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Dragonball After Z

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Wesley Montoya
Casual (Wesley thinks he's so good that he doesn't NEED to try. He's not actually LAZY, just unmotivated and overall bored, at least until he finds something to finally challenge him.)
Power - Announce that you have to be serious for a second. May instantly exchange one card from hand with card from Aura, or instantly put top card of game deck into aura.

strength: 10(7+3 Earth) *Attacks Mind*
speed: 15 *Attacks Skill*
mind: 11 *Attacks Strength*
skill: 20(17+3 Gravity) *Attacks Speed*
energy: 5 *Attacks Energy*

Powerup: 3
Aura: 6

Spades *Passive* Fighting Spirit 4:
-Powerup 3, Aura 6, Overpower 22, Powerup Wildcard(All), Transform Unlock x2, Upkeep1
Clubs *Active* Serenity (Earth) 3:
- +3 Strength, Transform Unlock, Inflict Paralyze(3 card combo or 2 card block)
Diamonds *Active* Pressure Points (Gravity) 3:
- +3 Skill, Inflict Paralze(2 card combo or block), Signature Option
Hearts *Active* Lucky (Special sense) 1:

Signature Moves:
Kung Fu Fighting -you amaze and outdo your opponent by revealing that you actually DO know what you're doing!
Attribute: Skill; Technique: Pressure(Alter) Option: variable tactics (Skill/Strength)
Base Attack 10 +3/PT
2PT- Attacks Skill; 3PT- Trick; 4PT- Attacks Strength, +10 ATK; 6PT- Intense Trick; 8Pt- Intense Paralyze; 9PT- Ignore Skill Overpower; 12PT- Intense Wide Open

Kamehamehadoken - An energy blast so impressive and reminiscent of legend that it leaves the foe feeling Inadequate.. if they can still feel at all.
Attribute: Energy; Technique: Serenity(Avalanche)
Base Attack 10 +3/PT
3PT- Drain; 4PT- Intense Hopeless; 6PT- Intense Drain; 8Pt- +10 DEF; 9PT- Ignore Energy Overpower; 12PT- Intense Berserk

Secret Agent Man(Bonus fully powered card after sucessful scout)
Realm Elite (+1 free PT to all SM's after the first in a battle)

Fan Club
Hobby: Romance
Call-in: Cheering(Remove Intense SE)
Level 1: Remove Intense Trick
Level 2: Remove Intense Trick or Drain
Level 3: Remove Intense Trick, Drain, or Wide Open

Hobby: Romance
Call-in: You're Better than this! (Transformation Assist)
Level 1: Reduce cost of transforming by 2PT (Min 1)
Level 2: Reduce by 3PT (Min 1)
Level 3: Reduce by 4PT (Min 1)

Interaction: Comfort 1 , Deceive 1 , Romance 3,
Action: Excercise 1, Science 1

1 Form, 5 stages. (3 Unlocked)
Stage 1: That almost hit me! *2 bonuses + Inherent*
-Inherent: +1 draw +1 powerup + Amazing Skill(+4/lvl)
-Reserve Power(Draw 3 cards after gaining PT from damage, one auto powers up)
-Signature Move Mastery(gain extra PT to SM = current stage, +1 value counter or burst)
Stage 2: Guess I'll Start Trying. *2 bonuses*
-Hyper Powerup 2(+4 Powerup/Aura/Expend value)
Stage 3: Did I mention I CAN use Energy? *2 bonuses*
-Energy Equalization(Energy becomes 25)
-Serenity Combo Flow(Clubs don't interupt Technique combos)
Stage 4: I'm not left handed! *3 bonuses*
-Dangerous Skill (+aura to skill)
-Pressure Combo Flow(Diamonds don't interupt Technique combos)
-Lucky Power Focus(No cardplay bonuses, Hearts become Wildcards for Combo/Block)
Stage 5: OK, the Gloves are off! *4 bonuses*
-Ultimate Form(+1 draw, +2 powerup, +5 overpower, +2PT on SM's)
-Energy Nova(+10 Energy and Energy Overpower)
-Down, Not Out (+1 Call-in, +10 heal, damage reduction)
-Amazing Energy(+4/lvl)


First Post
Age: 15
Height: 5ft
Weight: 82lb
Hair: mid length, spiky, dark red with grey streaks
skin color: very pale white

Archetype: None shall stand in my way! (I Fight for Fun)
strength: 6 *Attacks energy*
speed: 6 (3+3 Gravity) *Attacks mind*
mind: 26 (20 + 3 Poison + 3 Plant) *Attacks strength*
skill: 6 *Attacks skill*
energy: 20 (20) *Attacks speed*

Powerup: 2
Aura: 3 (+1 from Obvious Foreigner)

Spades *Passive* Mystic Arts 2

Diamonds *Active* Dark Tendrils (Plant) 3
The work horse of the dark ki user, Dark Tendrils compensates for the crippled physical condition of the user. It creates dark tentacles that emerge from the user and allows them to manipulate their surroundings. Its most common use is to create limbs for attacking that can produce great physical force while draining the life essence of its victims resulting in a decrease of their combat abilities. Dark Tendrils is the most devastating of a dark ki fighters attacks, as the dark ki is extremely concentrated.

