[Dragon Earth]Dragon Evolution: Early Evolution


The Permian Extinction

The Permian Extinction was the greatest extinction event in Earth’s history. Close to 95% of all marine species went extinction, as well as some 85% of all terrestrial life forms. Two of the hardest hit groups among the latter were the therapsids and the thecodonts. This loss in number and diversity opening the way for monotremes and mammals in the case of the former, and pterodactyls, dinosaurs, crocodilians, lung, and dragons in the case of the latter.

There is one possible dragon ancestor from this time. A medium sized crocodile like terrestrial predator that probably weighed about 60 pounds all told. However, it apparently went extinct some 10 million years before the end of the Permian. If it is ancestral to dragons there’s probably one or more transitional forms between it and the first proto-dragons of the Early Triassic.

The Early Triassic

This was a time of transition. The once dominant therapsids and thecodonts were giving way to the new dinosaurs. The new species of therapsids would be smaller, more furtive than their ancestors. Eventually to give way to the early mammals. One line of thecodonts also became small and furtive, but taking to the primitive trees instead of taking up a burrowing life as the therapsids were doing.

They looked much like a modern day lizard, with spawling limbs and a thick tail. They were quadrapeds, the mid-limbs having yet to evolve. Insectivores, they haunting the Triassic forest canopy, making rare trips to the forest floor if they made any at all.

The Mid-Limbs

When mid-limbs appeared among the proto-dragons is not known. Since those proto-dragons with such (not all did, even in the Early Jurassic) had fairly advanced limbs, it is possible the mutation or mutations that gave some proto-dragon lines an extra pair of legs occurred sometime in the Middle or Late Triassic. Just how it happened is a matter of some debate, but recent work on regulatory genes in tetrapods seems to indicate a change to one or more of the family of Vox genes; a group shown to be instrumental in embryological development. So popular recreations of Triassic Era scenes with six-legged ‘lizards’ may not be that far off.

(We now end this look at dragon evolution on the world of Dragon Earth. Next time we’ll be dealing with dragons in the Jurassic, and the threat posed to them by the first primates.)

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Inventor of Super-Toast
Cool. I've always had a fondness for the biology of fantasy creatures. Is this from a campaign you run, a Story Hour promotion, or just something because it's interesting?

Demiurge out.


It's from a work in progress. It's also me having fun with popular science books.:) The whole thing got started as a take off on the Ultimate Guide to... series of specials on the Discovery Channel. Then got morphed into my idiosyncratic version of the Walking with Dinosaurs and Walking with Beasts series from the BBC. It is, in short, a natural history of dragons if dragons existed on a modern day Earth where D&D style dragons could exist.

This is a restart on the project. This time around I expect to actually finish the damn thing and offer it as a PDF via my site.

I'm A Banana

I'm thinking that there should be more than dragons....

This is Walking With Monsters, basically...and dragons wouldn't evolve in a vacuum....

So there are a few multi-legged lizards out there other than dragons. Basilisks, for instance...or Behir (which could VERY EASILY be a proto-dragon). Now, if perhaps a species of arboreal basilisks fused their two middle limbs into a wing to aid their leaps between trees....perhaps there's some middle ground, a small, winged basilisk....maybe the Cockatrice is even an offshoot of the same evolutionary line....

Now we have the Magical Beasts as a transition between Animals and Dragons...ne?

Or is this too fantastical for you? ;)


Mod Squad
Staff member
Kamikaze Midget said:
Now we have the Magical Beasts as a transition between Animals and Dragons...ne?

ne. Too many magical beasts are too close to non-dragons to make that plausible. Magical beast bird types and magical beast mammal types and magical beast fish types, all sit between dragons and non-magical animals? Not very plausible.


Inventor of Super-Toast
I don't think what KM is saying is that all magical beasts sit as a missing link between animals and dragons, more like there were magical fish, which evolved into magical amphibians, which evolved into magical reptiles, which evolved in different tracks, such as magical birds, magical mammals and dragons as well.

Demiurge out.


demiurge1138 said:
I don't think what KM is saying is that all magical beasts sit as a missing link between animals and dragons, more like there were magical fish, which evolved into magical amphibians, which evolved into magical reptiles, which evolved in different tracks, such as magical birds, magical mammals and dragons as well.

Demiurge out.

Actually, I dropped beasts and magical beasts entirely. Dragons are animals with magical abilities, but animals. All will become clear as the series progresses.

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