Dragon Age: Origins [Assessing interest]

Voda Vosa

First Post
If WD takes the mage (healing) role, then I presume a mage striker, a fighter tank or a fighter striker, and rogues are all good choices, you stated that you liked rogues, so I say go ahead with that. I'll probably go for a dwarven fighter.

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Thy wounds are healed!
I have three pregens ready for flushing out:

Fereldan Freeman - Warrior - A former guard whose takin to living off the land. Doesn't like working for anyone but thereself so if something goes wrong they only have their self to blame. (Flushing out: Why did something go wrong? Were they givin a command they couldn't follow in their heart? Or do they think they can get more money without alot of extra hands in the money pouch?)COMBAT: focuses on sword and shield for melee and throwing (axes and spear) for ranged

Avvarian - Rogue - A compulsive gambler and is on the run for winning to much. Never pass up the oppurtinuity for some coin, but has taken to laying low in the wilds for now. (Flushing out: Do they cheat or is just that good? Is someone after them did they upset the wrong person, do they owe money?) COMBAT: focuses on not getting to close using bow and dog to keep enemies at bay till they are dead. When in melee likes to use a longknife (think Rambo :))

Apostate - Mage - A city elf who was very sick at birth and never fully recovered to this day. But this frail package packs an awsome punch when it comes to spellcasting. Just trying to survive in the world and hide from the circle of mages. (Flushing out: Was it truly a disease or the Fade that made them sick all these years. What woul dthey do if they ever had normal health. Does the circle know of them dop they follow if so?) COMBAT: All attack spells to harm someone nine ways till Sunday, if the right one don't get you thn the left one sure will.


Walking Dad

First Post
If WD takes the mage (healing) role, then I presume a mage striker, a fighter tank or a fighter striker, and rogues are all good choices, you stated that you liked rogues, so I say go ahead with that. I'll probably go for a dwarven fighter.

I just wanted to say that I was aiming for a balanced mage with the spell selection. I'm looking more toward Flame Blast & Winter's Grasp as next spells and not so heavily into support.

Also, as a circle mage, he will have some problems with an apostate...


Thy wounds are healed!
I thought you would VV, ;)

I also would like to see some interaction between a circle magic (not an extreme fanatic ) and an apostate, it's not like this poor character went out loooking for a Fade to do this to them. And both characters are elves, what if the apostate was female (hmmm very interesting).

All party of Rping if you want you could mix your backgrounds, be related the one brother trying to help "cure" the other, or maybe the circle mage owes the apostate a debt, was told to find such a person to study/watch them, etc. etc.


Voda Vosa

First Post
My rolls

3d6 → [1,1,6] = (8)->0
3d6 → [2,6,4] = (12)->2
3d6 → [6,5,5] = (16)->3
3d6 → [3,4,5] = (12)->2
3d6 → [3,1,3] = (7)->0
3d6 → [6,3,4] = (13)->2
3d6 → [6,5,5] = (16)->3
3d6 → [3,3,6] = (12)->2

I'll like to swap the 16 in cunning for the 12 in constitution.

Ability Focus rolls: 6 and 3

Health roll: 1d6: 3

Extra money: 3d6: 11

Character draft:
Ortrang, Dwarf Warrior

• Communication (08)->0
• Constitution  (16)->3+1(dwarf)
• Cunning       (12)->2
• Dexterity     (12)->2
• Magic         (7)->0
• Perception    (13)->2
• Strength      (16)->3
• Willpower     (12)->2

Ability Focus: 
• Constitution (Stamina)
• Communication (Persuasion)
• Strength (Axes)

Languages: Dwarven and Trade Tongue.

Class: Warrior

30+4+3: 37

Weapon groups:
• Brawling
• Axes
• Bows
• Bludgeons

• Dual Weapon Style (+1 defense or attack)
• Thrown weapon style (+1 to thrown weapons)
• Armor Training (Novice)

Battle Axe: +5 for 2d6+3
Throwing axe: +6 for 1d6+5
Crossbow: +2 for 2d6+3
Mace: +3 2d6+3

10+2(dex): 12

Speed: 8+2(dex)- 1(armor): 9

Armor Raiting: 4

Equipment: (Starting silver: 61)
• Backpack.
• Traveler’s garb.
• Waterskin.
• Heavy leather armor
• Battle axe
• Throwing axe
• Crossbow (with quiver with 20 bolts)
• Throwing axe (-10sp)
• Throwing axe (-10sp)
• Small Tent (-10sp)
• Torch (-10cp)
• Rope (-2sp)
• Flint and steel (-10cp)
• Beer x8 (-80cp)
• 2 weeks of Travel Rations (-4sp)
• Mace (-12sp)
• 12 SP remaining
Last edited:


Thy wounds are healed!
Well I only see a few things VV:

A) Weapon Groups - Warriors start with Brawling and get to chose three additional for a total of four
B) Starting Talents - A warrior gets two talents from the list (looks like you took only one) and Armor Training(novice)
C) Flint and Steel cost 10cp not 10sp

otherwise looks good


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