Clubs *Active* Dark Supression (Gravity) 3
A thick form of dark ki that can be fired at long distances and explode. The energy does not disperse and clings to the surface of anything or anyone it hits. Like all other dark ki based attacks, it drains away the life force of living beings near it. The true deadly nature of Dark Suppresion however is that it weighs down those caught in it and handicaps there ability to attack or move properly.

Hearts *Active* Dark Miasma (Poison) 3
Rather than concentrating the deadly dark ki into a direct attack, users of the lost technique can instead simply release it in a dark aura around them. Instead of attempting to hit there opponent straight out this attack allows them to simply hold their opponent at bay as the ki works its destructive degenerative effects on there bodies for them. The closer other lifeforms get to the user while this technique is being used, the more it eats away at them and cripples their ability to fight. This provides the user with both a defensive edge against close range attackers, and offensive power against the quicker foes adept at dodging other Dark Ki techniques.

Signature Moves:
Dark Infusion: Plant: Grow (energy) (Crippling Strike, Draining Strike, Tricking Strike, Lingering)
Dark Tendrils are channeled streams of dark ki. If there user manages to latch on to an opponent with them they can unleash a wave of the dark ki directly into their opponents body. This attack is not overly destructive, for the concentrated energy leaving the users body needs to have a low damage potential or it will kill the user. But the energy massivly disrupts the natural flow of its victim, which can render the opponent powerless for a period of time. The user can augment the attack by collecting more destructive energy outside of his body, but this requires time and foresight that can be difficult to get in a combat situation. Should the user collect enough power to do this however, the results can devastating.

Death Fog: Poison: Dissolve (mind)
Dark Ki eats away at every aspect of a living being's existance. The user can focus the ki to consume the body, spirit, ki, and very essence of those who are near it. This results in a scary combination of damage and hinderance that allows the user to widdle an opponent down and beat them over time. Sometimes though, a battle requires a quick and brute force ending. This need resulted in the creation of the death fog. Instead of working away at all or most of the target, the user focuses the dark ki to simply consume there physical bodies. This creates a deadly fog that dissolves anyone who is unfortunate enough to find themselves within it. Not as elegant as other dark ki attacks, but it is simple and effective.

Obvious Foreigner: Corbin looks very strange for a human, gaunt and pale as if he was wasting away, and yet a fire burns in his eyes that would strike away any thoughts that he was not long for this world. In addition, he employs a power not seen by most outside the island he once called home.

Untapped Strength (Realm Elite): One of the reasons Corbin has taken to dark ki so well is that he has a huge well of energy hidden inside of him that he does not know about. This well sustains him, even when they dark ki is attempting to devour him. It also lets him call out more energy even when he would normally wear himself down.

Master Xin - Corbin's teacher in the ways of dark ki.
Hobby: Mystic
Master's Intimidation (Inflict Hopeless): Master Xin always knew that the powers of dark ki were too dangerous to be tossed around casually. Even with his level of control collateral damage can sometimes be unavoidable. So he decided that instead of using force to get what he needed he would master the art of overwhelming people simply his prescence. This policy made life very hard on the pupils he trained. Knowing that the same approach would be handy for his trainees, he altered the seals that he placed within them to store some of his ki. When they use their dark ki in battle, or when they simply need to convince a person to aid or not stand in their way, they ki leaks out and sends a horrifying image of Xin into its victims. This results in scaring them into cooperation without having the pupils resort to violence.
Level 1: Inflict Hopeless
Level 2: Inflict Lingering Hopeless
Level 3: Inflict Intense Hopeless

Zack - Corbin's kidnapped training partner
Hobby: Exercise
Driven (Signiture Move Boost): Corbin's need to find and rescue his friend before he is killed or corrupted by their rival dark ki users wells up a surge of power and determination within him. When an obstacle blocks Corbin's path, this surge comes forth and gives him the strength to knock it from his path before it can hinder him on his quest.
Level 1: +2 pt
Level 2: +3 pt
Level 3: +5 pt

