Chance to hit
5% Chance to crit
5% Chance to miss

Chance for 1 hit: 89.3%
Chance for 1 crit: 9.8%

DPR per Attack (0.9*39.5+0.05*55.5) = 38.325 DPR (x2)
DPR from Quarry (0.893*7+0.098*12) = 7.4175

Twin Strike = (+24 to hit, 1d12+39.5 damage) x2
Total DPR = 84.0675

Arrow level 12 DPR Build:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======

Arrow (DPR), level 12

Human, Fighter/Ranger, Huntmaster

Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude

Hybrid Talent Option: Ranger Combat Talent

Ranger Combat Talent Option: Prime Shot (Hybrid)

Human Power Selection Option: Heroic Effort

Auspicious Birth (Auspicious Birth Benefit)


STR 11, CON 11, DEX 23, INT 11, WIS 17, CHA 10


STR 10, CON 10, DEX 18, INT 10, WIS 14, CHA 9

AC: 22 Fort: 19 Ref: 23 Will: 20

HP: 91 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 22


Acrobatics +17, Athletics +13, Dungeoneering +14, Perception +14, Stealth +17


Arcana +6, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6, Endurance +6, Heal +9, History +6, Insight +9, Intimidate +6, Nature +9, Religion +6, Streetwise +6, Thievery +12


Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack

Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack

Human Racial Power: Heroic Effort

Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge

Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry

Fighter Attack 1: Weapon Master's Strike

Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike

Ranger Attack 1: Two-Fanged Strike

Ranger Attack 1: Skirmishing Stance

Fighter Utility 2: Battle Fury Stance

Ranger Utility 2: Begin the Hunt

Fighter Attack 3: Rain of Blows

Ranger Attack 3: Disruptive Strike

Fighter Attack 5: Nimble Bladestorm

Ranger Attack 9: Attacks on the Run

Fighter Utility 10: Fighter's Grit

Huntmaster Attack 11: Crimson Spear Strike

Huntmaster Utility 12: Brace for the Charge


Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Greatbow)

Level 1: Hunting Spear Student

Level 4: Hybrid Talent

Level 6: Bow Expertise

Level 10: Wintertouched

Level 11: Called Shot

Level 11: Sly Hunter

Level 12: Lasting Frost

Level 12: Silvery Glow


Prime Shot Greatbow +3 x1

Bracers of Archery (heroic tier) x1

Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon tier)

Gloves of Ice (paragon tier) x1

Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier) x 32

====== End ======

Also I made a level 12 Nova variation of Arrow for those that were curious if the build had nova potential

[Nova 458 average damage] Arrow (nova), level 12, [1,6,8]

Attack and Damage Math

+24 to hit
+6 Level
+6 Dex
+2 Prof
+3 Enhance
+2 Expertise
+1 Prime Shot
+2 CA
+2 Power Bonus from Begin the Hunt

+62 Damage
+5.5 Long Bow
+3 Enhance
+3 Silvery Glow
+5 Lasting Frost
+2 Bracers
+3 Syberys Shard
+2 Gloves
+2 Whetstone
+10.5 Lightning Arrows
+4 Battle Fury Stance
+5 Called Shot
+2 Bow Expertise

+9 Promise of Storm

90% Chance to hit
5% Chance to crit
5% Chance to miss

Attacks and Damage per attack

Attack Sequence:
Setup Round:
Minor: Apply Whetstone
Minor: Enter Battle fury stance
Minor: Activate Promise of Storm

Attack Round:
Minor: Sudden Bolt (54.5 Avg, apply lasting frost and grant CA)
Minor: Snap Shot (60 Avg)
Free: Flaming crossbow daily power (1d6+5)
Free: Drop crossbow
Free: Equip Quick Longbow (free action due to Fast Hands utility power)
Standard: Attacks on the Run (140 Avg)
Action Point: Two-Fanged Strike (120 Avg)
Free Action: Ranged Basic Attack (60 Avg, from quick weapon daily power)
Quarry + Sneak Attack+Flaming weapon: (24 Avg)

Total Nova Average Damage: 458 Average Damage Nova

And here is the Nova build:

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======

Arrow (Nova), level 12

Revenant, Ranger/Fighter, Cloaked Sniper

Hybrid Talent Option: Ranger Combat Talent

Ranger Combat Talent Option: Prime Shot (Hybrid)

Hybrid Ranger Option: Hybrid Ranger Fortitude

Choose your Race in Life: Genasi


STR 11, CON 16, DEX 22, INT 11, WIS 18, CHA 9


STR 10, CON 13, DEX 17, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 8

AC: 22 Fort: 21 Ref: 22 Will: 20

HP: 84 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 21


Acrobatics +17, Dungeoneering +15, Perception +15, Stealth +17, Thievery +17


Arcana +6, Athletics +6, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Endurance +11, Heal +10, History +6, Insight +10, Intimidate +7, Nature +10, Religion +6, Streetwise +5


Basic Attack: Melee Basic Attack

Basic Attack: Ranged Basic Attack

Revenant Utility: Dark Reaping

Hunter's Quarry Power: Hunter's Quarry

Fighter Attack: Combat Challenge

Genasi Racial Power: Promise of Storm

Ranger Attack 1: Twin Strike

Fighter Attack 1: Brash Strike

Ranger Attack 1: Skirmishing Stance

Fighter Attack 1: Bell Ringer

Ranger Attack 1: Two-Fanged Strike

Ranger Utility 2: Begin the Hunt

Thievery Utility 2: Fast Hands

Fighter Utility 2: Battle Fury Stance

Fighter Attack 5: Nimble Bladestorm

Rogue Attack 7: Snap Shot

Ranger Attack 9: Attacks on the Run

Cloaked Sniper Attack 11: Sudden Bolt

Cloaked Sniper Utility 12: Unseen Shot


Level 1: Sneak of Shadows

Level 2: Bow Expertise

Level 4: Silvery Glow

Level 6: Hybrid Talent

Level 8: Past Soul

Level 10: Novice Power

Level 11: Called Shot

Level 12: Lasting Frost


Gloves of Ice (paragon tier) x1

Siberys Shard of Merciless Cold (paragon tier)

Flaming Crossbow +1

Quick Longbow +3 x1

Bracers of Archery (heroic tier) x1

Lightning Arrow +3

Frozen Whetstone (heroic tier)

Ok, BIG couple of questions here regarding the Arrow build:
1) Why got Huntmaster if you are using a Greatbow? Huntmaster is all around a Great Spear
2) How are you getting Called Shot for the Level 11 added Feat and Silvery Glow, neither show up in CB for me.


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