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[DRAGON / DUNGEON] Thank You! (Not a Rant)


Iconic Gnoll
Hey Paizo folks:


If it weren't for you there would be NO dragon or NO dungeon magazines!

Thank you for doinga great job so far. Thank you for putting up with whiny crap that you have so far. Thank you for acknowledging customers as real people. Thank you for being personal and taking time out of your busy day to read messages boards knowing full well that they are full of more complaints than anything else. Thank you for saving the longest lived, and greatest pairs of magazines from the inevitable bad judgement of coporate politics. Thank you for continuing to provide the BEST place for any up and coming creator and/or writer to get his or her start in this industry. Thank you for continuing the square bound format and the increased page count. Thank you for daily busting your hump to stay ahead of the current release schedules and publishing timely articles related to the current trend. Thank you for 12 issues a year of Dragon, and what, 6 issues of Dungeon a year? 6 issues which in each instance feature MORE content than your typical single adventure module. Thank you for the counters, even though I dont use them I think they are neat as hell. Thank you for the occasional poster map.

All in all, thanks.

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The EN World kitten
I also second that! I think the quality of the magazines as turned out by Paizo is just as good (if not better) than they were before. You guys rock!


What? Me Worry?
There is plenty to like about the current era of Dragon and Dungeon.

In Dragon, the Campaign Components articles have proven to be some of the best articles I've seen in Dragon in 20 years. I like the recent balance of features and departments. The artwork is uniformly good. The letters from readers - and the replies from the editors - are as fun to read now as they were a long time ago. I like the theme issues (maybe not every issue), and I think the ones that support an upcoming release from WotC are important because they often turn out to be the only support such products get (take the Epic issue as an example of this).

In Dungeon...well, I was one of the ENnies judges, and there was a reason it was nominated, and subsequently won, an ENnie. It's the best value of just about any game supplement out there. The adventures are uniformly of high quality. The recently introduced concepts, like Critical Threats, are very cool, and I like them a lot. The Polyhedron side of the mag is astoundingly cool - I absolutely love the d20 minigames.

Darrin Drader

I agree completely! I love the mini-games, I love the bi-monthly adventures, and I love the monthly dose of new rules content. Dragon and Dungeon are my favorite periodicals, and I will be renewing my subscriptions.
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Registered User
And also, thank you for killing the 13th issue!

But seriously, overall I really like the direction Dragon is taking. Previews of upcoming items are nice, but I'm going to review them myself anyway so it is not vital imho. On the other hand, the increase in crunchy bits (honor system, anyone?), roleplay-focused features (Swashbucklers of the world unite!) as well as how-to's (Make a barbarian/rogue along this progression for a nautical nightmare!) are really refreshing.

Whether WotC had started to turn directions or not before you guys took it over, I like the direction you are pointing.

Except for the Living Greyhawk crap, I could do without that wasted X pages per issue. Heh. Wouldn't be a Dragon reader without at least ONE complaint, now would I?

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