Interaction: Frighten 2 , Inspire 1
Action: Exercise 2, Mystic 2

Dark Seals: In order to help his pupils learn to control the energy provided by using dark ki, Master Xin has their abilities locked away by seals that can only be unlocked by Dark Ki users of a specific skill level. As they master their control over the dark element, they overcome these barriers and tap into an unimaginable wealth of power within themselves without unintentionally destroying the world around them. Only by unlocking the final seal can they finally call themselves dark ki masters.
(Transformation: 1 Form, 5 Stages, 0 unlocked)
Seal 1: +1 Draw, +1 Powerup, Amazing Energy, Skill Equalization, Signature Move Mastery
Seal 2: Reserve Power, Flexible Attack (Mind vs Mind)
Seal 3 3: Amazing Skill, Energy Nova
Seal 4: Gravity Power Focus, Advanced Poison Combat Flow, Down but never Out
Seal 5: Ultimate Form, Advanced Plant Combat Flow, Advanced Plant Combat Flow, Hyper Power Up [/sblock]

Far away from normal civilization, there is an island known as Dhrakma's Graveyard that contains practitioners of an ancient dark art. This art, known as dark ki, could break down the essence of any living beings and convert it into pure energy. When dark ki users flourished on the island it soon became devoid of all plant and animal life as the dark energy savaged the countryside. The dark arts they used often attracted those with evil tendancys or no morals and as such only those who were evil had any power. Peasants lived in terror as the dark ki users fought for control over the island all the time.

Master Xin was a peasant who was determined to end all that. He went off to learn the dark arts, but was intent on using its evil powers for good. He studied the art and constantly worked on ways to refine it to be less destructive on the outside world and be more focused instead on hindering and defeating the enemy. In the end, Xin even convinced his master to switch to his rendition of the mystical art, and the good rendition of dark ki was born. Teaching this to the other peasants on the island allowed them to raise an army and fight the evil dark ki users until finally the island was split in half. The side of the good ki users began to flourish again as they replanted and began caring for the land. The other side of the island remained baron and lifeless.

Corbin was an orphan entrusted into Master Xin's care. Along with Zack, the son of the ruling family of their half of Dhrakma's Graveyard, he trained vigilanty to master the art of dark ki. The training took place deep inside a cave in order to keep them far away if their powers went out of control. The first stage of dark ki training was the unlocking ritual which converts the user production of natural ki into dark ki. At this stage the ki then begins devouring the user. If they do not learn how to control the ki and direct it at other things they will die within a few days. Even if they are successful however, the effects of the draining will leave them permantly weak physicaly. If they survive, they then need to learn how to suppress the dark ki in order to prevent it from destroying the world around them.

Once Corbin and Zack completed this stage, they began to learn how to direct the ki to destroy their targets, as well as simply hindering aspects of them in order to defeat them easily. Now they were capable of fighting with their newfound dark powers. Unfortunatly they were never able to finish the training as Zach was kidnapped and whisked away far from the island by the evil dark ki users. Corbin was determined to get his friend back, so he left the island and his master and started his journey to rescue Zack. [/sblock]
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First Post
Backstory: Frieza's race, a once proud, powerful, but harsh race. It was hell to be born as one of them for death was certain for many. Those that did survive grew up highly trained and powerful. The royal family ran the infamous Planet Trade Organization, and spread terror across the northern galaxy. The race's true name was never found out, nor did it matter since the death of the royal family by some monkeys. It was with Frieza's intentions to eradicate the monkeys in fear of a legend that came true, and destroyed his race. Without the royal family to keep order and spread the power, the race became erased and forgotten. There are some stragglers here and there that try to rise up to the royal family's power and that's where Frost comes in.

Frost was born weak but with a good outlook in the Planet Trade Organization. He had a problem with his transformations, and was more merciful and nicer than most of his people. His team would pick up the slack for his kindness. Things were looking out for him until one day where he was mortally wounded on his first mission. He almost gave up his life so that his group could successfully take a planet. Instead of leaving him to die, he was given a second chance. Utilizing technology the organization brought him back more powerful than before. he preached that synthetic modifications could bring his people to greater heights, but his beliefs were shot down. No one wanted to be turned into a cyborg willingly. Being a valuable asset to the organization he was given the boring far away tasks, which is probably the reason he is alive. He along with the power of his race disappeared admist the chaos. Centuries pass and he returns to bring back his people to their former glories through the use of synthetic modifications, bring back the organization, and eradicate anything connecting to the monkeys! None of the stragglers of his people could refuse him now, but is this what he truly wants?

Name: Frost
Height: 153 cm
Weight: 90.8 kg
Sex: Male
Skin: Blue, silver carapaces some with spikes, Silver horns, and some old black mixed Planet Trade Technology replacing some body parts
Powerup and Aura colour: Black
Archetype: Troubled Antihero
Archetype Power: The character loses their cool for a second and powers through an enemy that’s resisting them. You can draw 1 card from the game deck. You can draw additional cards (for a total of three) conditionally. You can draw an additional card if your attack last round hit any damage barrier, or if your attack last round hit the deadly or final category barrier.

Strength: 22(15+7 Super Strength) Attacks Strength
Speed: 10 Attacks Energy
Mind: 10 Attacks Skill
Skill: 10 Attacks Mind
Energy: 10 Attacks Speed

Spade's Passive: We ... never ... DIE! (Fighting Spirit) Rank 4:
Powerup Score is 3, Aura 6, Powerup Wildcard (all), Transformation unlock x2, Retain one fighting spirit card in aura between battles, Upkeep costs is reduced by 1 PT, Overpower 22

Heart's Active: Super Strength Rank 5:
Super Strength Combos gain x5 Attack Boost and Super Strength blocks gain x5 Defense Boost, Expend 5 to 10 heart card in aura to add half the value to attack or defense, +2 attack and defense during a round in which anyone is suffering from cripple or intense cripple, signature move option, Bone Crusher: 2-card super strength combos inflict cripple, +7 Str, Super Strength Smash: All attacks with strength recieve +2

Diamond's Active: Synthetic Modifications (Gadget) Rank 1:
Gadget Combos gain x1 Attack Boost and Gadget blocks gain x1 Defense Boost

Club's Active: Death Ki (Death) Rank 1:
Death Combos gain x1 Attack Boost and Death blocks gain x1 Defense Boost

Powerup: 3
Aura: 7 (6 from Fighting Spirit, 1 from Obvious Foreigner)

Signature Moves:
Defensive Beatdown: Standing proudly and intimidatingly, waiting for the opponent to react first then counter and strike!
Attribute: Strength, Technique: Super Strength (Endure)
Base Attack 10, +3 per PT
3 PT: Inflict Cripple, 4 PT: +10 Attack, 6 PT: Inflict Intense Cripple, 8 PT: +10 Defense, 9 PT: Ignore Strength overpower Limit, +12 PT: +10 Defense

Merciless Assault: Enough with the standing proudly and waiting, use those synthetic modifications to break the enemy!
Attribute: Speed, Technique: Gadget (Overload)
Base Attack 10, +3 per PT
3 PT: Inflict Paralyze, 4 PT: +10 Attack, 6 PT: Inflict Intense Paralyze, 8 PT: +10 Attack, 9 PT: Ignore Speed Overpower Limit, 12 PT: +10 Attack

Death Grasp: Extends a hand forward in the form of a grasping hand, charging up some death ki to blast forward a large dark handa to shown terror and horror to the enemy.
Attribute: Energy, Technique: Death (Entropy)
Base Attack 10, +3 per PT
3 PT: Inflict Drain, 4 PT: +10 Attack, 6 PT: Inflict Intense Drain, 8 PT: Inflict Intense Hopeless, 9 PT: Ignore Energy Overpower Limit, 12 PT: Inflict Intense Terror

1 form, 5 stages (2 Unlocked)
As the stages go higher, height and weight changes along with the technology growing and shifting till it envelopes the body. Any Silver carapace covered stays the same colour

Stage 1: second form - Just grows to 168 cm and weight goes to 113.4 kg
*Locked*+1 Draw from the game deck, +1 to powerup, Amazing Strength (+4 Str/lvl)
Hyper Powerup
Reserve Power

*Locked*Stage 2: Third Form - The Technology parts start to shift to cover the head, height: 183 cm, weight: 136.1 kg
Mind Equalization (Mind = 25)
Amazing Mind (+4 Mind/lvl)

*Locked* Stage 3: Fourth Form! - Technology shifts to cover upper body, height: 199 cm, weight: 158.8 kg
Final Strength (+10 Strength, Strength Overpower +10, Inflicting Cripple becomes Intense Cripple)
Light Speed (+10 Speed, Speed Overpower +10, Inflicting Paralyze becomes Intense Paralyze)

*Locked* Stage 4: Fifth Form! WHAT? - Technology envelopes the body, height: 214 cm, weight: 181.5 kg
Amazing Skill (+4 Skill/lvl)
Amazing Speed (+4 Speed/lvl)
Perfect Talent (+10 Skill, Skill Overpower +10, Inflicting Trick becomes Intense Trick)

*Locked* Stage 5: I HAVE A SIXTH FORM!? - Silver Carapace turns to gold, height: 244 cm, weight: 226.8 kg
Ultimate Form
Down, But Never Out
Energy Nova (+10 Energy, Energy Overpower +10, Inflicting Terror becomes Intense Terror)
Amazing Energy (+4 Energy/lvl)

*Equiped* Chang-... Arcos-... An Alien of Frieza's Race (Obvious Foreigner): Increase your aura by 1.
Robotic Eye (Ki Detection Device): Increase your final defense by 3 when you are attacked by Energy.

Disgraced Defeat (Transformation Assist):
The memory burned in all of the race, the history of the great defeat of the royal family. All by the hands of a stupid monkey! Some use this memory to drive them forward and bring back the glory of their race to their once rightful place: The dominant race!
Level 1: Reduce Transforming this round by 2 PT, to a minimum of 1
Level 2: Reduce Transforming this round by 3 PT, to a minimum of 1
Level 3: Reduce Transforming this round by 4 PT, to a minimum of 1

*Equiped* Fight beyond last breath! (Healing):
This race has a knack for never giving up ... even when one is chopped off in half by his own technique ...
Level 1: Heal 5
Level 2: Heal 10
Level 3: Heal 15

Inspire: 1, Frighten: 1, Deceive: 1
Action: Craft: 1, Exercise: 1


First Post
Archetype: Antihero(Power: Draw 1 card+Conditional)

strength: 11 *Attacks Skill*
speed: 9 *Attacks Speed*
mind: 10(7+3 Technique) *Attacks Strength*
skill: 11 *Attacks Mind*
energy: 20 (17+3 Technique) *Attacks Energy*

Powerup: 2
Aura: 8

-Spades *Passive* Control Ki 4
Powerup 2, Aura 8, 1 Signature move Option, Combo Flow (2 types), Transform Unlock, retain 1 passive card in aura between battles, Upkee cost reduced by 1.
-Clubs *Active* Special Sense 3
X1 attack/defense combo, 2 card combo/block inflicts drain , +3 Mind, Transform Unlock
-Diamonds *Active* Defensive Fire (Earth) 3
X1 attack/defense combo, 3 card combo/2 card block inflicts paralyze, +3 Energy, Transform Unlock
-Hearts *Active* Offensive Fire (Fire) 1
X1 attack/defense combo

Signature Moves:
Name: Life Syphon - Drains others while boosting my attack.
Attribute: Energy ; Technique: Fire - Blaze Option: Vampiric Move
Base Attack 10 +3/PT +2 Heal/PT
3PT- Inflict Drain ; 4PT- +10 Attack ; 6PT- Intense Drain ; 8Pt- +10 Attack ; 9PT- Ignore Energy Overpower; 12PT- +10 Attack

Name: Kidney Punch!! - Kidney punch, kidney punch, kidney punch!!
Attribute: Speed ; Technique: Special Sence - Deprive
Base Attack 10 +3/PT
3PT- Inflict Paralyze ; 4PT- Inflict Intense Drain ; 6PT- Inflict Intense Paralyze ; 8Pt- +10 Attack ; 9PT- Ignore Speed Overpower; 12PT- +10 Attack

1 Forms, 5 stages. (3 Unlocked)
1st stage: Blazing Speed
- +1 draw, +1 Powerup, Amazing Energy,
- Speed Equalization
- Enhanced Defensive Fire(Diamonds)
2nd Stage: Power Up
- Status Resist(Drain)
- Enhanced Special Sense(Clubs)
- Energy Nova
- Signature Move Mastery
4th Stage: That's it!!!!!
- Hyper Powerup
- Dangerous Form: Energy
- Down but never out
5th Stage: Okay, I'm done..
-Ultimate Form
- Dangerous Form: Mind
- Dangerous Form: Strength
- Dangerous Form: Speed

Bunny Girl (Warrior Moonkey) -
Energetic (Substitute Guardian Angel) -

Hobby: Romance
Call-in: Damage
Level 1: +7
Level 2: +15
Level 3: +25

Hobby: Decieve
Call-in: Signature Move Boost
Level 1: +2 PT to SM
Level 2: +3 PT to SM
Level 3: +5 PT to SM

Interaction: Inspire 0, Frighten 2, Deceive 2, Romance 1
Action: Sneak 2

Voidrunner's Codex

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